Making Candles and Soaps For Dummies
by Kelly Ewing
Making Candles and Soaps For Dummies
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Copyright 2005 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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About the Author
Kelly Ewing is a writer and editor who lives in the wonderful community of Fishers, Indiana, with her husband Mark, her daughter Katie, her son Carter, and furry canine friend Cheyenne. She has coauthored several books, including The Internet All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies, PCs All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies, and Direct Mail For Dummies. She has ghostwritten several books and edited more than 75 books on a variety of topics. She also writes articles on sports, travel, and human interest for several newspapers. In her spare time when she can find it! she enjoys spending time with her kids, reading, walking, writing, scrapbooking, cooking, and doing crafts.
To Mark, Katie, and Carter. You mean the world to me and bring smiles to my face every day of my life. With each passing day, you make me a better and even happier person.
Authors Acknowledgments
First of all, Id like to thank my husband, whose support, patience, and understanding have enabled me to write this book. He also provided the photographs throughout this book as a personal favor to me.
I also want to thank my young children, Katie and Carter, who understood that Mommy needed to write in the office and that when I was done, I would be all theirs to play with and cuddle.
A big thank-you goes to Lois Hensley, my aunt, whose kindness and generosity early on enabled me to write from home on a once-a-week basis while she bonded with my little ones. She willingly gave up a day each week to come to my home and play with her great-niece and great-nephew while she also worked full-time as a nurse.
Id also like to thank my mom, Judy Steadham, and sister-in-law, Megan Ewing, and her friend Jake Metz for helping me concoct candles and soaps in my kitchen. They came from Plainfield, Bloomington, and West Lafayette, Indiana, to help out.
My sister, Shannon Ryan, deserves a thank-you as well. She put her computer degree to good use researching resources for these appendixes.
Another thank-you goes to Wiley Acquisitions Editor Tracy Boggier, who approached me about writing this book last fall. Other Wiley staff members who deserve a big thanks include Project Editor Allyson Grove, for her wonderful edits and insight, and Copy Editor Chad Sievers, for his eagle eye and humorous suggestions.
Id like to thank Wileys Composition Services staff, who transformed the electronic files into an actual book. Project Coordinator Nancee Reeves guided the book through Composition. A big thank-you also goes out to the PLTs, proofreaders, and indexer.
Lastly, a thank-you goes to the books reviewers. Edward Stephens III, Darryl Chapman, Cliff Rayman, and Karan Hall reviewed the candle information. Michelle Lewis and Kathy Miller reviewed the soap-specific material. Their suggestions and collective experience added to the quality of the book.
Publishers Acknowledgments
Were proud of this book; please send us your comments through our Dummies online registration form located at
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Project Editors: Allyson Grove, Georgette Beatty
Acquisitions Editor: Tracy Boggier
Copy Editors: Chad R. Sievers, Jennifer Bingham
Technical Editors: (candles) Edward Stephens III, Darryl Chapman, Cliff Rayman, Karan Hall; (soap) Michelle Lewis, Kathy Miller
Media Development Specialist: Kit Malone
Editorial Managers: Michelle Hacker, Jennifer Ehrlich
Media Development Manager: Laura VanWinkle
Editorial Assistant: