![Coachs Playbook - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/427197/image/43488.png)
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2021 Dave Larkin. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 02/25/2022
ISBN: 978-1-6655-4815-1 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2022903803
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D edicated to Laura, Lyndsay and Luke, with all my love. Thank you for your constant support throughout my coaching career. Youve made me a very proud father.
I want to thank my daughter in law, Terin, who patiently read my manuscript and offered excellent suggestions for improvement. This book would have never been completed without her editing and contributions.
I was a kid with a passion for football who ended up coaching the sport for 35 years and I am here to share some insight. The purpose of this book is to share my experiences, philosophy, advice, inspiration and encouragement with coaches, administrators, parents, athletes and believers. In this book I share the importance of goal setting, overcoming adversity, the importance of teamwork, why coach, along with quotes and books that have guided me throughout my career. Most importantly, I will share the importance of faith and prayer throughout lifes journey.
Before starting this book, it is important for you to know a brief background about me, as the author.
Not only was I passionate about football when I was growing up, I knew that when my playing days were over, I wanted to coach. I love the game of football. I think its the greatest sport ever. I love the way it prepares young men for the real world by teaching them teamwork, great work ethic, sportsmanship, unity, and overcoming adversity.
I was a head coach at three different high schools in Michigan. Each school was very diverse from each other and each of them brought hardships, successes and very valuable lessons. At each school, the teams won a conference championship and qualified for the state playoffs. I was named Coach Of The Year at each of the three schools.
As an assistant coach, I was on the coaching staff where the teams won conference championships at two other high schools in Michigan, as well as college. I was inducted into the Michigan High School Football Coaches Associations Hall of Fame as well as the Michigan High School Coaches Hall of Fame. Along with these two accomplishments, I was nominated and selected for numerous other awards throughout my 35 year career.
Ive had the great fortune to have been on the winning side of most games and intensely feel the fun and energy that goes with winning. I also know the agony of defeat after being on the losing side of many games. I was offered jobs that I didnt even apply for. On the other hand, I know the gut wrenching feeling of being fired and going through the hardships of divorce. There are far more successful coaches out there than I. I share this information with you for you to understand that my journey has not been easy and I do not have a perfect story.
This book is not about a coach who turned everything he touched into gold or a coach that had a stress-free career where wins were just handed to him. Instead, this book is about the knowledge gained from years of experiencing the ups and downs, highs and lows as a young man who had a passion for the sport of football. That young man had some success and went through many trials, but more importantly wants to share his story with anyone aspiring to coach so that it could possibly guide and encourage them. I have made many mistakes in my life and will make many more. Im human, just like you. I have done many things that I regret, but I continue to strive to be the best person I can be. I hope you, as a reader, gain at least a fraction of enjoyment from reading this book as I did living and writing it! I thank God everyday for the many blessings he has given me. I couldnt have coached for as long as I did and have the same amount of success without Him.
A special thanks to all the players, parents, coaches, coaches wives, officials, sports writers, administrators, secretaries and custodians that Ive had the pleasure of working with over the years. Most of all, a huge thanks to my entire family, who continuously supported me throughout my career.
Ive gone by many names Dave, Lark, son, brother, husband, grandpa, relative and friend. Next to Dad, I like Coach the best!
![Picture 2](/uploads/posts/book/427197/image/43531.png)
We are Gods workmanship, created in
Jesus Christ to do good works, which God
prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10
B y my freshman year in high school, I knew of my love and passion for football. I not only wanted to be the starting quarterback during my four years of high school, but I wanted to play in college and ultimately, in the NFL. I worked my tail off so that I could be the best that I possibly could. I pushed myself hard not only in the summer, but in every practice, game, drill and sprint. With my religious upbringing in the church, I knew that I couldnt do it by myself. I needed Gods help. So, starting in 9 th grade, I prayed this prayer everyday God, please help me to be a success in whatever I do, especially football. God answered my prayers.
I did get to be the starting quarterback in high school for all four years. I did get to play quarterback in college for four years. However, I knew that I was never going to make it to the NFL. Since I loved the game of football so much, I decided that the next best thing to playing, would be coaching. As it turned out, I ended up having an extremely successful career in football as a coach. Looking back, I probably should have been more specific in my prayers! Once I became a coach is when I first realized that Gods plan isnt necessarily my plan, but HIS plan for me was greater for me than I could have ever imagined. Little did I know that Gods plan was for me to coach football for 35 years!
Over 80 billion people have walked the earth and no two with the same fingerprint. Were all wonderfully unique. God has a plan for each and every one of us thats far different than what we could have imagined for ourselves. Over 70% of U.S. citizens dont like their job, 40% hate their job. Find out what youre made to do using the talents God gave you and that is what will lead you to success.
About two-thirds of the way through my career, I was in a terrible car accident. I had just started my second head coaching position after having moved across the state. Professionally, things were going great with my teaching and coaching position, but I was struggling personally with my marriage. My small pickup truck had rolled three times as was crushed like an accordion, with a small bubble directly above my drivers seat. I walked away from the roll over with only a few cuts and bruises. The police officer said he had never seen anyone survive a crash like that, let alone be able walk away from it. I knew that God was not finished with me yet. He had bigger plans for my life here on earth. Professionally, I had more young men to coach and hopefully influence in a positive way. I had many more successes, records to be broken along with team and individual awards awaiting. Personally, I grew to understand how fortunate I was to have such a great family and became a much better husband and father. Spiritually, I began a much closer walk with God, appreciating all that hes done for me.
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