Cosmetic Surgery For Dummies
by R. Merrel Olesen, MD and Marie B.V. Olesen
Cosmetic Surgery For Dummies
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About the Authors
R. Merrel Olesen, MD, is medical director of the La Jolla (Calif.) Cosmetic Surgery Centre, which he founded in 1988. Dr. Olesen, the former head, Division of Plastic Surgery at Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, holds dual board certifications from the American Board of Medical Specialties in plastic surgery and otolaryngology (head and neck surgery). Dr. Olesen completed surgical residencies at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, NYC, and the University of Michigan Medical Center. He has over 35 years of surgical experience. Dr. Olesen is a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).
While Dr. Olesens busy cosmetic surgery practice attests to his surgical skill, he is known among his plastic surgery colleagues for his industry-transforming work in patient education. He authored patient-friendly informed consent and patient education materials that are used by over 950 plastic surgeons and have been translated into five languages.
As a double-boarded plastic surgeon, Dr. Olesen hopes that he has represented facial plastic surgeons fairly in this book, as he loved practicing ten years as a head and neck surgeon before training to become a plastic surgeon.
Marie B.V. Olesen is the vice president of Inform Solutions, a cosmetic surgery consulting company that is a subsidiary of Mentor Corporation. She is a national speaker and plastic surgery practice consultant. Marie teaches innovative customer service principles that enable plastic surgery practices to better serve cosmetic surgery patients. She has worked in healthcare management for over 25 years and holds a degree in public administration from San Diego State University.
In the late 1980s, Marie began surveying cosmetic surgery patients and found that they wanted better information and higher levels of participation in their surgical experience. She created a patient communication system that greatly enhanced patient satisfaction and developed metrics to measure practice success.
To enable other practices to use the patient education materials and systems they developed, the Olesens founded Inform Solutions, where Marie was the architect of two software programs used by plastic surgery practices to communicate with their cosmetic surgery patients.
Both Olesens are extremely concerned about the inherent dangers to the consumer in the current cosmetic surgery marketplace. These feelings have been a powerful stimulus toward the writing of this book. They are donating 50 percent of the proceeds of this book to charitable causes.
We want to dedicate this book to our beloved mothers. Sally Bonvillain, who died recently after a wonderful life, was an incredibly positive person who always encouraged us in our work and our life. Lucile Olesen, who at 93, retains all of her mental, visual, and writing skills, is a world-class human being, adored by everyone who knows her.
Authors Acknowledgments
Traci Cumbay, project editor, and Tina Sims, copy editor, at Wiley Publishing have prodded and pushed us into writing a book that we hope will be useful to anyone considering cosmetic surgery. As nonprofessional writers, we have found the process harder than it looks. Their efforts have made a real difference.
A number of colleagues have contributed significantly to the medical information in this book. All busy with their own practices, they took time to heed our calls and to help make this a better book. Some of them already work in our practices, and we wish that they all could. Kudos to Lori Saltz, MD; Michael Roark, MD; Robert Kearney, MD; Johan Brahme, MD; Louis Bonaldi, MD; and Joe Bauer, MD all plastic surgeons. Special thanks to Richard Fitzpatrick, MD, dermatologist, and to Gary Williams, MD, PhD, rheumatologist. We especially wish to give recognition to the members of Anesthesia Medical Group, who contribute so much to the care of patients in our practice and added their expertise: Andrew Heinle, MD; Gerald Haas, MD; Stuart Young, MD; Dayle OConner, MD; and Peter McElfresh, MD.