What Real Patients and Clients Are Saying About The Sugar Detox
The Sugar Detox changed the way I think about food and opened my eyes to my full health potential.
David A., television and movie producer
The Sugar Detox helped reset my sweet tooth and provided me with great alternatives to satisfy my sugar cravings!
Mia R., actress and writer
The Sugar Detox was what I needed to get back in the proper mind-set to be eating healthily and eating the right amount of food. After pregnancy and five months of breastfeeding, I had convinced myself that fruit juice was healthy and ice cream was a great way to get my daily calcium. So I needed a swift kick, and the Sugar Detox was it.
J. R., editor
This diet is fabulous. It is the first diet I have been able to stick to for more than a week. I was not hungry at all, and the weight started coming off immediately. It was a major life change for me. I typically eat whatever I want, whenever I want it, including sugar, sweets, diet Coke, and alcohol. I found this not difficult at all, and I feel so good. I am more energetic, less lethargic, and just feel all around so much healthier. I am hoping this is the beginning of a major life change for me!
Stephanie L., consultant
Ive been trying to lose weight for years and find a good and healthy way of eating. The Sugar Detox has made me realize I do not need to drink diet soda or snack with unhealthy choices but allows me to make sensible decisions. I lost 11 pounds in one month, look great in my clothes, and never had so much energy.
H. A., executive
The Sugar Detox is not for the faint of heartespecially if you have a sweet tooth! Personally, I could eat dessert three times a day. So, the first three days were a serious challenge. My results, however, made it all worth it. My goal was simply to see if I could stick to the plan and limit my sugar intake. I was shocked that such a relatively minor adjustment in my eating habits made such a tremendous impact. I lost 7 pounds in ten days and found I had a clearer complexion. The plan made me realize just how much sugar I was routinely ingesting without even realizing it. Having modified the way I eat, I have been able to cut out those wasted sugars and truly enjoy the sweetness of a well-earned piece of dark chocolate.
Stephanie F., attorney
The Sugar Detox provided me with guidelines for sensible and healthy eating. I never once felt hungry on this diet. I lost over 6 pounds. It is so nice to be able to fit into clothes I have not worn since before I was pregnant with my daughter.
Stacy, stay-at-home mom
The diet worked miracles for my skin and overall mood. I didnt realize that sugar caused my skin to be irritated and itchy. Also, my mood was more level throughout the day, with not as many highs and lows. Im very happy with the weight loss results as well!
Jennifer S., stay-at-home mom
I lost 10 pounds in a month, feel good, am less tired, and couldnt be happier. What is most interesting, though, is that I used to get occasional hypoglycemic blood sugar drops and feel like I was going to pass out if I didnt eat something immediately to raise my blood sugar. But since I have been eating the Sugar Detox way, I havent experienced that feeling even onceno instant rush of having to eat something, no postmeal crashes. Its as though my system kind of smoothed itself out. I definitely intend to keep eating this way.
M. G., attorney
The Sugar Detox awakened my senses. I have a newfound appreciation for how food should smell and taste and how good my body feels when Im eating well.
M. Z. G., product manager
After a twenty-five-year career as a pastry chef, the Sugar Detox was the perfect antidote. It gently eased me into a healthier lifestylea lifestyle that was easy to adapt to after a lifetime of eating so much sugar and fats. I feel as if Im ten years younger in just a month.
Heather C.
I never thought that I could rejuvenate myself by changing my diet. I have spent a fortune on products, procedures, and personal trainers but seem to have been missing the most important piece of the puzzle. The Sugar Detox helped me lose weight and the amazing thing is that my skin looks better than ever. Good-bye sugar, hello to a younger looking me.
L. C., working mom
Lose Weight,
Feel Great, and
Look Years Younger
Brooke Alpert and Patricia Farris
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
Copyright 2013 by Brooke Alpert, MS, RD, CDN, and Patricia Farris, MD
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information, address Da Capo Press, 44 Farnsworth Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02210.
Editorial production by Lori Hobkirk at the Book Factory
Set in 11.5 point Fairfield by the Perseus Books Group
Cataloging-in-Publication data for this book is available from the Library of Congress.
First Da Capo Press edition 2013
ISBN: 978-0-7382-1642-3
Published by Da Capo Press
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
Note: the information in this book is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. This book is intended only as an informative guide for those wishing to know more about health issues. In no way is this book intended to replace, countermand, or conflict with the advice given to you by your own physician. The ultimate decision concerning care should be made between you and your doctor. We strongly recommend you follow his or her advice. Information in this book is general and is offered with no guarantees on the part of the authors or Da Capo Press. The authors and publisher disclaim all liability in connection with the use of this book. The names and identifying details of people associated with events described in this book have been changed. Any similarity to actual persons is coincidental.
Da Capo Press books are available at special discounts for bulk purchases in the U.S. by corporations, institutions, and other organizations. For more information, please contact the Special Markets Department at the Perseus Books Group, 2300 Chestnut Street, Suite 200, Philadelphia, PA, 19103, or call (800) 810-4145, ext. 5000, or e-mail .
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For our families, clients, and patients
1. Does eating sweets make you feel better if youre in a bad mood?
A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Never
2. Does eating starchy carbs (bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, etc.) make you feel better if youre in a bad mood?
A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Never
3. Do you ever feel guilty about the amount of starchy carbs or sweets you consume?
A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Never
4. Have you ever tried to cut back on the amount of sugar you eat?