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NEZAR ALSAYYAD is Professor of Architecture and Planning and Chair of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of California at Berkeley.
MANUEL CASTELLS is Professor of Sociology and City and Regional Planning and past Chair of the Center for Western European Studies at the University of California at Berkeley.
RENATE HOLUB is Adjunct Professor in the Interdisciplinary Studies and International and Area Studies Teaching Program at the University of California at Berkeley.
KRISHAN KUMAR is Professor of Sociology at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville.
PAUL LUBECK is Professor of Sociology at Merrill College of the University of California at Santa Cruz.
LAURENCE MICHALAK is Vice Chair of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies and Lecturer at the University of California at Berkeley.
TARIQ MODOOD is Professor of Sociology, Politics, and Public Policy at the Universiy of Bristol. U.K.
HALA MUSTAFA is Director of Research at the Center for Political and Strategic Studies of the Al Ahram Foundation in Cairo, Egypt.
AGHA SAEED is Lecturer in Speech Communications at California State University at Hayward.
BASSAM TIBI is the Georgia Augusta Professor of International Relations at the University of Gttingen, Germany.
MICHEL WIEVIORKA is Directeur dEtudes, Centre dAnatyse et dIntervention Sociologiques of the Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, France.
Muslim Europe or Euro-Islam: On the Discourses of Identity and Culture
Nezar AlSayyad
Few things seem to scare the French as much as the sight of Muslim schoolgirls wearing head scarves.
Scores of angry [Turkish Parliament] members rose to their feet, clapped rhythmically and chanted Out! Out! as the newly elected member Merve Kavakci entered the chamber wearing a blue head scarf.