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Jolene Dean - Killer Handyman

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Jolene Dean Killer Handyman
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    Killer Handyman
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He appeared to be a normal individual who didnt harbor any murderous tendencies, but the mother of one of his hockey buddies soon learned this was untrue. Williams murderous ways began in 1979 with Hazel Scattolon, but it wouldnt be until the late nineties that he was finally arrested and charged with her death, as well as four more deaths. If these were the only crimes hed committed, he wouldnt be considered the deadliest serial killer Canada has ever seen, but there is evidence to suggest William has been a part of numerous other crimes over the twenty years between Hazels murder and the murders of Anna Yarnold, Monique Gaudreau, Teresa Shanahan, and Mary Glen.

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It was February of 1955 in Toronto, Canada. The temperatures averaged sixteen degrees Fahrenheit and citizens were cozied up in their homes for the time being. At the time, immigrants were moving into the neighborhoods and what was once a quiet, peaceful city was beginning to turn into a bonafide metropolis. On the twenty-seventh of that month, a little boy was born to two parents. However, his biological father disappeared not long after his birth and was never to be heard from again. His mother struggled for three years to keep food on the table for her and her son, and then his aunt finally intervened. She being a recluse, there isnt much known about the boys time with his aunt.

There are stories about him as a child that painted him as a quiet boy who often made other children feel uneasy, but they didnt have a specific reason as to why. When he became of age and was able to trek out on his own, he took odd jobs here and there as a traveling handyman. Unfortunately, young William was not able to stay away from a life of petty crime that quickly grew into a life of savagery.

He reconnected with his mother in his early thirties, but did not have contact with her before that point as far as the police and investigators know. Many suspect something terrible happened during Williams childhood to make him who he is today, but there are no records of abuse or neglect while he was under the care of his aunt. In fact, many believe she instilled some very good qualities in him as a boy. William would not have been able to become the independent handyman hed been in his twenties if she had not.

Despite his life of small, petty crimes, William was a successful handyman.

It was at the age of twenty-two when his life took a notable turn. According to court records and newspapers, William was convicted for several different charges. He was convicted of abduction, breaking and entering, theft, and pretending to solemnize a marriage. In addition, he was convicted of libel, or a written defamation.

The cause of this change in his behavior? William Fyfe had begun to experiment with drugs. He would later seek counseling for this addiction, but it was never clear if he actually was able to become clean or if he was just able to control his actions while he was under the influence. William would find odd jobs here and there to fuel his drug habit, and if those jobs dried up, he resorted to robbery.

After Fyfe was released for the aforementioned crimes, he began a wanderer. He lived in several different cities across Canada until he finally settled in with his biological mother.

He appeared to be a normal individual who didnt harbor any murderous tendencies, but the mother of one of his hockey buddies soon learned this was untrue. Williams murderous ways began in 1979 with Hazel Scattolon, but it wouldnt be until the late nineties that he was finally arrested and charged with her death, as well as four more deaths. If these were the only crimes hed committed, he wouldnt be considered the deadliest serial killer Canada has ever seen, but there is evidence to suggest William has been a part of numerous other crimes over the twenty years between Hazels murder and the murders of Anna Yarnold, Monique Gaudreau, Teresa Shanahan, and Mary Glen.

If this is the case, then he would be classified as the deadliest serial killer of Canada, but unfortunately, William Fyfe is rather tight-lipped about his involvement in the open cases.

Lets explore the life of William Fyfe and what it is that made him one of Canadas most frightening criminals.

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Chapter One The Beginning of the End
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W illiam Fyfe was not pegged as a suspect for the first few murders he committed, nor was he a suspect in the serial rapes that took place in the 1980s that he later claimed he committed. What was his ultimate downfall were the murders that took place in the 1990s, beginning with a woman named Anna Yarnold.

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Anna Yarnold
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I t was an average winter in October of 1999 for Senneville, Quebec. The neighborhood was peaceful and the police were not accustomed to handling violent crime. With around 1,500 residents, it was quite clear the occupants of this peaceful town knew one another well.

Her neighbors and living relatives described Anna Yarnold as an artistic woman who enjoyed painting and making flower arrangements. Her daughter describes her as being a spontaneous woman who was very much into life. Unfortunately, it was cut short.

In October of 1999, Anna lived in Senneville, Quebec, a quiet, peaceful area the police considered an easygoing place to work due to the little amount of violent crime they witnessed. The population was around fifteen hundred people, with the area being secluded and wooded. Mrs. Yarnolds home was located off the beaten path where the only thing to be seen from the windows were trees. Her home was private and secluded, making her an easy target, unfortunately.

The day Mrs. Yarnold was murdered was like any other day in Senneville, Quebec. Anna was worried about the health of her dog, Trooper, and took him to the local veterinarian at three in the afternoon. Shed noticed a lump on his side and was very worried about him. Her veterinarian informed her Troopers lump could be cancerous and they had to remove it. After the appointment, Anna took Trooper home to her secluded, waterfront home.

Worried about his wife, Robert Yarnold called her from work to check in on her and Trooper shortly after they arrived home. Her daughter called her around five thirty in the afternoon and noticed her mother sounded as if shed been crying. They talked for quite some time about Trooper, and Sarah Yarnold tried to calm her mother. Both her husband and her daughter assured her everything would be okay with Trooper, and that was the last either one of them spoke with her.

As darkness fell over the providence of Montreal, West Island, an unexpected visitor approached Anna Yarnolds home in a pickup truck. On October 15, 1999, the following morning, her daughter and husband both tried calling her multiple times because they were worried about her emotional well-being concerning Trooper. By that time, it was too late.

Both repeatedly attempted to reach the fifty-nine-year-old woman. As the evening set in on October 15, Robert Yarnold drove up this wifes home. The first thing he noticed about her home was the lights were on and her vehicle was in the driveway. Worried and curious, Robert went inside her home to look for his wife and her dog. He first searched the downstairs rooms but quickly made his way up to the upstairs bedrooms. In a guest bedroom, he found Trooper alive and well. On the bed, he found signs of possible foul play.

His wifes purse was on the spare bedrooms bed and her wallet was open. Her cards were strewn about and her change was emptied out across the bed. Worried, Robert decided to search for his wife. Finally, he made his way downstairs and out into the yard. Just outside a screened in porch near a triangular flower bed, he found his wifes body. She was lying face down, and when he turned her, it was obvious she had been murdered.

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