Papers presented at a conference organized by the European Union Center and the Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Miami with the support of the European Commission
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First published 2007 by Ashgate Publishing
Published 2016 by Routledge
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Copyright Joaqun Roy and Pedro Gomis-Porqueras 2007
Joaqun Roy and Pedro Gomis-Porqueras have asserted their moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the editors of this work.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
The Euro and the dollar in a globalized economy
1. Euro 2. Euro area 3. Euro-dollar market
I. Roy, Joaqun II. Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The euro and the dollar in a globalized economy / edited by Joaqun Roy and Pedro
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-7546-7153-4
1. Euro. 2. Euro-dollar market. 3. Dollar, American. 4. International finance. 5. Monetary policy--European Union countries. I. Roy, Joaqun,
1943- II. Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro, 1971
HG925.E8676 2007
ISBN 13: 978-0-7546-7153-4 (hbk)
Pedro Gomis-Porqueras
Joaqun Almunia
Joaqun Roy
Kurt Hbner
Hans Martens
J. Onno de Beaufort Wijnholds and Julie McKay
Miriam L. Campanella
Benjamin J. Cohen
David Howarth
Ramunas Vilpisauskas
Sebastin Royo
Jos Manuel Gonzlez-Pramo
Francesc Granell
Angel Caldern-Madrid
UsEuro Foreign Exchange Rate
Balance on Goods and Services Trade
Balance on Current Account
Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
Exchange Rate Policies in Comparison
Forex Actors and the Forex Environment
Quantitative Research Outline
News Frequency
EuroDollar Exchange Rate
EuroYen Exchange Rate
Eurosterling Exchange Rate
Government Budget Deficits in the US and in the EU
Taxes as Percentage of GDP
European Economic and social sub Models
European Product Market Regulation 2003
Growth Rate Differential between the US and the Euro Area, 19932005
Stock of International Debt Securities: Currency Shares
Currencies Shares in the Stock of Outstanding International Debt securities in selected Regions
Cross-Border Loans and Deposits Between Euro Area and NonEuro Area Entities
Euro Area Trade: Average Share of Currencies Used in Exports and Imports
Average Share of Currencies Used in Exports and Imports by Region
Shipments of Euro Banknotes to Destinations Outside the Euro Area
Currency Composition of Official Holdings of Foreign Exchange, End of Year
US External Balances
US Current Account Deficit
Shares of World Exports
The Budgetary Deficits and Public Debt Indicators of New Member States and Eurozone Countries
Interest Rates in New Member States and Eurozone Countries
Inflation Rates in New Member States and Eurozone Countries
GDP Growth Rates of the EU Members
Growth Rates of Real GDP per capita in the EU Members
Comparative Price Levels in 2003
GDP Growth
The Spanish Economic Transformation
Index of Product and Labor Market Regulation (1998)
Competitiveness of Unit Labor Costs
Determinants of Loss of Competitiveness in the Spanish Economy
Current Account Positions, 19972005 (USD Billions)
Breakdown of US Net Saving by Sector, 19802005 (Per Cent of GDP)
US Current Account and SavingInvestment Balance of the Private and Public Sectors, 19802005 (Per Cent of GDP)
Saving, Investment and the Current Account (Per Cent of GDP)
Oil Exporters Saving, Investment and Current Accounts, 19802005 (Per Cent of GDP
Macroeconomic Indicators
Countries with Exchange Rate Regimes Linked to the Euro (as at December 1, 2005)
Official Foreign Exchange Reserves: Currency Shares (as a percentage of total identified holdings, end-of-year values)
Global Current Account Balances, 1996, 2000, 2004 (Billions of US Dollars)
Accession Countries: Status at End 2005
The Existing Exchange Rate Regime in NMS, Date of Entering the ERMII and the Plans to Introduce Euro
GDP per capita in PPS (EU25=100)
Economic Freedom Index, WEF and Investment Climate Survey Indicators of New Member and Old Member States
Compliance of the EMU Convergence Criteria for Spain 19932004
Divergence of GDP Per Capita 1980-2004
The Determinants of Real Convergence in Spain 20002004 (EU25=100)
CPI Evolution in January
Wage Increases Negotiated in Collective Agreements in Spain, 2000-2004
The Stock of Infrastructure of the Spanish Economy
The Education of the Spanish Labor Force, Per Cent of Population
Currency Breakdown of International Reserves (in Per Cent)
The World Economy 2000
Share of National Currencies in Total Identified Official Holdings of Foreign Exchange (Per Cent)
Rates of Return of Cetes During September-December 1987
Variations in the Prices of Houses Relative to the Consumer Price Index (Relative to the So-Called Udis)
Joaqun Almunia was born in Bilbao, Spain, on June 17, 1948. He graduated in Law and Economics from the University of Deusto (Bilbao). He did postgraduate studies at Lcole Practique des Hautes tudes de Paris and also completed the Senior Managers in Government program at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. He was associate professor at the University of Alcal de Henares (Madrid) on Employment and Social Security Law. From 1976 to1979 he was chief economist of the UGT, a Spanish trade union, and from 1972 to 1975, economist at the Council Bureau of the Spanish Chambers of Commerce in Brussels. From 1979 to 2004 he was a member of the Spanish Parliament. He was Minister of Public Administration and Minister of Employment and Social Security. He was Secretary General of the Spanish Socialist Party (19972000). From 19941997 he was the partys Spokesperson in Congress. In 2000 he was candidate for prime minister. He is the author of several books and numerous press columns. Since April 2004 he has been a member of the European Commission, responsible for economic and monetary affairs.