John B. Cobb, Jr.
in conversation with
Andre Vltchek
Badak Merah Semesta
China and Ecological Civilization
John B. Cobb, Jr.
in conversation with
Andre Vltchek
Copyright 2019 by John B. Cobb, Jr. & Andre Vltchek
All rights reserved
Front Cover Photo: Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
Back Cover Photo: Andre Vltchek
Cover Design by: Rossie Indira
Layout by: Rossie Indira
First edition, 2019
Published by PT. Badak Merah Semesta
Books by John B. Cobb, Jr.
Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (with David Ray Griffin)
Postmodernism and Public Policy: Reframing Religion, Culture, Education, Sexuality, Class, Race, Politics, and the Economy (SUNY series in Constructive Postmodern Thought)
A Christian Natural Theology, Based on the Thought of Alfred North Whitehead
Praying for Jennifer
Grace & Responsibility: A Wesleyan Theology for Today
Becoming a Thinking Christian: If We Want Church Renewal, We Will Have to Renew Thinking in the Church
Theology and Pastoral Care (Creative Pastoral Care & Counseling)
Liberal Christianity at the Crossroads
The Process Perspective II
Christ in a Pluralistic Age
Sustainability: Economics, Ecology, and Justice (Ecology & Justice)
The Structure of Christian Existence
Is it too late?: A theology of ecology
Transforming Christianity and the World: A Way Beyond Absolutism and Relativism (Faith Meets Faith Series) - with Paul F. Knitter
Sustaining the Common Good: A Christian Perspective on the Global Economy
Romans (Chalice Commentaries for Today)
The Earthist Challenge to Economism: A Theological Critique of the World Bank
Spiritual Bankruptcy: A Prophetic Call to Action
Reclaiming the Church
Doubting Thomas: Christology in Story Form
God and the world
Process Theology as Political Theology
Matters of Life and Death
Living Options in Protestant Theology
Lay Theology
Beyond Dialogue: Toward a Mutual Transformation of Christianity and Buddhism
Can Christ Become Good News Again?
Books by Andre Vltchek
Revolutionary Optimism, Western Nihilism
The Great October Socialist Revolution: Impact on the World and Birth of Internationalism
Exposing Lies of the Empire
Fighting Against Western Imperialism
On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare (with Noam Chomsky)
The World Order and Revolution! (with Christopher Black & Peter Koenig)
Western Terror: From Potosi to Baghdad
Indonesia: Archipelago of Fear
Exile (with Pramoedya Ananta Toer & Rossie Indira)
Oceania Neocolonialism, Nukes & Bones
Point of No Return
Plays: Ghosts of Valparaiso and Conversations with James
| Preface | |
| Long-distance Conversation, 2018: CHINAS GROWING COMMITMENT TO ECO-CIV | |
| Face to face discussions in Claremont, CA, in 2017 | |
| Conversations in 2015 | |
| John B. Cobb, Jr.: My 2018 Fall trip to China | |
About John B. Cobb, Jr. | |
About Andre Vltchek | |
Prefac e
T here is no time for long introductions. The world is, possibly heading for yet another catastrophe. This one, if we, human beings do not manage to prevent it, could become our final one.
The West is flexing its muscles, antagonizing every single country that stands in its way to the total domination of the planet. Some countries, including Syria, are attacked directly and mercilessly. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people are dying.
The political and potentially military disaster is simultaneously complemented by the ecological ruin. Mainly Western multi-national companies have been plundering the world, putting profit over people, even over the very survival of the human species.
Political correctness is diluting the sense of urgency, and there is plenty of hypocrisy at work: while, at least in the West and Japan, people are encouraged to recycle, to turn off the lights in empty rooms and not to waste water, in other parts of our planet, entire islands, nations and continents are being logged out by the Western corporations or destroyed by unbridled mining. The governments of the Wests client states are getting hopelessly corrupt in the process.
I am filming in Indonesia, where all red lines have already been crossed: there is an ongoing genocide in West Papua, to give way to unbridled business interests. The army, police and paramilitaries are deployed to protect foreign and Indonesian corporations, and kill indiscriminately local people, if they stand in the way. The third biggest island on earth Borneo (in Indonesia known as Kalimantan) has been irreversibly ruined by logging, mining and palm oil plantations. Its rivers have been poisoned by mercury, because of official illegal gold mining.
Brazil has just elected the militant right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro, who is, most likely, going to bring unprecedented devastation to his countrys rainforest and to the environment in general.
Western politicians see absolutely no urgency in all that is taking place around the world, or more precisely they are remunerated not to see it.
So, are we now dealing with a thoroughly hopeless scenario? Has the world gone mad? Is it ready to get sacrificed for the profit of the very few? Entire island-nations in South Pacific are being devastated by tidal waves, as I described in my book Oceania . Many low-lying coastal areas of predominantly poor countries are suffering from devastating floods. There is scarcity of water, food, of many basic resources. Something has essentially gone wrong. The political and economic system which only serves the few rich nations and their companies is obviously impoverishing and destroying the great majority of humans on this planet. Are people simply going to stand passively, watching what is happening around them, and die, as their world literally goes up in flames or sinking to the bottom of the ocean?
It appeared so, until a few months ago.
Then, one of the oldest cultures of earth, China, stood up and said No! There are different ways to go forward. We could all benefit from the progress, without cannibalizing, and fully destroying our Planet.
China, which is led by President Xi Jinping, accelerated the implementation of the concept of so-called Ecological Civilization, eventually engraving it into the constitution of the country.
A man who has been doing tremendous work in China, working tirelessly on the Ecological Civilization concept in both China and in the United States, John Cobb Jr., has been, for years, a friend and close comrade of mine.
A 93-year-old Whiteheadian philosopher (and many believe, one of the most important living philosophers residing in the West), one of the most acknowledged Christian progressive theologists, and self-proclaimed supporter of Revolution, John Cobb is a brave rebellious and optimistic voice coming from the United States.