In the Time of
Commentaries from the Front Line
Edited by
Dr. Jeremy M. Levin
New York, 2020
Biotechnology in the Time of COVID-19
Copyright by Jeremy M. Levin
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information, please contact RosettaBooks at, or by mail at 125 Park Ave., 25th Floor, New York, NY 10017.
First edition published 2020 by RosettaBooks
Cover design by Lon Kirschner
ISBN-13 (print): 978-0-7953-5297-3
ISBN-13 (ebook): 978-0-7953-5298-0
Library of Congress Control Number: 2020939728
From the Editor
Each of the contributors to this book was gracious enough to participate without compensation. I have assigned my royalties equally to two nonprofits dedicated to research into 7,000 rare diseases: and
RosettaBooks will join me in donating a percentage of their revenues equally to the same nonprofits.
About Global Genes: Our story began with our loved ones. We are the friends, family, and supporters of patients close to us who are affected by rare disease. Rare diseases afflict more than 30 million Americans and impact over 400 million people worldwide. Spanning over 8,000 diseases, this community is the largest patient population on the planet. Thats the reason Global Genes was bornto connect, empower and inspire the rare disease patient advocates who decided they were going to forge a new reality for themselves and loved ones, to not take that line as a fete accompli. From educating the newly diagnosed patients and caregivers to building technical capacity across our 600-plus patient advocacy organizations, Global Genes champions patient-centric approaches to shorten the diagnostic odyssey, increase the number of rare diseases researched, and improve access to treatments for all. Global Genes programs, partnerships, and collaborations foster a robust, scaled R&D landscape for the rare disease community. Together we are Allies in Rare Disease.
About The Institute for Life Changing Medicines: Our story is part of the larger American biotech storythat we are connected as one fighting against disease across the world. As an industry, we face the stark realities of cost, risk, and a need for financial viability. The result is many less common, yet lethal diseases have not been defeated. Now that problem is addressed by The Institute for Life Changing Medicines. A nonprofit founded by Alex Karnal, Dr. James Wilson, and Dr. Tachi Yamada, which promises to transform the status quo. Together, they employ the collective advantages of nonprofit capital, industry partnerships, and a self-sustaining model to act on their belief that a healthy life is a basic human right. With their efforts, the reach of our industrys mission will be expanded to include the diseases currently left behind. Together, locked arm-in-arm with its for-profit colleagues and partners, we will be even more connected as one industry with one goal, to transform the lives of anyone suffering anywhere in the world.
At the risk of further delay, I ask your forbearance as I thank those who are responsible for conceiving this book and urging me to take this on. I owe them the profound thanks they are due!
Foremost amongst these is Arthur Klebanoff, Chief Executive of RosettaBooks, who a mere four weeks ago casually conceptualized this project, prodded me to take it on, and then pulled off publication on this uber-accelerated schedule.
Similarly, this book could not have occurred without the extraordinary, immediate response of the authors, an exceptional group of leaders who in the midst of their day jobs driving the engine of biotechnology took time out to write these amazing insights. They are representative of the many I was unable to include, whom I also admire deeply and whom each has his or her own story to tell of this period. To those in this book whose sustained friendships stretch over decades, I value you deeply. You make rich the fabric of my life in biotechnology.
My work in medicine and biotechnology would not have been possible without the inspiration I derived from lifelong friends Yoram Hessel, Yehiam Mart, and Eliezer Kalina. Thanks also to Sir Stuart Hampshire who opened the door for me to explore the wonderful world of science despite my then evident lack of academic accomplishment!
Thank you to my family for their belief and their tolerance, and thank you to my mother, Leah, for instilling in me the values that drive me. She is today alone in London, like many others, braving the pandemic. She and my father Archie modeled the value that one never gives up when battling for what is right.
On behalf of all the writers, I offer our deepest condolences to the families worldwide who have lost loved ones to Covid-19.
In addition, as we launch this book against the backdrop of the tragedy of this past explosive and very sad week in America, we remind ourselves of the positive impact we as individuals and as an industry can have not just against disease but more broadly by exemplifying and expressing the standards and values we believe in.
Jeremy M. Levin
Introduction: A Foreseeable Crisis, an Unnecessary Catastrophe, and a Remarkable Response
History will record this period as one of deep pain and suffering coupled with uncertainty and fear. But it will also record the heroes of today: the first responders, the nurses, the doctors, and those who care for their loved ones who are sick and at home. They faced a monster that swept across borders with impunity. They were alone initially.
Before this happened, and while the COVID-19 crisis was unfolding in China, in January 2020 I traveled to the Far East for the trip of a lifetime. As I entered Cambodia to visit the sites that I had dreamed of, I was struck by the emptiness of the streets. There were few tourists. The glorious ruins of Siem Reap were deserted. The fabled Ta Prohm Templeinspiration for the mythical Temple of Doomwas left unattended and enclosed only by the roots of giant trees. There was fear in the eyes of everyone in the streets.
As I walked the streets and ate in the deserted restaurants, it was clear that this part of the world knew a storm was coming in the form of a dreaded pandemic. I was certain America needed to awaken to this growing crisis, seemingly far from our shores and national consciousness, but clearly heading our way.
I returned to the United States and immediately contacted Jim Greenwood, the CEO of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO). I was in my eighth month of as chair of BIO and was anxious to know what steps BIO was taking to organize an industry-wide response to COVID-19, though it was still thought to be far offshore and not yet a threat to the world. I asked Jim to determine what our colleagues were doing. Hearing that there was no industry-wide coordination, I recruited Dr. George Scangos of Vir Biotechnology, a deeply experienced scientist and leader, to chair BIOs COVID-19 efforts. Jim, George, and BIO galvanized an industry-wide effort whose story will be told in this book.