First published 1999 by Ashgate Publishing
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Copyright Alasdair Blair 1999
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ISBN 13: 978-1-138-61296-9 (hbk)
ISBN 13: 978-0-429-46373-0 (ebk)
This book emanates from research I undertook for my Ph.D at the University of Leicester between 1994 and 1997. I owe a great debt to the individuals who assisted with the project: Sir M. Alexander, J. Arrowsmith, M. Arthur, Dr B. Bender, G. Borchardt, Sir M. Butler, C. Capella, Lord Callaghan, P. Christoffersen, D. Chuter, J. Cloos, D. Corner, S. Cowper-Coles, D. Coyne, Sir P. Cradock, A. Crockett, J. Dixon, D. Durie, M. Eaton, Sir S. Egerton, Sir S. Fergusson, J. de Fonblanque, T. Garel-Jones, M. Gillespie, Sir J. Goulden, P. Gray, D. Hadley, E. Hallett, Sir A. Hamilton, Sir D. Hannay, Lord Hesketh, Lord Hurd, Sir M. Jay, Sir M. Jenkins, Sir J. Kerr, Lord Lamont, Lord Lawson, Lord Kingsdown, R. Lubbers, N. Macpherson, Sir C Mallaby, J. Maples, F. Maude, Sir P. Middleton, B. Millan, P. Millar, P. Nieman, L. Parker, Lord Parkinson, Dr E. Jones Parry, J.-C. Piris, Sir C. Powell, T. Pratt, M. Ryder, P. de Schoutheete de Tervarent, R. Seitz, N. Sheinwald, Sir T. Taylor, R. Tibbels, A. van Solinge, Sir S. Wall, N. Westcott, J. Weyland, D. Williamson and A. Wittrock.
For the permission to reproduce copyright material, I am grateful to: Addison Wesley Longman (K. Dyson, Elusive Union), Bantam Press (N. Lawson, The View from No. 11), Blackwell Publishers (P. Dunleavy and R. Rhodes, Core Executive Studies in Britain, Public Administration and H. Wallace, At Odds with Europe, Political Studies), Clarendon Press (R. Rose, Ministers and Ministries), Harper Collins (M. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years), Little Brown and Co (UK) (S. Hogg and J. Hill, Too Close To Call), John Murray (P. Cradock, In Pursuit of British Interests), Leicester University Press (F. de Callires, The Art of Diplomacy), Macmillan Press (J. Bruce-Gardyne, Mrs Thatchers First Administration, E.H. Carr, What is History?, M. Cockerall et al, Sources Close to the Prime Minister, D. Dunn (ed) Diplomacy at the Highest Level, G. Howe, Conflict of Loyalty and T. Gorman, The Bastards), Nicholas Brealey Publishing (C. Grant, Delors: Inside the House that Jacques Built) and Yale University Press (I.W. Zartman, The 50% Solution).
The completion of this book would not have been possible without the financial support of the University of Leicester, the Frank Educational Fund and The Nottingham Trent University. I was fortunate to have been surrounded at Leicester by a group of individuals interested in European affairs: Philip Lynch, Wyn Rees, Jan Melissen, Jrg Monar, Chris Goldsmith and Hans Mackenstein. The manuscript was read by John Young, Tim Stanton, Chris Deitmer and my dad. I am also grateful to the kind advice of Simon Kear and Paul Trickett. Computing and library assistance was provided by Mark Maynard, Sandy Pearson, Rashid Siddiqui and Sue Smith. I am also indebted to the help I received from Anthony Forster and Kevin Featherstone. Special thanks are due also to the European Parliaments London office, the Library of the Secretariat General of the European Council and the Commissions Spokesmans Service. Finally, I am thankful to the Katholieke University of Leuven, which provided an appreciated base in September 1996. Outside academia I was gladly distracted by Graham, Roslyn, Victoria, Ike, Chris and Katherine. Last, but by no means least, my parents provided financial assistance and much love and support during my years at University. This research is as much theirs as it is mine as they have had to live with all the ups and downs, and now at least have something to show for it. It is therefore dedicated to them.