Finding Peace Through Letting Go
Leader Guide
by John P. Gilbert
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To the Group Leader
Welcome! In this study, you have an exciting opportunity to learn and grow with a group of Christians seeking to understand just what forgiveness isand what it isnt.
Youll be leading the group, but always remember that you are also one of the learners. Your job is not to judge answers or grade responses but to facilitate the groups study and to engage in the learning process yourself.
The aim of the study is to explore the topic of forgivenessin our relationship with God, with our spouses or romantic interests, with our parents and siblings, and with others in our lives. The four-session study is made up of several components:
Adam Hamiltons book Forgiveness: Finding Peace Through Letting Go;
a DVD in which Hamilton, using stories and Scripture, presents and expands upon key points from the book;
this leader guide.
Using these components, you will lead the members of your group over the course of four sessions to examine the topic of forgiveness in the Bible and in our lives. For groups that would like a fifth session, this guide includes a list of discussion questions for the Epilogue.
Session Format
Because no two groups are alike, this guide has been designed to give you flexibility and choice in tailoring the sessions for your group. The session activities are listed below. You may choose any or all, adapting them as you wish to meet the schedule and needs of your particular group.
Getting Started
Session Goals
Opening Prayer
Opening Activity
Learning Together
Video Study and Discussion
Book Study and Discussion
Bible Study and Discussion
Wrapping Up
Closing Activity
Closing Prayer
Helpful Hints
Preparing for the Session
Become familiar with the material before the group session. Read the book chapter and watch the video segment.
Choose the session elements you will use during the group session, including the specific discussion questions you plan to cover.
Secure a TV and DVD player in advance.
Oversee room setup. Ideally, group members should be seated around a table or in a circle so that all can see each other. Moveable chairs are best, because the group will be breaking up into small teams.
Bring a supply of Bibles for those who forget to bring their own. Having a variety of translations is helpful.
Make paper and pens or pencils available at each session, and encourage group members to bring their own notepads.
You will also need a chalkboard, a white board, or an easel with paper for each session.
Setting the Tone
Begin and end on time.
Be enthusiastic! Create a climate of participation, encouraging individuals to participate, as they feel comfortable.
Communicate the importance of group discussions and group exercises.
If no one answers at first during discussions, do not be afraid of a silence. Count silently to ten; then say something such as, Would anyone like to go first? If no one responds, venture an answer yourself and ask for comments.
Model openness as you share with the group. Group members will follow your example. If you limit your sharing to a surface level, others will follow suit.
Encourage multiple answers or responses before moving on.
Ask, Why? or Why do you believe that? to help continue a discussion and give it greater depth.
Affirm others responses with comments such as Great or Thanks or Good insightespecially if this is the first time someone has spoken during the group session.
Give everyone a chance to talk, but keep the conversation moving. Moderate to prevent a few individuals from doing all the talking.
Monitor your own contributions. If you are doing most of the talking, back off so that you do not train the group to listen rather than speak up.
Remember that you do not have all the answers. Your job is to keep the discussion going and encourage participation.
Managing the Session
Honor the time schedule. If a session is running longer than expected, get consensus from the group before continuing beyond the agreed-upon ending time.
Consider involving group members in various aspects of the group session, such as playing the DVD, saying prayers, or reading the Scripture.
Understand that the subject of forgiveness may strike raw nerves with some of the group members. Be alert for this and do not press too hard if someone is showing signs of discomfort.
Note that the session guides sometimes call for breaking into smaller teams. This gives everyone a chance to speak and participate fully. Mix up the teams; dont let the same people pair up on every activity.
Because many activities call for personal sharing, confidentiality is essential. Group members should never pass along stories that have been shared in the group. Remind the group members at each session: confidentiality is crucial to the success of this study.
You are the group leader. Prepare yourself with prayer as you begin your study of each chapter, as you ponder the learning activities in the leader guide, and as you prepare to lead. Then pray for each group member by name before each session. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you.
The Divine Answer
Getting Started
Session Goals
This session is intended to help participants
reflect on Gods forgiveness and what it means for us;
discuss the meaning and application of forgiveness, sin, and repentance;
focus on the burden involved in carrying unforgiven sin and on the process of letting that burden go;
address and discuss issues related to understanding forgiveness with head comprehensionas contrasted with experiencing forgiveness in the heart and soul.
Opening Prayer
Begin this session, and all sessions, with a prayer for illumination. Recognize that the Holy Spirit is already present in your group, so your prayer is for group membersand youto open hearts, minds, and souls to the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Here is one such prayer that you might use:
Almighty God, by and through your love you have surrounded us with your Holy Spirit. But we confess that often we do not open ourselves to the presence of your Spirit. Help us in this time of study to be open to and aware of your Spirit with us that our thoughts, words, and actions might enlighten, enable, and illuminate. We pray in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.
Opening Activity
Distribute paper and pencils or pens. Ask each person in the group, working individually, to write on one side of the paperfor the writers eyes onlythe name of a person she or he needs to forgive and to describe briefly the reasons why this person needs to be forgiven. Also jot down at least one reason why forgiving this person is difficult.
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