Do what you will, always.
Walk where you like, your steps.
Do as you please Ill back you up.
Authors Note
This book was written over the course of six weeks, during which time I sat at my desk wearing my battered Navy watch cap alternately drinking bourbon and jasmine tea, as the same huge playlist repeated over and over and over again full of songs from Girlyman, Deadmau5, Gillian Welch, and the Ramones.
Without the love and support from my exceptional mother and father I would have never been in a position to do any of this wonderful exploration and research, nor would I have learned how to find words within myself to put upon these pages.
Thank you to Chris Katsaropoulos, Heather Sherer, Audrey Doyle, Paul Gottehrer, and everyone else at Syngress who was involved on this project. I always seem to choose very adventurous writing schedules and its a miracle that we all can keep up with the deadlines. Special thanks to Shane Lawson for choosing to take on the role of Tech Editor a second time he keeps me from looking too foolish and for that I am ever-grateful.
I must take a moment and offer my thanks and praise to all of the new TOOOL chapters which have been emerging across the United States and elsewhere. Its a remarkable inspiration to see all of this interest developing and to have so many new faces appear at TOOOL events. I could not possibly recognize and honor all of the people responsible, but I hope it will be sufficient to say that we all owe the new leadership of the chapters in Chicago, Detroit, Des Moines, Jacksonville, Kansas City, New York, Portland, Reno, Rochester, and Montral a big hand. They, along with the old guard in places like Philadelphia, Princeton, Boston, Ann Arbor, Baltimore, and the San Francisco Bay Area, consistently help TOOOL to grow and reach more people and touch more lives.
TOOOL would like to thank all of the other sporting, hobbyist, and amateur lockpicking groups who help to spread knowledge and build interest in this fascinating field. SSDeV, LI, FALE, and the FOOLS are full of wonderful people who love to teach and have fun. An extra special thanks goes to Valanx, Dosman, and the rest of the FOOLS for reminding us to not be so serious, even when we have something serious to say.
Thank you to Barry Wels, Jos Weyers, Dennis van Zuijlekom, dosman, datagram, and Patrick Thomas for your terrific photos and friendship.
I must thank my roommates Babak Javadi and Andrew Righter for their support and understanding during this and all of my other projects. They are incredibly considerate whenever I must sequester myself in my office for 18-hour days without joining in to cook house dinners and they are always supportive of my busy travel schedule, showing a willingness to feed and look after my cats while I am away. (They have also shown unbelievably tolerance when these felines act up or pee on something that they shouldnt!)
Thank you to Dark Tangent for first suggesting that I turn my lockpicking content into training course, and to Ping Look and everyone else who works tirelessly so that Black Hat can keep ticking along.
Extra special thanks to Bruce and Heidi for ShmooCon, where I gave my very first public lecture about lockpicking. You and all those who put in the monumental effort every year are the reason ShmooCon remains my favorite conference to this day.
I also must give a terrific shout-out to the organizers of other conferences, large and small, who have graciously allowed my associates and I to descend upon your event with all of our bulky hardware in order to set up Lockpick Villages where attendees can learn and play. We must offer our thanks to
The amazing DEFCON Goons and support staff who show up in Vegas every summer
The whole 2600 crew behind the HOPE conferences
Nickerson, Jack Daniel, and the whole BSides team
SkyDog, Robin, and their clan who bring us Outerzone and the Otherzone
Andrzej Targosz, Anna Koodziejczyk, Sawomir Jabs, Emilia Staszczak, Jakub Kozio, Pavol Luptak, and all of the ProIdea folks who put CONFidence together and give us license to create amazing new games there
David and Erin Kennedy, IronGeek, and PureHate for exploding on to the scene with DerbyCon
Jason Martin and the SecureDNA team at ShakaCon were so glad to be seeing you again soon!
David, Tim, and the whole ToorCon crew, we look forward to camping this summer.
Ton Slewe, Elly van den Heuvel, and Everyone at the NCSC who puts on GovCERT. Extra thanks to Marnix who is unbelievably hospitable whenever I am in Amsterdam
we also want to send our best regards to everyone behind events like QuarterCon, ReCon, GrrCON, QuahogCon, RootFest, hackademic, SeaCure.IT, NotACon, SummerCon, You sh0t the Sherrif, and more. We dont always make it to every single one of your events and some of you are still establishing yourselves, but we always value times when we can visit and bring some fun lockpicking content for your attendees.