Canon EOS Rebel T3/1100D For Dummies
by Julie Adair King and Robert Correll
Canon EOS Rebel T3/1100D For Dummies
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About the Authors
Julie Adair King is the author of many books about digital photography and imaging, including the best-selling Digital Photography For Dummies. Her most recent titles include a series of For Dummies guides to popular digital SLR cameras, including the Canon EOS Rebel T2i/550D, T1i/500D, XSi/450D, XS/1000D, and XTi/400D, and Nikon D7000, D5000, D3100, D3000, D300s, D90, D60, and D40/D40x. Other works include Digital Photography Before & After Makeovers, Digital Photo Projects For Dummies, Julie Kings Everyday Photoshop For Photographers, Julie Kings Everyday Photoshop Elements, and Shoot Like a Pro!: Digital Photography Techniques. When not writing, King teaches digital photography at such locations as the Palm Beach Photographic Centre. A graduate of Purdue University, she resides in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Robert Correll is the author of several books about digital photography, including camera-specific titles, digital cameras and technologies, general and specific digital photography techniques, and photo editing. His latest titles include Canon EOS Rebel T3/1110D and Canon EOS 60D For Dummies (both with Julie Adair King), Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies, High Dynamic Range Digital Photography For Dummies, HDR Photography Photo Workshop (two editions, both with Pete Carr), and Photo Retouching and Restoration Using Corel PaintShop Pro (three editions). When not writing, Robert enjoys family life, photography, playing the guitar, and recording music. Robert graduated from the United States Air Force Academy and now resides in Indiana.
Authors Acknowledgments
We are deeply grateful for the chance to work once again with the wonderful publishing team at John Wiley and Sons. Chris Morris, Teresa Artman, Virginia Sanders, Kim Darosett, Jennifer Webb, Steve Hayes, Heidi Unger, and Katie Crocker are just some of the talented editors and designers who helped make this book possible. And finally, we are also indebted to technical editor Scott Proctor, without whose insights and expertise this book would not have been the same.
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I n 2003, Canon revolutionized the photography world by introducing the first digital SLR camera to sell for less than $1,000, the EOS Digital Rebel/300D. And even at that then-unheard-of price, the camera delivered exceptional performance and picture quality, earning it rave reviews and multiple industry awards. No wonder it quickly became a best seller.