Loss of Life and
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Copyright 2020 Joanne Bezeau
Table of Contents
Book Description
One moment, life was seemingly normal, then before we all knew it, we were all hit with something that changed the way we see life forever. Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, many things changed. The little things we took for granted become taken away from us, and most people don't know what to do with this.
Finding control even in this situation, and adjusting to the new standard is difficult, but not impossible. In this book, Coronavirus: Mourning Loss of Life and Normalcy, we explore how the virus has changed our lives and what we can do to make the most of the negative situation.
You dont have to give the crisis power over you. Learn how with this guide!
There are very few times where people of the world, regardless of their background, come together to fight against a common enemy. Issues like climate change, corruption, and now, the coronavirus pandemic. Ever since the virus suddenly appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, everyone has had to face the same challenges and go about the same rules. Information is flying in from all directions. The rules are choking, and no one can go about their normal, day to day activities like before. Many people have said that they seem to be losing their minds, being stuck at home, and seeing bad news every day.
When situations like these happen, we tend to lose control, and some can sink into depression. Most of the news we see on TV and what everyone is talking about on social media is the virus. A ripple effect followed the arrival of the coronavirus. Domestic violence cases have dramatically increased, the economy is suffering as unemployment rapidly increases, children are hungry, and the homeless are stranded. The world leaders seem confused about what to do.
While some people are wondering how to pay rent next month, others are losing their sanity from staying home for too long. Even though the problems are different, there is one common denominator, and that is the coronavirus.
With the pandemic not going anywhere soon, it falls on you to take control of your life. You can allow the pandemic to change you, or you can navigate yourself through the pandemic. This guide is here to help you do just this. Using the acronym, C.O.R.O.N.A.V.I.R.U.S., we will be exploring the effects of the virus on social and economic life and how you can recover and navigate through these effects.
C ollectively Transformed: How the coronavirus has transformed us all.
O rdered to Self-Isolate/Social Distance: The effects of self-isolation on social interactions.
R ituals and Funerals: The virus has changed the outlook on death.
O ppressive Societal Attitudes: The negative social effects of the virus.
N ormalcy, Loss of What Was: The changes in normal activities we were all used to.
A cceptance (Finding Control in the Situation): How to gain control of yourself in this period.
V irtual Meetings and Communication: The new form of communication.
I dentify Economical Tolls: How the pandemic changed our economic statuses.
R ecovery: Reflect, recommit, reengage, rethink, and reboot.
U nbearable Losses and Heartaches: How to deal with loss.
S tock Up on Compassion: The only thing we can give to each other right now.
Chapter 1
Collectively Transformed
Coronavirus is one of the few issues that collectively affects everyone, irrespective of their wealth, social status, and backgrounds. More than half of Americans polled have prayed for the virus to end, and a large percentage of people are now too scared to go out of their homes. Even after the virus slows down, people will still be skeptical because of the aggressiveness nature of the virus.
As the virus increases, different groups of people seem to be affected more than others because of the lack of access to certain amenities. But it doesnt change the fact that everyone would be better off without a virus looming over their heads.
Impact of Coronavirus on Everyone
The coronavirus has revealed to us the little things we take for granted are what we need the most. Walking out of your home is the most normal thing to do after breathing. We don't think about it when we go to work or take our kids to school. We meet at restaurants, go to parties, attend religious gatherings, shop at grocery stores, visit our families at their homes, and some go to the polls to vote.
Many people thought they'll never see the day when they have to stay home to save lives. Over 90% of Americans say they are uncomfortable with attending a party. 66% say that they will feel uncomfortable going to the polling place to vote.
These mundane activities now make us feel concerned, and this is the biggest impact on everyone. We all wonder if we will remain the same even after the virus becomes controlled. Most people will not be comfortable going into a restaurant or gather openly without the fear that they might still catch the virus.
Another way it is affecting us all is economical. As the global economy crashes, many people who live from hand to mouth find themselves in a fix. Those who don't have savings are struggling to make ends meet, and for those who do have savings, there's no guarantee that savings last forever.
Although coronavirus is causing us to physically social distance, people from all around the world are taking advantage of social media to connect. From Tik Tok videos to different Instagram challenges, the coronavirus only made the world more like a global village by being the only enemy we all have to focus on.
Coronavirus might seem to be affecting us in negative ways. Still, we cannot deny the positive aspects that the virus has brought, such as global unity. Global researchers are looking for a way to solve the problem and doing their best to put their differences aside. There are also acts of kindness and benevolence that people have been dishing out.
Different altruistic behavior such as giving to charity, making masks for health care workers, helping out neighbors and the elderly, and more have increased during this time. It seems like everyone has realized that the whole world can only get past this crisis if we offer to help hands.
The Impact of Coronavirus on Certain Groups
As always, some groups will always suffer more than others, not only in America but worldwide. Many people can't follow the guidelines to avoid the coronavirus because of the inequalities that they face.
You can't expect a homeless man to stay home, live in poverty to stock up on supplies and marginalized populations, and have direct access to health care. A lot of people are without health insurance and cannot avoid crowded places.
Even those seemingly middle-class families find it hard to get through the crisis because they cannot work from home. Many workers recently laid off with no way to get a new job because of the coronavirus effect on the labor market. Studies have shown that viral outbreaks always affect the poor two times more than those in wealthy communities.
Although the government is creating measures to meet those in need, the pandemic is also unkind to targets of racism and xenophobia.