Praise for
CRETE 1941
Excellent books have been written about the battle for Crete, but none, for me, has been as vivid and clear and exciting as Antony Beevors... this is a brilliant book.
Patrick Leigh Fermor, Daily Telegraph
This lucid, readable book is set to become the standard work.
Gerald Cadogan, Financial Times
Antony Beevor has safely avoided the risk of belittling the epic story by over-dramatization. He has served his heroes well, both Greek and British, so that even those who knew them personally will now know them better.
C. M. Woodhouse, The Times Literary Supplement
An admirably researched study... when the official history of SOE in Greece is published, it should quote from this book.
Nigel Clive, The Spectator
Beevors book has a fine cast of characters, both British and German... his facts are accurate and his judgements sound. The lively eloquence of his prose may console those who participated in one of the empires most poignant defeats.
Sir David Hunt, The Times
A complex, moving story, and Mr Beevor tells it very well, with a masterly analysis.
The Independent
Waugh is but one of the numerous cast which Beevor handles with a dexterity reminiscent of Simon Schamas technique in Citizens... his assiduous research is triumphantly apparent.
Xan Fielding, London Magazine
CRETE 1941
ANTONY BEEVOR is the bestselling author of numerous works of history, including D-Day; The Battle for Spain, which received the La Vanguardia Prize; Paris After the Liberation 19441949; Stalingrad, which won the Samuel Johnson Prize, the Wolfson Prize for History, and the Hawthornden Prize for Literature; and The Fall of Berlin 1945, which received the first LongmanHistory Today Trustees Award. He lives in England.
Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege 19421943
The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 19361939
The Fall of Berlin 1945
Paris After the Liberation 19441949
The Mystery of Olga Chekhova
D-Day: The Battle for Normandy
The Second World War
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A Penguin Random House Company
First published as Crete: The Battle and the Resistance in Great Britain by John Murray (Publishers), a division of Hodder Headline, 1991
First published as Crete: The Battle and the Resistance in the United States of America by Westview Press 1994
Published with a new introduction in Penguin Books 2014
Copyright 1991 by Antony Beevor
Introduction copyright 2014 by Ocito Ltd.
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Beevor, Antony, 1946
Crete 1941 : the battle and the resistance / Antony Beevor.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-698-15428-5 (eBook)
1. World War, 19391945CampaignsGreeceCrete. 2. World War, 19391945Underground movementsGreeceCrete. 3. Crete (Greece)History, Military20th century. I. Title.
D766.7.C7B44 2014
Map illustrations by Daniel Lagin
For Artemis
1. Greek troops on the Albanian front, winter 1940
2. John Pendlebury
3. The German invasion of Greece, April 1941
4. Generals Blamey, Wilson and Freyberg, April 1941
5. Captain Michael Forrester MC
6. Soldiers of the 5th Mountain Division emplaning in Greece
7. Mountain troops on a caique heading for Crete
8. German paratroopers landed in a Cretan vineyard
9. The paratroop drop at Heraklion
10. Suda Bay after an air attack
11. Jumping out in the crucifix position
12. Leaping from a Junkers 52 over Crete
13. Colonel Bruno Bruer
14. The HQ of the 14th Infantry Brigade on the last day
15. New Zealanders captured near Canea
16. Manoli Bandouvas and bodyguards
17. General Student inspects Italian troops with General Carta
18. Patrick Leigh Fermor in the Amari valley, spring 1943
19. Manoli Paterakis
20. Taking General Kreipe over the top of Mount Ida
Illustrations 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 are reproduced by kind permission of the War Museum in Athens; 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 by courtesy of the Imperial War Museum; 5, 14, 16 and 20 by kind permission of Patrick Leigh Fermor; 9 by kind permission of Lord Hollenden; and 17, 18 and 19 by kind permission of Hugh Fraser.
1. Cretexxii
2. The eastern Mediterranean16
3. Maleme and Suda sectors before the invasion95
4. Maleme airfield, 20 May 1941123
5. Rethymno, 20 May 1941133
6. Heraklion, 20 May 1941137
7. Prison Valley, 21 May 1941151
During my research, I soon learned that one should not be dismayed when people warn you that they have little of interest to offer. Sometimes a lapse of memory would be blamed what Paddy Leigh Fermor calls a shot across the bows from Admiral Alzheimer yet those who promised little were always the ones who, often surprising themselves as much as their listener, suddenly recalled, with great clarity, incidents and individuals from half a century ago. Without their stories and insights, this book would have been very flat.
I am above all grateful to: Miki Akoumianakis, the late Lord Caccia, Dennis Ciclitira, Sir Geoffrey Cox, Xan Fielding, Ron Fletcher, Major General Michael Forrester, Hugh Fraser, Professor Nicholas Hammond, Professor Freiherr von der Heydte, Myles Hildyard, Brigadier R.W. Hobson, Lord Hollenden, Sir David Hunt, Lieutenant General Sir Ian Jacob, Manolis Kougoumtzakis, Patrick Leigh Fermor, Manoussos Manoussakis, Colonel Guy May, Sir Charles Mott-Radclyffe, Mark Norman, George Psychoundakis, John Pumphrey, Brigadier Ray Sandover, Jack Smith-Hughes, John Stanley, Ralph Stockbridge, Dr R.E.S. Tanner, the Rt. Rev. Stephen Verney, Michael Ward, Sir Peter Wilkinson, Gerry de Winton and the Hon. C.M. Woodhouse.
Many thanks are also due to Vincent Williams, President of the UK Crete Veterans Association, and to UKCVA members and those of allied associations who contributed their memories: Tom Barratt, Tom Bevan, R.B. Brown, J.W. Clayton, Horace Cowley, Alexander Dow, Lieutenant Commander T.J. Gibbons, Alfred Gotts, Lieutenant Commander F.M. Hutton, Clifford Pass, Kenneth Stalder and Norman Swift; and to Vassilios Fourakis and Eleutheris Tsinakis.
I would also like to thank those who have helped in other ways, whether generously sharing their own research, contributing items from unexpected sources or providing useful ideas for further delving: Joan Bright Astley, Evangelos Christou, Antony Contomichaelos, Michael Davie, M.R.D. Foot, Imogen Grundon, Edward Hodgkin, Penelope Hope, Charles Messenger, Bernard Redshaw, Hugo Vickers and Christopher Woods.