It Happened to Me
Series Editor: Arlene Hirschfelder
Books in the It Happened to Me series are designed for inquisitive teens digging for answers about certain illnesses, social issues, or lifestyle interests. Whether you are deep into your teen years or just entering them, these books are gold mines of up-to-date information, riveting teen views, and great visuals to help you figure out stuff. Besides special boxes highlighting singular facts, each book is enhanced with the latest reading lists, websites, and an index. Perfect for browsing, there are loads of expert information by acclaimed writers to help parents, guardians, and librarians understand teen illness, tough situations, and lifestyle choices.
- Epilepsy: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Kathlyn Gay and Sean McGarrahan, 2002.
- Stress Relief: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Mark Powell, 2002.
- Learning Disabilities: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Penny Hutchins Paquette and Cheryl Gerson Tuttle, 2003.
- Making Sexual Decisions: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by L. Kris Gowen, 2003.
- Asthma: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Penny Hutchins Paquette, 2003.
- Cultural DiversityConflicts and Challenges: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Kathlyn Gay, 2003.
- Diabetes: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Katherine J. Moran, 2004.
- When Will I Stop Hurting? Teens, Loss, and Grief: The Ultimate Teen Guide to Dealing with Grief , by Ed Myers, 2004.
- Volunteering: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Kathlyn Gay, 2004.
- Organ TransplantsA Survival Guide for the Entire Family: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Tina P. Schwartz, 2005.
- Medications: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Cheryl Gerson Tuttle, 2005.
- Image and IdentityBecoming the Person You Are: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by L. Kris Gowen and Molly C. McKenna, 2005.
- Apprenticeship: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Penny Hutchins Paquette, 2005.
- Cystic Fibrosis: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Melanie Ann Apel, 2006.
- Religion and Spirituality in America: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Kathlyn Gay, 2006.
- Gender Identity: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Cynthia L. Winfield, 2007.
- Physical Disabilities: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Denise Thornton, 2007.
- MoneyGetting It, Using It, and Avoiding the Traps: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Robin F. Brancato, 2007.
- Self-Advocacy: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Cheryl Gerson Tuttle and JoAnn Augeri Silva, 2007.
- Adopted: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Suzanne Buckingham Slade, 2007.
- The Military and Teens: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Kathlyn Gay, 2008.
- Animals and Teens: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Gail Green, 2009.
- Reaching Your Goals: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Anne Courtright, 2009.
- Juvenile Arthritis: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Kelly Rouba, 2009.
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Natalie Rompella, 2009.
- Body Image and Appearance: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Kathlyn Gay, 2009.
- Writing and Publishing: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Tina P. Schwartz, 2010.
- Food Choices: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Robin F. Brancato, 2010.
- Immigration: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Tatyana Kleyn, 2011.
- Living with Cancer : The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Denise Thornton, 2011.
- Living Green: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Kathlyn Gay, 2012.
- Social Networking: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Jenna Obee, 2012.
- Sports: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Gail Fay, 2013.
- Adopted, Revised Edition , by Suzanne Buckingham Slade, 2013.
- Bigotry and Intolerance: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Kathlyn Gay, 2013.
- Substance Abuse: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Sheri Bestor, 2013.
- LGBTQ Families: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Eva Apelqvist, 2013.
- Bullying: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Mathangi Subramanian, 2014.
- Eating Disorders: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Jessica R. Greene, 2014.
- Speech and Language Challenges: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Marlene Targ Brill, 2014.
- Divorce: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Kathlyn Gay, 2014.
- Depression: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Tina P. Schwartz, 2014.
- Creativity: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Aryna M. Ryan, 2015.
- Shyness: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Bernardo J. Carducci Ph.D and Lisa Kaiser, 2015.
- Food Allergies: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Jessica Reino, 2015.
- Self-Injury: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Judy Dodge Cummings, 2015.
- Activism: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Kathlyn Gay, 2016.
- Pregnancy and Parenting: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Jessica Akin, 2016.
- Chronic Illnesses, Syndromes, and Rare Disorders: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Marlene Targ Brill, 2016.
- Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Francis Tabone, 2016.
- Sexual Assault: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Olivia Ghafoerkhan, 2016.
- Epilepsy: The Ultimate Teen Guide, Second Edition , by Kathlyn Gay, 2017
- Sexual Decisions: The Ultimate Teen Guide, Second Edition , by L. Kris Gowen, 2017
- Comics, Graphic Novels, and Manga: The Ultimate Teen Guide , by Randall Bonser, 2017
Comics, Graphic Novels, and Manga
The Ultimate Teen Guide
Randall Bonser
It Happened to Me, No. 54
Lanham Boulder New York London
Published by Rowman & Littlefield
A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.
4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706
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Copyright 2017 by Rowman & Littlefield
All rights reserved . No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Bonser, Randall, author.
Title: Comics, graphic novels, and manga : the ultimate teen guide / Randall Bonser.
Description: Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, 2017. | Series: It happened to me | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016058686 (print) | LCCN 2016058701 (ebook) | ISBN 9781442268395 (hardback : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781442268401 (electronic)
Subjects: LCSH: Comic books, strips, etc.History and criticismJuvenile literature. | Graphic novelsHistory and criticismJuvenile literature. | Graphic novels in education.
Classification: LCC PN6710 .B64 2017 (print) | LCC PN6710 (ebook) | DDC 741.5/9dc23
LC record available at
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To Benita, Sophia, and Zachary, my inspirations.
T hank you to Gene Luen Yang, who not only taught me about comics and graphic novels but also graciously let me use his workyou are the Man of Steel! Thanks also to the numerous authors and artists who let us use their workyou are true heroes. I hope this book leads to lots more sales of your work. A big round of applause to Chris Burns, who provided the illustrations for this bookyou rock! (Check out Chriss YouTube channel for art tutorials.)
I would like to thank the librarians who helped me do the research for this book, especially Marge from the Tyrone Public Library. Big thanks to Kristi Romo for surveying her English classes for quotes for this book and her wisdom about using comics in the classroom. Thanks to Jodell Sadler for planting the seeds for this book and Arlene Hirschfelder for her guidance and encouragement. I appreciate Swati Avasthi, Gene Luen Yang, and Beau LAmour for letting me interview them for this book.
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