Becoming Hygge
31-Day Challenge
Written by HildaChristensen
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List of Contents
Mom for all the little familycelebrations,
Jaana for showing me the beauty ofcandlelight,
Eeva for all bakingafternoons,
Paula for every early eveningtea,
And all friends for helping me to live ahyggeligt life.
Why is Hygge Important in Today's World?
Openyour eyes fully, concentrate and see, for the first or not thatfirst time, in what world you are living. After that, you caneither like what you see or not. If you like it - then I am sure you havealready heard about something I will talk about in this book, and Iam glad about that. If the answer is "no", then you are at theright place and with a great person to explain youeverything.
Don't you like what you see? Iunderstand, of course, that it's not something new if I say thatbad things are happening in these days more than often and morethan they should. If you ask me why they are bad- the answer issimple: they distort relationships. If you want me to give you anexplanation or more of them, okay, the answer is even more simple.They can cause loneliness, solitude, feeling blue,fe ar, lack ofconfidence, egoism - and if you want me to continue, I could- butthat would be one long list, without end.
Let's see that on few examples sopopular nowadays, sadly: families do not hold together, fear ofstrangers, spreading fear of immigration, materialism, stinginess-again a list without end. We live in a time where everything ishappening so fast, and all we can do is to watch and try tounderstand as good as we can so when we grow older we would havesome stories to tell our children and the children of ourchildren.
Is that our only possibility? Is acceptingthis the only thing we can do? No, I don't think so. We always havea choice- so let's see what that choice is. Let's think again. Whenthe whole world is in a rush is it possible to slow down and findjoy in little things? It is.
Just one word - Hygge! How canhygge help us solve everything that is making us feeluncomfortable?
It's simple. Hygge can help usnot just slowing down this more than a fast world, but helping usfocus, widen our focus and heart, understand people, create intimateconnections with people, allow us to live simpler, happier and moreenjoyable life. Sounds impossible - but hygge is more than possibleand more than available.
Thats an enjoyable lifestylethat you can start following in every moment! So, let's find out together whathygge is and how to become hygge in a little amount oftime!
Essentials of Hygge
We havejust started talking about hygge lifestyle; about what would welearn from reading this book. We talked about examples of what's happeningthese days. When you think again about terms I gave you, it'sobvious that they can be organized in few sections. So, let'sfinish this introduction part and dive into explanation!
Let's start with the first one andprobably the most important one - that's the relationship with you.One word - reconnection. That is the first thing you need to do tolive a happier life. Relax, find happiness in little things, letyour spirit be free and you will immediately get in a joyful stateof mind.
After that, it would be more than easynot just to love yourself but to also love other people and enjoytheir presence. There are a few terms that are essential for thistopic, so let's explain them.
Being present
The Past is something that is over - sowhy do we need to think about that when we can't change somethingthat has passed? Future is something that will happen, so why do weneed to focus on something that will or won't happen?
Again, the answer is simple - we onlyneed to concentrate on something that is going on now, because nowwe can make things better before they became a not that pretty pastor give our best to let good things happen in thefuture.
It's as simple as I say: we need to dothings mindfully. Think twice before doing something, put as mucheffort as it is required to make good decisions and not regretanything.
Slowing down
We need to let ourselves enjoy everydayor odd activities, have enough time to concentrate and live life tothe fullest. Forget about rush- take your time and use every minutewisely.
It's unnecessary to say that we do notneed that many stuff we have - so let's change that. Let's only buyand keep things we need. Little by little, we will become more andhappier.
Even with the things we have, weneed to make them simpler. Decorations are okay, but only if theyaren't something shabby. Calm the chaos in your mind and your stuff so youcan continue with the changes in your life.
The next one is relationshipswith family and friends. It's obvious that this illuminating lifestyle can helpus to build deeper relationships with the people who aresurrounding us and not just that - you become less selfish and morefocused on other people's needs. Your priorities change. as it isimportant for you to be happy, it is important for others. Thefinal goal is to have a smile on your face when you see someoneelse is smiling. Let's talk about terms.
As the word says - it is enjoying beingtogether with other people: someone you love or your close ones.Choose people wisely and then do your best to have them in yourlife forever.
As it is too important tosurround yourself with people you like, it is also important tocreate a warm atmosphere. The best tip how to do it is to recognizenew things about people although that means you actually see them, notjust look at them like you would look at something that is notworth your time.
Creating safe space
If you ask someone for help you can'task for something enormous and complicated - the tasks should besimple and easy. When you think about other's people feelings, youdon't want them to have a hard time fulfilling your orders. Also,criticism is not allowed.
Not only to be yourself, but lettingothers to also be by creating safe space for them. Every person isunique on her/his own way. It would be a huge mistake ifauthenticity isnt something that describes you or anybody else- incase you copy someone- who will replace your personality if you arebusy trying to be same as someone who is original? Exactly- no one,it would be gone forever- one amazing personality would be lostbecause that person tried to be someone else. Never choose to be acopy!
We need to create close and intimaterelationships with the people we love and that's something thatgoes with time and needs a lot effort. Letting people in our lifeis often a process which is often pretty hard for both sides.Although when we change our habits nothing should be hard forus!
We need to understand others and payattention to their desires, wishes, and needs. When someone comesto our place, the smallest but so important thing we can do is toask is he/she thirsty or does want something to eat. Little actionbut proof that the person means something to us.
Traditions, Celebrations
We have so much to learn about, toexplore local traditions and accept, incorporate them into ourlives, if we like them, of course. When we talk about celebrations- we need to let others help us. Everyone is happy whenparticipates in celebrations - that would make your relationshipseven tighter - so plan celebrations with family and friends,cultivate relationships on purpose.
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