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Kitt Baguley - CultureShock! Venezuela: A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

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Kitt Baguley CultureShock! Venezuela: A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette
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Presents a brief overview of the country, and discusses the customs and proper etiquette for various situations.

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This 3rd edition published in 2008 reprinted 2011 by Marshall Cavendish - photo 1

This 3rd edition published in 2008, reprinted 2011 by:

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Culture shock is a state of disorientation that can come over anyone who has been thrust into unknown surroundings, away from ones comfort zone. CultureShock! is a series of trusted and reputed guides which has, for decades, been helping expatriates and long-term visitors to cushion the impact of culture shock whenever they move to a new country.

Written by people who have lived in the country and experienced culture shock themselves, the authors share all the information necessary for anyone to cope with these feelings of disorientation more effectively. The guides are written in a style that is easy to read and covers a range of topics that will arm readers with enough advice, hints and tips to make their lives as normal as possible again.

Each book is structured in the same manner. It begins with the first impressions that visitors will have of that city or country. To understand a culture, one must first understand the peoplewhere they came from, who they are, the values and traditions they live by, as well as their customs and etiquette. This is covered in the first half of the book.

Then on with the practical aspectshow to settle in with the greatest of ease. Authors walk readers through how to find accommodation, get the utilities and telecommunications up and running, enrol the children in school and keep in the pink of health. But thats not all. Once the essentials are out of the way, venture out and try the food, enjoy more of the culture and travel to other areas. Then be immersed in the language of the country before discovering more about the business side of things.

To round off, snippets of basic information are offered before readers are tested on customs and etiquette of the country. Useful words and phrases, a comprehensive resource guide and list of books for further research are also included for easy reference.


When people think of Venezuela, what often comes to mind is Miss World and coffee. A little reflection usually recalls its powerful oil industry and the name Simn Bolvar, but what lies beyond that?

To most people, the South American continent is a dark mass dappled with odd patches of light. The fiestas with their pulsating Latin rhythms. Political instability, guerrillas and military coups. Countries rich in natural resources and teeming with wildlife. Venezuela has, or has had, it all. It is a country of contrasts, not least between its proud foundation and its contemporary obsession with the culture of the United States. This book aims to provide anyone intending to spend some time or settle in Venezuela with an up-to-date and accurate portrayal of this diverse and deeply fascinating country.


There can be no better way to begin this book than with an explanation of its title and the rationale behind it. When you live in a new country, there is a process of adaptation that cannot be avoided. This is obvious. The most surprising thing about this process is the psychological effect that it has. Your personality changes. Maybe not in any profound sense; you wont necessarily become more sophisticated, wise or cultured just by living in a foreign country. You wont be freed from your own cultural values merely by being able to compare two or more cultures. You wont be able to step out and separate yourself from culture entirely and become an individual capable of adapting to any and every situation. However, this doesnt preclude gaining valuable insights into your own culture.

Culture shock may involve disorientation, fear, helplessness, a sense of instability and insecurity and mild panic. This might sound exaggerated but if you look at your own experiences you may have a sense of recognition. You might have had to adapt to a change of town and a change of school in your childhood with all its initially attendant miseries. Do not forget that children are more adaptable than adults, although less secure emotionally.

For adults, culture shock presents other problems. You can lose confidence in yourself as you find that you simply cannot function as well as you are used to. Misunderstandings and mis readings of situations are bound to happen. You cannot help but suffer an emotional reaction to all of this. You will feel frustrated and quite possibly react in anger due to that frustration. You may direct this anger at yourself, although you are blameless for not knowing what you can only learn by experience (yours or someone elses). You may be angry at your new hosts for not understanding you or even for not trying to understand you. You may withdraw and defend yourself vigorously. You may feel that your beliefs, your way of life and your personality are under threat. You may feel spurned, left out, unwanted and rejected just because you are not like them. Not only is the new country a bewildering feast for the senses but there are new rules to be learned, most of which are, unfortunately, unspoken.

A mild sense of paranoia can occur when you feel that the people around you are all pressing for you to change and become like them. Why cant they accept me as I am? you mutter to yourself. You may find that the difference between them and you leads you to cling onto whatever is at hand to remind you of home. Something as insignificant as a sports report torn from a newspaper may take on the appearance of a lifeline. You may develop a siege mentality and decide to reproduce the conditions of your environment back home as much as possible. This will allow you to involve yourself slowly and on your terms.

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