Cookies For Dummies
by Carole Bloom
Cookies For Dummies
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About the Author
Carole Bloom, CCP, is a European-trained pastry chef and confectioner, cookbook author, food writer, media chef, cooking instructor, and spokesperson. In addition to having professional experience in world-class hotels and restaurants in Europe and the United States, Carole has taught her art for over 20 years at cooking schools throughout the United States. She has also worked as a consultant for both new and established culinary enterprises.
Carole is the author of five cookbooks. Her most recent is All About Chocolate: The Ultimate Resource for the Worlds Favorite Food (Macmillan/IDG), winner of Best Chocolate Book 1999 at Eurochocolate. Caroles other books include Truffles, Candies, and Confections (Crossing Press), The International Dictionary of Desserts, Pastries, and Confections (Morrow), The Candy Cookbook (Chronicle Books), and Sugar and Spice (HP Books). She also contributed to the candy chapter for the newly revised edition of the American culinary classic Joy of Cooking (Scribner). Caroles food articles appear regularly in national magazines, including Bon Apptit, Fine Cooking, Food & Wine, and Gourmet. She is often on television for cooking demonstrations and interviews, with appearances on the Today Show, ABC World News This Morning, CNN, and Better Homes and Gardens Television. Carole speaks frequently at national and international conferences and is one of the chefs who make annual appearances at the Chefs Holidays in Yosemite, California. She has been the national spokesperson for the American Boxed Chocolate Manufacturers Group.
With love to my husband, Jerry, a true cookie monster.
Authors Acknowledgments
For moral support and tasting lots of cookies, I thank my mother, Florence Bloom, and good friends Terrie Chrones, Susie Hostetter, and April Stinis (ice skating buddies extraordinaire), and Suzy Semanick-Schurman. Special thanks to Kitty Morse for being such a supportive and understanding friend. Thanks to my agent, Jane Dystel, for her savvy and for always being there when I need her. Thanks to acquisitions editor Linda Ingroia for breathing new life into this book. Project editor Suzanne Snyder did a masterful job and was a real pleasure to work with. Many thanks to my husband, Jerry, my premiere cookie taster, dish washer, computer guru, resident comedian, and travel planner. Without his unwavering support and help I would not have been able to complete this project.
Publishers Acknowledgments
Were proud of this book; please send us your comments through our Dummies online registration form located at
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Project Editor: Suzanne Snyder
Senior Acquisitions Editor: Linda Ingroia
Senior Copy Editor: Tina Sims
Assistant Acquisitions Editor: Erin Connell
Technical Editor and Recipe Tester: Emily Nolan
Nutritional Analyst: Patty Santelli
Editorial Manager: Pam Mourouzis
Editorial Assistant: Carol Strickland
Composition Services
Project Coordinator: Nancee Reeves
Layout and Graphics: Amy Adrian, LeAndra Johnson, Jackie Nicholas, Barry Offringa, Jacque Schneider, Betty Schulte, Joyce Haughey
Proofreaders: Aptara, Marianne Santy, Rob Springer
Indexer: Aptara
Illustrator: Liz Kurtzman
Art Director: Michele Laseau
Cover: David Bishop, photographer; Brett Kurzweil, food stylist; Donna Larsen, prop stylist
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Diane Graves Steele, Vice President and Publisher, Consumer Dummies
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