Copyright 2015 by Dauphin Publications. Second Edition. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.
Table of Contents
An extraordinary and unexpected event is almost upon us... the reality of free energy.
You don t know about this because of the irresponsible behavior of important elements in society. Those that claim to serve you.
The U.S. Department of Energy is either hopelessly incompetent or protecting the interest of present energy sources at the expense of society as a whole.
The press, including the so-called scientific press, has a blackout on news. The famous investigative journalists suddenly have cold feet.
The political establishment is either silent (the White House) or making half-hearted efforts to investigate (Congress). By contrast, this is by far the most important event in the history of the United need to know and should know.
This report is an introduction to hidden events that will shape your life in coming decades.
Antony C. Sutton, D.Sc.
December 26, 1997
Revised July 1999
Chapter 1
Background to the New Energy Revolution
Unknown to almost everyone in the United States, the world is on the verge of a revolutionary technological change in the way we acquire and use energy.
In March 1989 two electro-chemists, Martin Fleischmann of the University of Southampton in England and Martin Pons of the University of Utah (Fleischmann s one-time graduate student), announced an electro-chemical process which appeared to be a low energy nuclear reaction. The reaction supposedly released a form of nuclear energy. They called it cold fusion.
Without heat and pressure, by use of simple electrolysis, they could generate over unity... get more power out of the device than needed to run it. This is counter to orthodox theory that states that one needs massive pressure and high temperature to achieve so-called hot fusion, to release the power of the atom.
The physics establishment had just spent 50 years and maybe $20 billion to achieve this end, and had not achieved over unity. Now they were told it could be done on a kitchen table with a cheap apparatus known to every freshman chemistry major.
The immediate overwhelming scientific response was impossible." Most scientists were secure in the assumption that they already knew everything about physics and proclaimed cold fusion a fraud." Instead of dispassionate examination of the claim, almost without exception prominent scientists shouted down the discovery. Pons and Fleischmann fled to France. Science influence with the media was used to ridicule the discovery...and science reporters lapped it up, without a second thought.
The fact that this reaction was essentially self-serving justification for a bountiful flow of federal funds went largely unnoticed. Thousands of physicists depended on federal funding in the hot fusion and high energy physics programs. Cold fusion threatened the flow of funds. The media reaction was unbelievable...instant dismissal, and unthinking ridicule:
NEW YORK TIMES (April 30, 1989): one word, it s garbage.
NBC TV Reporter Bazell: I know what is possible and what is not...I think it s a bunch of junk.
NATURE Editor John Maddox: ...a milestone in the history of entertainment.
NATURE Editor David Lindley: Pigs don t have wings.
TIME : I don t think that data is worth anything.
The negative lockstep reaction of the media can be traced to the prominent scientists working on government research funds. News sources, specifically science reporters, have neither the wisdom nor the fortitude to question these self-appointed experts. These are some of the comments made by physicists before they had time to repeat the experiments (i.e., knee-jerk emotional reactions):
Steven Koonin, Cal Tech: ...a mistake... they found something that didn t exist.
Robert Park, American Physical Society: ...a s ance of true believers.
Herman Fesbach, MIT: I don't want to see any more evidence. I think it s a bunch of junk.
The Department of Energy appointed a Cold Fusion Panel from its Energy Research Advisory Board with Professor John Huizenga of University of Rochester as co-chairman. In November 1989 the panel issued a report which was anything but impartial. The panel could find no convincing evidence of excess heat and claimed that the process is contrary to all understanding gained of nuclear reactions in the last half of the 20th century. The panel recommended against any specific follow-up and recommended channeling any work within the present funding system (a good way to kill off further work).
The immediacy and intensity of hostility suggests cold fusion hit a sensitive nerve. The world view of physics had been shaken. If cold fusion was right, the theoretical structure of physics was in error big-time error.
Since 1989 high-energy physicists have fallen over themselves to declare cold fusion impossible, a delusion, a fraud, bad science, and everything disreputable under the sun. They particularly point to the 1989 DOE report and the initial large number of unsuccessful duplications. Notably they always cite the work of 1989 to 1991 when there were difficulties in duplication. In particular the platinum-palladium electrodes were troublesome some grades worked well, others did not. There were problems with surface defects.
This negative approach was largely confined to the U.S. and Britain. In Japan in 1991 about 2 percent of the hot fusion budget was devoted to cold fusion. In the U.S. none. In India, a broadly based cold fusion program was continued under the Indian Atomic board. In Russia, in spite of troubled times, about 15 million rubles were allocated to twenty laboratories in the four years between 1991 and 1995 for cold fusion research.
The error made by high energy physics was to attempt suppression. This drove research into the private sector where they lost opportunity to control. If they had financed the work through government funding they could have attempted classification and suppression through the government DOE apparatus and so bury for all time... at least inside the U.S. Their haste to protect 100 percent of hot fusion funding forced development into the private sector.
Chapter 2
Revival of Cold Fusion
The assault was nearly successful. Cold fusion was almost killed off. Pons and Fleischmann were driven from the U.S. to France to a Japanese funded laboratory. Physicist after physicist claimed fraud and the media followed suit, down to the present day. Lack of funding and peer pressure combined to keep many scientists in ignorance, and even today success is not widely known. Around the world independent researchers took a second look. If they had no fund, they cannibalized other projects. A handful of researchers looked beyond the official screen and a few low-circulation journals, including FTIR (see last page), emerged and tracked the new work.
Even within the U.S. government, questions remained and small-scale work continued at the U.S. Navy in China Lake, California, NASA, Cleveland, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and elsewhere.
Very slowly, the new work paid off but remained unpublicized. The official DOE position remained the same. DOE officially refused to finance any workers who were even interested in cold fusion. The Patent Office will not grant patents on cold fusion but recently has granted patents where over unity effect is in the description.
The first studies were unsuccessful but gradually came enough positive results to keep the work alive. It was found that the surface characteristics of electrodes were significant electrodes had to be pure with no surface defects.
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