Robin de Ruiter
The 13 Satanic Bloodlines
Paving the Road to Hell
The End of "Individual Choice" is at Hand
Worldwide Evil and Misery
The Antichrist
Mayra Publications
The views expressed herein are the personal views of the author and are not intended to reflect the views of the publisher.
Copyright: 2008 - 2018 Robin de Ruiter
Publisher: Mayra Publications
Cover: Wojciech Trojanowski
Written by Robin de Ruiter
Made in the United States
ISBN: 978-1508776062
No part of this work may be reproduced in any form by print, photo print, microfilm or any other means without written permission of the publisher.
Translated and published in more than 100 countries, The 13 Satanic Bloodlines guides us along a deep hidden trail of the actual history of the world, which only few people know of.
This four-volume book is a very unique publication and reading it will undoubtedly change the way you look at both history and the world today.
In 2006 the first French edition of this book was banned in France.
The English edition of this book is a new, updated version of the original manuscript.
Some of the content in this book is of a sensitive nature and may not be suitable for all audiences.
This publication has been created with the greatest care. However, neither the maker nor the publisher is responsible for possible damage caused by any errors and/or incompleteness in this edition.
For indemnification of the publisher, the author declares himself completely responsible for the text and content of this book.
The space doesnt allow me to mention everyone that has helped me. Nevertheless, I have to mention some. I would especially like to show my gratitude to Fritz Springmeier for his valuable collaboration and authorization to use several of his investigations mentioned in this book.
My sincere gratitude goes to Emilee Bargona, Laura Cowan and my friend Mike Edger for their help in bringing the English text of this book into existence.
I am also grateful to Dr. Anders Bruun Laursen for his contribution to this book.
My gratitude goes to Eberhard Krehl and my father Cebastiaan de Ruiter, both of whom stood strong beside me and provided me with information and comments about life in the concentration camps during and after the Second World War. Both survived several concentration camps!
My gratitude also goes to Rainer Rupp, former staff member of NATO in Brussels. He worked at NATO headquarters in Brussels for over ten years, where among other things; he had access to classified information.
I am especially thankful to the Dutch lawyer and advisor to President Slobodan Miloevi, N.M.P. Steijnen for his contribution to this book. He arranged for me to gain access to the important transcripts of the Yugoslav Tribunal and unpublished Dutch press releases.
In particular I want to thank a handful of government officials who provided me with important documents. They must remain anonymous for obvious reasons.
Above all I thank God, and I praise His wonderful leadership in my life that I have been blessed to receive since early childhood.
May God reward everyone that has contributed to the success of this book, and with direction, encouragement, information and advice.
It will not have escaped your attention that our society isnt doing too well.
Everywhere you look things seem to be taking a turn for the worse. Violence in the Middle East, increasing ecological threats, mass cultural and intellectual dumbing-down and obscene government corruption are just some of the problems why people feel ill at ease, restless and unsafe.
The world has never known as many conflicts, refugees and displaced persons before. From refined plots new revolutions, wars, financial crises and political disasters develop. Governments run to save bankers with our tax money, pension funds are massively broke and health systems are in shambles.
Fear and depression form part of everyday life, and everywhere people feel discouraged and down because of social, spiritual, physical and emotional problems.
It seems like humanity is kept in a continuous state of agitation, instability and fear.
Our society has grown more harsh and ruthless every day. Children are becoming more aggressive and have no respect for adults. Famines (every day more than 50.000 children die), increasing criminal activities, terrorism, unemployment, climatic changes, corrupt world leaders and continuous wars, all contribute to at least one notion that many people agree on: Mankind needs another world.
Many ask themselves: Where is this world going? Where does this road lead us? How did we get into this chaos? What else awaits us?
Regrettably the near future threatens us with even darker clouds on its horizon. What exactly is going on?
There is no consequence without a cause. What is the reason for our fears? Of course there are a lot of self-centered and heartless people, but they are not the main offenders. The origins of the fear are deeper and clearly lie somewhere else.
In this book the author demonstrates how International Monopolists, operating under the guise of global politics, have been trying for decades to destroy the existing World Order in order to create a dictatorial New World Order; a global design for a One World Government, One World Dictator and its constituents.
Over the last 25 years there has been a significant increase of awareness amongst the population about the creating of a dictatorial New World Order. This is largely due to a result of the September 2001 attack on the twin towers in New York which led to the formation of hundreds of "freedom of information" groups.
Unfortunately one of the great tragedies of this dramatic rise of information about the New World Order is that there are prominent groups and individuals who are championing the need for the masses to wake up to the New World Order agenda, yet the beliefs of such groups and individuals clearly show they are also themselves deceived and doing more harm than good with their poisonous mixture of truth and error.
The New World Order agenda has been an operation that has been running for hundreds of years but due to misinformation and individuals having their own secret eureka understandings and interpretations it would seem that the secret plan of feeding surrogates of influence with half truths and misinformation has been a deliberate ploy to keep people in a state of deception despite people feeling they are more informed than the general public.
Truth Mixed with Error is the Deadliest Form of Deception
Unfortunately there are no correct variations of truth about the true nature of the New World Order agenda. There is only one truth which has been purposely covered up and re-branded to ensure that those who dare to seek and question are unsuspectingly led into a dangerous cocktail of truth mixed with error.
In a world of chaos and misinformation how can we truly know that what we hear about the New World Order is real? In a world where we are consciously trying to ensure we don't get hoodwinked or deceived by half truths how can we really know for sure that there is an agenda which involves corporations and people of influence in a way that simply seems too astonishing to believe? How can we be sure that there is a secret dictatorial New World Order agenda?