I Married an Angel,
and Now Shes in Heaven
A memoir with miracles, religious thoughts and prayers.
Dr. Raymond Broz
![I Married an Angel and Now Shes in Heaven - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/382304/image/11438.png)
Copyright 2013 Dr. Raymond Broz.
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ISBN: 978-1-4525-8127-9 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2013915656
Balboa Press rev. date: 9/6/2013
![The date of the photo of this sunset was June 9th 2008 which was the day that - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/382304/image/001_a_asasas_fmt.png)
The date of the photo of this sunset was June 9th, 2008 which was the day that Dorothy died in Minnesota. It was taken by Cathy, my granddaughter-in-law, in Fox Lake, Illinois, without any knowledge of Dorothys condition. Cathy was so impressed with the scene that she felt she needed to take the picture to preserve it. She was very surprised when she learned what happened that day. Dorothy loved to watch the sunsets over the lake at our Wisconsin home.
I feel extremely fortunate to have been invited to live my son Rick and his wife Hedy. Being able to live with his whole family is really a blessing for me.
In addition Ricks company, Culinary Wizard, gave me office space which included a desk and a computer. Also available were expert instructors on the operation of a computer. They started me from ground zero to a point where I was able to do about 80% of the typing of my manuscript.
I needed to get Dorothys life and events after her death available for others to read. She was a great and unusual person, and, to me, the events after her death are extraordinary. These spiritual events are beyond comprehension if a person does not believe in life after death.
I want to thank Ricks whole family for the help and guidance in completing this manuscript. In addition I need to thank my daughter Barbara for her assistance as well.
To my precious darling, Dorothy Ann Osborn Broz
This book is the first public announcement that I am making of the miraculous happenings that occurred during my wifes life including her last illness and death.
The first miracle occurred on July 6th, 2007, a year before Dorothys death. She was ill with dementia, and she was in our apartment at the time. However a key to a pick-up truck appeared on the sand at our lake home in Wisconsin. It was a normal automobile key which was next to the left back wheel of a ladys pick-up that unlocked the passenger door that had the keys locked inside.
The second and third miracles occurred to me, after her death, again at our lake home. I was picking up split logs on July 8th, 2008, when she spoke to me while I was alone. I was working on a hot day, and she told me, Thats enough already. I could not believe it at first, and I continued to work. Now she spoke to me again, saying the same thing, Thats enough already. This time I am convinced that this is Dorothys voice speaking to me clearly, and I immediately stopped working. She is still helping me.
Four days later, on July 12th, 2008, also at our lake home, my grandsons wife, Kate, saw my wife, Dorothy, in a dream, beautifully radiant, and Dorothy spoke to her also. She said, Tell Paul that this place is not the same. This is the fourth miracle.
The greatest miracle of all, occurred to this same grandson, Paul and his wife, Kate who had a new born son, Atlas, who was about two months old. He was hospitalized in Childrens Memorial Hospital in Chicago about December 26, 2008, because he was unable to retain his feedings. He was scheduled to have surgery on December 29th. I was informed of that on December 28th, the day before surgery, and I prayed to Dorothy to please help our baby, Atlas. He was CURED that day, and the surgery was CANCELED !! Instead of surgery, his parents were able to take him home. He has been healthy ever since. My angel, Dorothy, cured our great grandson.
Besides these events, I have had eagles flying over me on three different occasions in two different states. The first time was when I was living in Minnesota, and in addition, there were two occasions where I am living now in Illinois. The first two times it was only one eagle, and the third time, there were three eagles, single file. I have heard her voice, and she sends eagles over me. Surely she is in heaven. I keep calling her my angel, but I really believe she is my saint.
These supernatural events are so outstanding that I need to tell the whole world that Dorothy is in heaven. That our Heavenly Father had a place for her in heaven as He had promised. God is real, and Dorothy is alive. She also told me before she died that she would see me in heaven. I hope her prophesy is correct.
When I married Dorothy on June 9, 1945, God gave me a beautiful, precious person to have and to hold until death do us part. I am sure that He meant I should protect her, love her, and take care of her, until one of us has died. With that in mind, we began our marriage. We were inseparable from then on until I went into the Army in World War II. Dorothy traveled with me until I was ordered to go over seas. So for fourteen months, including the birth of our first child, we were separated. When I returned, we were together from then on. One friend called us love birds because I appeared to be hovering over her all the time.
She was my precious jewel that I loved and cherished her every day. We had eight wonderful children, and she had everything, mink coats, cars, vacations. Our children never saw us argue or scream at each other because we never did. I tried very hard to please her, and she knew it. In every life, a little rain must fall, but mine was a thunder storm. In reading this book, you will laugh and perhaps cry, but it contains more joy than tears, and our marriage was so great, that I wanted to share it with you.
At the end of my memoir, I have added a quasi religious section which I feel needs to be repeated and studied again as we get older and circumstances change. We need to refresh and renew our spiritual life as we go year after year. Personally I have used religion as my avocation almost all my life. It actually dove-tailed well with my medical practice.
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