We would like to thank numerous people who, throughout the past three years, have helped to enable this book to see light.
First, we would like to thank all the contributors who showed interest in writing chapters and who continued to work hard with us through the long process of writing, reading, and editing. It has been due to their continuous support and loyalty to the field of teaching Arabic as a foreign language that the book is now complete.
Special thanks go to the very capable Carol Clark, our colleague at the American University in Cairo. It was because of her strong commitment to the project that we were able to have first-rate proofreading of the book in a remarkably short time. We would also like to thank Jennifer Hill and Evan Ray for their proofreading assistance.
We would like to pay special tribute to our friend and professor, Dr. El Said Badawi, for writing the foreword to this book. Badawi, the godfather of numerous Arabic teachers and scholars in Arabic linguistics, has been the primary supporter of the ideas behind the book.
In addition, we are deeply indebted to the following institutions, which provided their libraries:
The American University in Cairo: The Arabic Language Institute and The English Language Institute
Georgetown University: Department of Arabic Language, Literature, and Linguistics.
Even though we had some rough times trying to meet deadlines and make sense in our e-mails to each other, we always knew that it was our strong friendship that kept us at work, and brought us here.
We are deeply indebted to Mohsen Mito, Professor of Art History at Alexandria University for his work in designing the cover of the present volume. Many thanks to him.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. Naomi Silverman, Senior Editor at LEA, has been supportive, insightful, and helpful in this project. Peter Katsirubas, Project Manager with Techbooks, gave generously of his time and editorial expertise, making the preparation of the final manuscript possible. Many thanks go to both of them and many others for their vision and professional commitment during the development of this project. Without their help and steadfast involvement, this book would not have been possible. At the same time, any errors are those of the editors.
Author Index
Abboud, P.,
Abboud, P. F.,
Abboud, V.,
Abdel-Malek, Z.,
Abdel-Massih, E.,
Abdin, A.,
Abrams, R.,
Abu-Absi, S.,
Abu-Haidar, R,
'Abu Hayyan,
Abu-Rabia, S.,
Adbel-Malek, Z.,
Adolph, W.,
Agius, D. A.,
Ahmed, M,
Akiyama, C.,
Akiyama, N.,
Al-'Amaira, M.,
Alameddine, O.,
Al-Amir, K.,
Al-Ammar, A.,
Al-Banyan, A.,
Al-Batal, M,
Al-Buanain, H. A. R,
Al Dahmani, A.,
Al-Haj, M.,
Al-Husri, S.,
al-Khatib, H.,
Ali, N.,
Alimi, A.,
Al Ka'abi, A.,
Allen, R.,
Allen, V. F.,
Almeida d'Efa, T.,
Al Meteri, K.,
Al Omari, M.,
Alosh, M.,
Al-Otaibi, A.,
Alothman, B.,
al-Ramli, L.,
Al-Sulaiti, L.,
Altoma, S.,
Al-Tonsi, A.,
Al-warraki, N. N.,
Al Zahmi, H.,
Amara, M. H.,
Ambros, A.,
Anderson, C,
Anghelescu, N.,
Aphek, E.,
Arens, K. M.,
Armstrong, N.,
Arnaud, P. J. L.,
Arthur, E.,
Ashtiany, J.,
Attar, S.,
Auty, N.,
Aweiss, S.,
Bachman, L. F.,
Badawi, A.,
Bah' Ther p.
