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Table of Contents
There are literally scores of people I need to thank for their help in making this book a reality. Fortunately, asnoted in the dedication, most dont want me to mention them by name, so that makes this so much easier.
First, I need to thank Brandon Rogers for his talent and dedication. At times Brandon acted as editor, contributedto the cover design, stood up as marketing guru, website designer, sounding board and friend. I could not havegotten this book out on time and have had it turn out as well as it did without him.
Thanks to Vetta Bogdanoff who ably handled the nitty-gritty of editing. Since I was writing and making revisionsright up to the last second, this took not just her talents, but also her patience and good cheer. Thank you toWendy Rae Leaumont for her original work on the cover design.
Thank you, too, to Mary Ann Garner and Kira Newman for their time and good work.
A special thank you to the friends who will let me mention them by name, folks who, in many cases, sufferedthrough the most dreadful versions of the book as it came together little by little. These include (in no particularorder) Vladimir (Val) Cymbal, Sonja and Mr. Schmidt, Seth Swirsky, Jody Duncan, Kender MacGowan, Peter Bylsma, BenShapiro, Ari David, Fini Goodman, Andrew Klavan, Tony Katz, Kira Davis, John Hawkins, Stacy McCain, Barry Rubin,Larry Greenfield, Ann Marie Murrell, Duane "Bucky" Buckley, Anna and Alex Karpov, Bob and Emilie Golub and MichaelFinch.
Im sure Ive left some deserving people out. I apologize and will remedy that in future editions.
And a particular thank you to the folks at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf (store # withheld for their safety) forallowing me to turn their facilities into my office, even when they werent quite sure if I was a dedicated writerburning the midnight oil, or just simply homeless.
A very special thank you to Tom Dreesen and Gary Sinise for reminding me on a daily basis just exactly what amench is and what I should aspire to be.
And finally, an eternal debt of gratitude to Andrew Breitbart, for being both a friend and a hero. I can think ofno better combination.
Authors Note
The bad news is that youve just spent somewhere around ten dollars to purchase what remains a work in progress. Itis the first hundred or so pages of a book I had not planned to publish until sometime in 2013. Id wanted to holdoff until after the elections so that the book would not be seen as so much political as philosophical. As moreand more of the people I turned to for editorial advice insisted that I get at least this part out before theelections however, I finally relented.
The good news is that, by the time you finish reading these pages, you will understand something that has baffledyou for years: how the Modern Liberal thinks and why it is that so many otherwise good, decent, and smart peoplework on behalf of all that is evil, failed, and wrong and hate nothing less than hate anyone who doesnt.
The Laws of Modern Liberalism
Indiscriminateness the total rejection of the intellectual process is an absolute moral imperative.
Indiscriminateness of thought does not lead to indiscriminateness of policies. It leads to siding only and alwayswith the lesser over the better, the wrong over the right, and the evil over the good.
Modern Liberal policies occur in tandem. Each effort on behalf of the lesser is met with an equal and oppositecampaign against the better.
The Modern Liberal will ascribe to the better the negative qualities associated with the lesser while concurrentlyascribing to the lesser the positive qualities found in the better.
The Corollaries
The Modern Liberal may have personal standards but he must deny them and militate against their use and thosewho use them in the public arena.
Modern Liberals do not and cannot seek to better themselves or society. Instead they must lower others andsociety to their level.
Modern Liberals have secondary policies that are meant only to somewhat mitigate the greater suffering thattheir primary policies created or exacerbated.
At the Democrats recent national convention, at least half of the delegates the most influential activists in theparty, each one representing hundreds if not thousands of others in his or her local precinct voted to eliminatethe word God from their partys platform. During this same session, these same Democrats voted to undermine theJews of Israel at the very moment of their greatest peril by no longer recognizing Jerusalem as their capital. TheDemocrats werent finished, though. Before the session was out, they had voted to strike the word rare from thepartys abortion policy.
So whats the Democrats beef with God? What do they have against the Jews of Israel? Why do they want abortions tobe commonplace and frequent? These are just three questions and theyre from just the other day. We Right-Thinkingpeople have a thousand more. And they all come down to this: Why does the Modern Liberal the dominant force intodays Democratic Party and throughout so much of Americas modern culture seem to side in every case with evilover good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success? This bookanswers that question.
Before we start, though, it is essential that we define some terms. Most importantly, it must be understood that theModern Liberal is not a liberal who happens to be alive today. Nor is he a Classical Liberal like John F. Kennedy.In fact, hes not liberal at all. The Modern Liberal is as much at war with liberal values as he is withconservative ones. Just consider the difference between Kennedys admonition to Ask not what your country can dofor you ask what you can do for your country, and the Modern Liberals belief that your country should dovirtually everything for you (see Barack Obamas Julia). Meanwhile, the Modern Liberal finds the notion of doingthings for their country repugnant as, being Citizens of The World, such provincialism is seen as nothing shortof xenophobic.
Modern Liberalism is an entirely separate ideology, new in its prevalence and now dominance to what I call theModern Liberal era (post World War II through today). In fact, I call it Modern Liberalism only becausethey typically call themselves Liberals and I felt that any other word would make their prevalence and powerappear less than it is. I added the modifier Modern to make clear that they are not what they say they are, norwhat the Liberals used to be.
It is also essential to understand that, while Modern Liberalism is fully in control of todays Democratic Party,not everyone who votes Democrat is a Modern Liberal. Many like some union members, government workers and welfarerecipients for example may vote Democrat for practical and self-serving reasons rather than ideological ones.
Finally, while I tend to speak in absolutes as one does when describing adherents to an ideology (The Marxistbelieves this, or the Buddhist does that) people are people and thus a mass of contradictions. They are inpossession of limited information, personality quirks and other flesh-and-blood realities that make an individualan individual. Nonetheless, the traits of the Modern Liberal discussed throughout appear so consistently in thoseI describe as to make my statements trueand the Modern Liberal dangerous.