The Emerald Handbook of Feminism, Criminology and Social Change
Series Editors:
Sandra Walklate, Eleanor Rathbone Chair of Sociology, University of Liverpool conjoint Chair of Criminology, Monash University.
Kate Fitz-Gibbon, School of Social Sciences at Monash University and Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre, Australia.
Jude McCulloch, Monash University and Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre, Australia.
JaneMaree Maher, Centre for Womens Studies and Gender Research Sociology, Monash University, Australia.
Emerald Studies in Criminology, Feminism and Social Change offers a platform for innovative, engaged, and forward-looking feminist-informed work to explore the interconnections between social change and the capacity of criminology to grapple with the implications of such change.
Social change, whether as a result of the movement of peoples, the impact of new technologies, the potential consequences of climate change, or more commonly identified features of changing societies, such as ageing populations, intergenerational conflict, the changing nature of work, increasing awareness of the problem of gendered violence(s), and/or changing economic and political context, takes its toll across the globe in infinitely more nuanced and interconnected ways than previously imagined. Each of these connections carry implications for what is understood as crime, the criminal, the victim of crime, and the capacity of criminology as a discipline to make sense of these evolving interconnections. Feminist analysis, despite its contentious relationship with the discipline of criminology, has much to offer in strengthening the discipline to better understand the complexity of the world in the twenty-first century and to scan the horizon for emerging, possible or likely futures.
This series invites feminist-informed scholars particularly those working comparatively across disciplinary boundaries to take up the challenges posed by social change for the discipline of criminology. The series offers authors a space to adopt and develop strong, critical personal views whether in the format of research monographs, single or co-authored books, or edited collections. We are keen to promote global views and debates on these issues and welcome proposals embracing such perspectives.
Forthcoming Titles in this Series:
Mothering from the Inside, Kelly Lockwood
Online Anti-rape Activism, Rachel Loney-Howes
Gender and the Violence(s) of War and Armed Conflict: More Dangerous to be a Woman?, Stacy Banwell
Young Womens Carceral Geographies: Journeys In, Out, and Beyond Confinement, Anna Schliehe
Carceral Feminicidio: The Disappearance of Indigenous Women into Prisons, Gillian Balfour
Praise for The Emerald Handbook of Feminism, Criminology and Social Change
Nearly half a century after International Womens Year, powerful mechanisms of gender inequality persist around the world. They generate poverty and cultural oppression, and are deeply implicated in violence, crime and victimization. This Handbook documents recent feminist criminology from many countries, highlighting gender dynamics around the Global South, new forms of online abuse, state violence, emerging theories of gender and crime, and creative strategies for social change. A great resource for criminology, and for the wider struggle for gender justice.
Raewyn Connell, Author of Southern Theory and Gender: In World Perspective
This fascinating collection tells the story of how criminology and victimology were transformed by feminist perspectives, and reveals the compelling new insights critical perspectives on gender are bringing to the study of social harms, including those inflected by the legacies of colonialism, globalization and state-sanctioned forms of social control. Anyone in doubt as to the difference feminism and criminology can make to a world complexly fractured by violence, abuse and accumulating inequalities should read this book. Insightful, inspiring and empowering.
David Gadd, Professor of Criminology, University of Manchester, UK
Does criminology see gender? This is the central question engaged in this wide-ranging, important and timely volume. This book engages this topic in ways that are theoretically and empirically expansive. The collection offers depth and breadth of engagement with the ways in which criminology has ignored, marginalized and sometimes engaged questions of gender and all its related intersections. It also explores theoretical, methodological and practical possibilities that are important for shaping the discipline into the future.
The book includes contributions that cover a broad range of topics that go beyond questions of gender in criminological research to include serious engagement with intersectionality, engagement with the hegemony of global northern theorizing and voice, as well as work that touches on questions of decolonization in the criminological agenda.
The book is fundamental reading in criminology, womens and gender studies, and other disciplines interested in feminist work on violence, gendered violence in particular. This resource is essential for teachers in these fields and its interdisciplinary nature enables us to not only deconstruct disciplinary boundaries but also facilitates the asking of important questions about violence, victimhood and perpetration. I will recommend this book to all of my students and colleagues engaged in critical psychological work on violence and gender.
Floretta Boonzaier, Professor of Psychology and Co-Director of the Hub for Decolonial Feminist Psychologies in Africa at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
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Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2020
Editorial matter and selection 2020 Sandra Walklate, Kate Fitz-Gibbon, JaneMaree Maher and Jude McCulloch. Published under exclusive licence. Individual chapters 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited
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ISBN: 978-1-78769-956-4 (Print)