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Dale Carlson - Addiction. The Brain Disease

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Dale Carlson Addiction. The Brain Disease

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Young adult guide to the physical, emotional, social, psychological disease of addiction. What is addiction? Addiction to substances, behaviors, to the self. Self-tests: personal stories. Treatment and recovery. Dictionary of addictions and meanings.

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VOYA Honor Book YALSA Nominated Quick Picks for Teens

2 ForeWord Magazine Best Book of the Year Awards

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PUBLISHERS WEEKLY calls Carlsons Girls Are Equal Too: The Teenage Girls How-to-Survive Book, Spirited, chatty, polemicalA practical focus on psychological survival. ALA Notable Book.

SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL says of her book Talk: Teen Art of Communication, Explores philosophical and psychological aspects of communication, encourages young people. The Teen Brain Book: Who and What Are You, Practical and scientifically-based guide to the teen brain. In and Out of Your Mind: Teen Science, Thought-provoking guide into the mysteries of inner and outer space. New York Public Library Best Books for Teens.

THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW says of Carlsons YA Science Fiction novel The Mountain of Truth, Anyone who writes a teenage novel that deals with a search for the Truth must have a great respect for the youngspeaks to the secret restlessness in the adolescent thinker. ALA Notable Book.

KIRKUS REVIEWS YA novel The Human Apes, Vastness of this solution to the human dilemma. ALA Notable Book.

PUBLISHERS WEEKLY says of Wheres Your Head? Psychology for Teenagers, co-authored by Dale Carlson and Hannah Carlson, M. Ed., C.R.C. Psychological survival skillscovers theories of human behavior, emotional development, mental illnesses and treatment. Christopher Award.

THE MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW says of Who Said What: Philosophy for Teens, Evocative, thought-provoking compilation and very highly recommended reading for teens and young adults. VOYA Honor Book.

SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL says of Stop the Pain: Teen Meditations, Much good advice is contained in these pages. New York Public Library Best Books for Teens.


Recent Bick Publishing House Titles

Addiction: The Brain Disease

Addiction: The Brain Disease breaks down the stigma regarding the nature of addiction. The raw truth regarding the physical, social, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction, as well as help and recovery, are presented medically and through personal stories. This book unlocks the door of hope to any suffering from the disease of addiction to substances and/or behaviors. Carlson covers every base from medical neuroscientific information to self-tests to solutions in recovery.

Jason DeFrancesco, Young Adult Editor, Yale-New Haven Medic

Cosmic Calendar: From the Big Bang to Your Consciousness

Overview of the origin of the universebrain, body, genes, sex, consciousness and intelligenceCarlson makes readers comfortable with her probing toneaccurate and informativegood addition science collections, good choice teen readers.

Dodie Ownes, School Library Journal, goodreads.com

Are You Human or What?

Humans tend to view themselves as separate from the rest of the species and life on Earth, instead of connected. However, humans have the ability to reprogram their thinking. Humanity will be responsible for its own next psychological evolutionary step by the choices it makes. The bookfocuses on the brain as it relates to teen issues such as loneliness, aggression, and sex.

School Library Journal

Carlson examines the new science of evolutionary psychology, explaining the psychology of early man as it relates to human action today. The objective is to show how we can evolve further into human creatures who actually take and give joy in our livesEvolutionary aspects of the fear system, aggression and anger, evil, sex, lust and human bonding are discussed, as well as how aspects of each emotion might be changed to result in more humane behaviorThe objective of the book, to make teens recognize the source of their emotions and that they can control and even change them, is admirable.

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Teen Fiction:

Baby Needs Shoes

Call Me Amanda

Charlie the Hero

The Human Apes

The Mountain of Truth

Triple Boy

Teen Nonfiction:

Are You Human or What?

Cosmic Calendar: From the Big Bang to Your Consciousness

Girls Are Equal Too: The Teenage Girls How-to-Survive Book

In and Out of Your Mind: Teen Science, Human Bites

Stop the Pain: Teen Meditations

TALK: Teen Art of Communication

The Teen Brain Book: Who and What Are You?

Wheres Your Head?: Psychology for Teenagers

Who Said What? Philosophy Quotes for Teens

Adult Nonfiction:

Confessions of a Brain-Impaired Writer

Stop the Pain: Adult Meditations

Living with Disabilities: 6-Volume
Basic Manuals for Friends of the Disabled

First Aid for Wildlife
Wildlife Care for Birds and Mammals:
7-Volume Basic Manuals Wildlife Rehabilitation


Addiction The Brain Disease - image 2

Bick Publishing House
Madison, CT

Text copyright 2010 by Dale Carlson and Hannah Carlson, M. Ed., LPC

Pictures copyright 2010 by Carol Nicklaus

Edited by Director Editorial Ann Maurer

Science Editor Jason DeFrancesco, Yale-New Haven Medic

Book Design by Jennifer A. Payne, Words by Jen

Cover Design by Greg Sammons

All rights reserved: no part of this book may be reproduced or translated in any form or by any means, digital, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Carlson, Dale.

Addiction : the brain disease / by Dale Carlson and Hannah Carlson.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-1-884158-35-3 (alk. paper)

1. Self-actualization (Psychology)--Juvenile literature. 2. Addicts--Juvenile literature. I. Carlson, Hannah. II. Title.

BF637.S4C364 2010




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To all addicts addicted
to anyone or anything.

And to all those who teach us to be
free from the prisons of ourselves.

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