Jonathan Fisk has given us an excellent analysis of state and local fracking politics and policy-making that is informative, well written, and eminently readable. Especially useful is a concluding chapter that offers a number of policy prescriptions designed to facilitate state and local efforts to balance energy and environmental protection while recognizing the need for both transparency and public involvement.
Charles Davis, Colorado State University, USA
Fracking represents a test of the capacity of states and localities to be good environmental stewards given the very modest federal role. Jonathan Fisks thoughtful book examines the diverse range of policy responses across key states and explores the considerable conflict that has emerged between state and local control. This represents an original contribution on fracking governance, with important lessons for the future of American environmental federalism.
Barry G. Rabe, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan, USA
The Fracking Debate
The disputes around fracking, and oil and gas policy, follow a long tradition of complicated intergovernmental relationships. Proponents argue that fracking supports new and well-paying jobs, revitalizes state and local economies, and that it can help replace reliance on other fossil fuels. Skeptics and opponents contend that oil and gas production via fracking contaminates air and water resources, causes earthquakes, and can ruin the character of communities. Examining the intergovernmental politics of the first oil and natural gas boom of the 21st century, The Fracking Debate, Second Edition offers a holistic understanding of the politics that characterize oil and natural gas operations, including why local governments are challenging their states preemptive authority, to initiate a larger conversation about improving intergovernmental relationships. Author Jonathan Fisk presents a novel argument about the ways in which local, state, regional, and national approaches to governance of shale gas development can work together to reduce conflict and forward the interests of the communities exposed to development, asking important questions such as:
- What state legal structures govern state-local relations? What state institutions impact and shape oil and gas production? What is the policymaking context in the state?
- What are the costs and benefits of hydraulic fracturing at the national, state, and local levels? How are risks and rewards distributed within states?
- What local policies have challenged the state, and why would local communities challenge the state?
The result is a book that demonstrates that when stakeholders acknowledge their interdependencies and one anothers expertise, they create, design, and implement more responsive, strategic, and targeted public policies. The Fracking Debate, Second Edition will be required reading for courses on oil and gas policy in the United States, environmental politics, and domestic energy politics, as well as a vital reference for practitioners and policymakers working in these fields.
Jonathan M. Fisk, PhD, is an assistant professor of Political Science at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.
American Society for Public Administration Series in Public Administration & Public Policy Editor-in-Chief: David H. Rosenbloom, PhD
For a complete list of titles in this series, please visit
Mission: Throughout its history, ASPA has sought to be true to its founding principles of promoting scholarship and professionalism within the public service. The ASPA Book Series on Public Administration and Public Policy publishes books that increase national and international interest for public administration and which discuss practical or cutting edge topics in engaging ways of interest to practitioners, policy makers, and those concerned with bringing scholarship to the practice of public administration.
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The Fracking Debate
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by Jonathan M. Fisk
City Planning for the Public Manager
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First published 2018
by Routledge
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The right of Jonathan M. Fisk to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Fisk, Jonathan M., 1983- author.
Title: The fracking debate : intergovernmental politics
of the oil and gas renaissance / by Jonathan M. Fisk.
Description: New York : Routledge, 2017. |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017009594 | ISBN 9781498742412
(hardback : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781315212715 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Hydraulic fracturingEnvironmental
aspectsUnited States. | Hydraulic fracturingPolitical
aspectsUnited States. | Energy policyUnited States. | Gas
industryUnited States. | Intergovernmental cooperation
United States.
Classification: LCC TD195.G3 F57 2017 | DDC 622/.3381dc23
LC record available at
ISBN: 978-1-4987-4241-2 (hbk)
ISBN: 978-1-315-21271-5 (ebk)
Typeset in Sabon
by Apex CoVantage, LLC
To my grandparents, who inspired my interest in politics; to my parents, my first academic role models; to Melanie, my wife and best friend; and to Noah, my son and inspiration to complete this book
Jonathan M. Fisk, PhD , is currently an assistant professor of Political Science at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. He holds a Doctorate in Political Science from Colorado State University and a Masters of Public Administration from the University of Kansas. He has served as a Research Associate with the League of Kansas Municipalities. He is also the Faculty Adviser to the Auburn University Student Chapter of the International City and County Management Association, the Secretary of the Alabama Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration, and a board member for the Section of Environment and Natural Resource Administration. His research has appeared in a number of academic outlets, including State and Local Government Review, Society and Natural Resources, Politics and Policy, Review of Policy Research, and Local Environment. At Auburn University, he teaches graduate seminars in Public Personnel Management, Organizational Theory, and Leadership.