Photographing San Francisco Digital Field Guide
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About the Author
Bruce Sawle is a self-taught San Franciscobased photographer who is passionate about creating beautiful, timeless photographs. He believes in capturing the essence, whether he is photographing landscapes, cityscapes, or people. Bruces Dare to be Fun philosophy on photography enables him to capture everyday moments in the most extraordinary way. His goal is to produce pieces of art that can be cherished by people forever. He loves capturing images that are timeless and celebrate the heart and soul of the moment.
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To my gorgeous wife, Jennifer the greatest gift I have been given and with whom I will forever be in love and the three greatest gifts she has given me: our two beautiful daughters Raya and Jordyn and my son Hayden. This book is for my family, my inspiration, and the reason I fell in love with photography. And an extra special dedication to Raya who I love more than life itself; her almond-shaped brown eyes and innocence have inspired me to capture beauty as it is.
I would like to acknowledge Chris Hurtt, Bryan Peterson, and Perfect Picture School of Photography for the inspiration of making me into the photographer I am today. These two photographers, whom I look up to, have given me the instruction and motivation I needed to take my passion to the next level. I would also like to thank my mother for all the years of support. A special thanks to my father who has been there for me and my family for the past eight years; without his support, guidance, and love I would not be who I am today.
At one time or another, most of us have probably looked at and admired photos in books, magazines, postcards, and on the Internet, and wondered what a wonderful idea, what a great capture, what a beautiful scene. Photography, like many other arts, is unique to each individual. What makes each representation special is the ability for a photographer to capture and create something that has not yet been done before. For travel photography, this is a bit of a challenge because most popular landmarks have been photographed every which way. What inspires me and makes me want to go back and keep photographing these same landmarks over and over again is that one day I will capture the perfect picture. Living in San Francisco for the better part of 40 years, I live, breathe, and speak San Franciscan. The intent of this book is to help you capture and create wonderful pictures of the city by the bay and what I refer to as home.
Photographing San Francisco Digital Field Guide is a guide written to help all levels of photographers. From the beginner who has just bought his first dSLR to the advanced amateur who wants to take her travel photography to the next level. With the help of this book, I hope to help you discover the beauty of San Francisco, its hidden treasures, and its most-loved sights in this memorable photographic expedition. What I want to share with you throughout the 28 chapters in this book are new perspectives of the city with spectacular imagery of its most popular and celebrated landmarks including the Golden Gate Bridge, Transamerica Pyramid, and Alcatraz as well as lesser-known but equally beautiful sites such as the Dutch windmill and Saints Peter and Paul Church. With the hundreds of amazing and breathtaking photos of San Francisco, this books main purpose is to guide you to the best vantage points for each landmark, give you a sense of the best time of day to shoot, the best settings to use, and how to work around the weather. The ability to see the potential for a strong and powerful photo is instrumental in capturing unique and beautiful photos. The single most important factor is to help you create a postcard image of each and every landmark. I want you to see, to create, and to aspire to capture what you envision, not just what you see.