A Global Perspective on Private Higher Education
Mahsood Shah
Chenicheri Sid Nair
Table of Contents
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Editors biography
Mahsood Shah is an Associate Professor and Deputy Dean (Learning and Teaching) with School of Business and Law at Central Queensland University (CQU), Australia. In this role, Mahsood is responsible for enhancing the academic quality and standard of programs. Mahsood is also responsible for learning and teaching strategy, governance, effective implementation of policies, and enhancement of academic programs across all campuses. In providing leadership for learning and teaching, Mahsood works with key academic leaders across all campuses to improve learning and teaching outcomes of courses delivered in various modes, including face-to-face and online. At CQU, he provides leadership in national and international accreditation of academic programs. Mahsood is also an active researcher. His areas of research strength include quality in higher education, measurement and enhancement of student experience, student retention and attrition, student engagement in quality assurance, international higher education, widening participation, and private higher education. Prior to joining CQU, Mahsood has led research at school level at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Mahsood has also led strategic planning and quality assurance in three other Australian universities.
Apart from working in universities, Mahsood has worked closely with more than 15 private for-profit higher education providers on projects related to quality assurance, compliance, accreditation, and enhancement of learning and teaching. Mahsood has significant experience in external quality assurance. He is a Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) expert and also an auditor with various international external quality agencies.
Mahsood is the founding editor of the journal International Studies in Widening Participation .
Chenicheri Sid Nair is Professor of Higher Education Development at the University of Western Australia. His current role is in the area of quality of teaching and learning. Prior to this, he was Interim Director and Quality Advisor (Evaluations and Research) at the Center for Higher Education Quality (CHEQ) at Monash University, Australia. In this role, he headed the evaluation unit at Monash University, where he restructured the universitys evaluation framework. The approach to evaluation at Monash has been noted in the first round of Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA) audits and is part of the good practice database.
His research work lies in the areas of quality in the Australian higher education system, classroom and school environments, and the implementation of improvements from stakeholder feedback. Recent book publications include Leadership and Management of Quality in Higher Education and Student Feedback: The Cornerstone to an Effective Quality Assurance System in Higher Education. He has extensive lecturing experience in the applied sciences in Canada, Singapore, and Australia. He is an international consultant in quality and evaluations in higher education.
Contributors biography
Ahmad Bayiz Ahmad is a PhD candidate in the school of Economics and Management at Beihang University, Beijing, China. Before moving to China, he worked as an academic at a private university in Kurdistan. Ahmad holds an MBA (with distinction) from the University of Canberra, 2013; Grad. Cert. in Accounting from the University of South Australia, 2012; and B.Sc. in Business Management (1st class honors) from the University of Kurdistan Hewler, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. He has been awarded a number of honors and scholarships both in Kurdistan and abroad for his academic excellence, worth more than $180,000 USD. His research interests include quality assurance, private higher education, higher education management, and change management.
Claire Field has worked in the Australian tertiary education sector for two decades, with specialist expertise in vocational education and training, international education, and private higher education. Claire established Claire Field and Associates in August 2014 to provide advice and strategic support to key stakeholders in the tertiary education sector (including both governments and providers).
Prior to forming her consultancy practice, Claire worked in different types of educational institutions, including a national not-for-profit provider and a large government technical and further education provider. Her most recent role was as the Chief Executive of the Australian Council of Private Education and Training (ACPET), representing more than 1000 private higher education and vocational education and training providers. She has held senior positions in state and commonwealth government agencies with responsibility for educational policy, planning, performance review, and regulatory reform.