Bailey, K. M,
Baker, M,
Baldauf, R. B., Jr.,
Bangs, P.,
Barcroft, J.,
Barlow, M.,
Barnett, L.,
Battels, N.,
Bartnicka, B.,
Bateson, M. C,
Beatty, K.,
Becker, H. J.,
Bejoint, H.,
Belguith, L. H.,
Bell, A.,
Belnap, R. K.,
Benor, J. L.,
Ben-Rafael, E.,
Benziman, U.,
Berghman, K.,
Bernhardt, E. B.,
Betteridge, A. H.,
Biber, D.,
Bickerton, D.,
Bishara, A.,
Blanc, H.,
Bleiler, E.,
Blom, J.-P.,
Blom, .,
Bonk, C,
Boswood, T.,
Boualem, M.,
Boulus, H.,
Brant, J.,
Brindley, G.,
Broselow, E.,
Brosh, H.,
Brown, H. D.,
Brown, J. D.,
Brown, J. S.,
Brugman, J.,
Brunner, D.,
Brustad, K.,
Burt, M.,
Byram, M,
Byrd, P.,
Byrnes, H.,
Cadora, F.,
Caefee, R.,
Cameron, K.,
Camilleri-Grima, A.,
Campbell, S. J.,
Canale, M.,
Candelier, M.,
Cantarino, V.,
Carlson, R. A.,
Carrell, P. L.,
Carrell, R.,
Carson, J.,
Carter, C,
Carter, M. G.,
Carter, R.,
Celce-Murcia, M.,
Chalhoub-Deville, M.,
Chamot, A.,
Chancerel, J. L.,
Chapman, C.,
Charney, D. H.,
Chen, l.-C.,
Chenfour, N.,
Cho, H. S.,
Cho, H.-S.,
Choi, J.-Y.,
Choi, Y. K.,
Choukri, K.,
Chun, W. K.,
Chun, W.-K.,
Clark, E.,
Clark, H.,
Clark, R. E.,
Clews, J.,
Coady, J.,
Cohen, A.,
Cohen, D.,
Coleman, A.,
Collins, A.,
Cook, V. J.,
Cowan, D.,
Cowell, M. W.,
Crookall, D.,
Crothers, E.,
Crowhurst, M.,
Cunningham, D.,
Curran, C. A.,
Cziko, G.,
Daniel, N.,
Darraugh, B.,
Davidson, F.,
Davies, A.,
Davies, G.,
Davis, N.,
DeBell, M.,
Debski, R.,
Delcloque, P.,
Devine, J.,
Dichy, J.,
Dickins, J.,
Diem, W.,
Dijskra, S.,
Dillon, K.,
Dimitra, D.,
Ditters, E.,
Djite, P. G.,
Dodge, B.,
Donitsa-Schmidt, S.,
Dor, G.,
Doughty, C,
Driss Alaoui M'Daghri, M.,
Dubin, F.,
Duff, P.,
Duguid, P.,
Dydynski, K.,
Echols, E.,
Edwards, J.,
Eid, M.,
Eisele, J. C.,
Eisterhold, C. J.,
El Aissati, A.,
El-Ayoubi, H.,
El Bakary, W.,
Elbaum-Dror, R.,
Elgibali, A.,
El-Hassan, S.,
Eliopoulos, N.,
Ermers, R.,
Erwin, W.,
Eskey, D.,
Eskey, D. E.,
Eskey, O.,
Farghaly, A.,
Farr, M,
Felix, U.,
Fenner, A.,
Ferguson, C.,
Ferguson, C. A.,
Ferman, I.,
Fife, R. H.,
Finegan, E.,
Fischer, W.,
Fitzpatrick, A.,
Flower, L.,
Freeman, D.,
Friedenberg, J.,
Fromm, W.,
Gaafar, M.,
Gairns, R.,
Gallagher, C.,
Gamal, A.,
Gass, S.,
Gee, J. P.,
Gonglewsi, M.,
Gonzalez, D.,
Goodstein, L.,
Goral, M.,
Gouadec, D.,
Grabe, D.,
Grabe, W.,
Gradman, H.,
Graham, S.,
Graves, D.,
Greenstreet, S.,
Greidanus, T.,
Greveniotis, K.,
Grollios, A.,
Gu, Y,
Guidere, M.,
Guiora, A. Z.,
Gully, A.,
Gumperz, J.,
Guntermann, G.,
Hadad, M.,
Haddad, R. M.,
Haddal, O.,
Hadley, A. O.,
Haeri, N.,
Hague, S.,
Haladyna, T. M.,
Halink, R.,
Hambleton, R. K.,
Hamilton, A.,
Han, D.-K.,
Hanania, E.,
Haneda, M.,
Hare, G.,
Harper, J.,
Harrell, R. S.,
Harris, R.,
Hary, B.,
Hassanein, A. T.,
Hassoun, M.,
Hatim, B.,
Havriluk, M. A.,
Hayes, J. R.,
Haynes, M.,
Haywood, J.,
Haywood, J. A.,
Healey, D.,
Heath, P.,
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