AC | Action Conference |
AGDF | Service for Peace Action Group (Aktionsgemeinschaft Dienst fr den Frieden) |
APO | Extraparliamentary Opposition |
ASF | Reconciliation Action/Peace Service (Aktion Shnezeichen/Friedensdienst) |
AsF | Social Democratic Womens Working Group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialdemokratischer Frauen) |
BAF | Federal Congress of Autonomous Peace Initiatives (Bundeskongress autonomer Friedensinitiativen) |
BBU | Federal Association of Environmental Protection Citizen Initiatives (Bundesverband Brgerinitiativen Umweltschutz) |
BUF | Federal Conference of Independent Peace Groups (Bundeskonferenz unabhngiger Friedensgruppen) |
BUKO | Federal Congress of Development Action Groups (Bundeskongress entwicklungspolitischer Aktionsgruppen) |
C3I | Command, control, communications, and intelligence CC Coordinating Committee |
CDU/CSU | Christian Democratic Party/Christian Social Union of Bavaria (Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands/Christlich-Soziale Union Bayerns) |
CND | Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK) |
DFG-VK | German Peace Society-United War Resisters (Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte Kriegsgegner) |
DGB-Jugend | German Trade Union Federation-Youth (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund-Jugend) |
DFU | German Peace Union (Deutsche Friedens-Union) |
DKP | German Communist Party (Deutsche Kommunistishe Partei) |
DS | Democratic Socialists (Demokratische Sozialisten) |
EKD | Protestant Church of Germany (Evangelishe Kirche in Deutschland) |
ERW | Enhanced radiation weapon (neutron bomb) |
ESG | Protestant Student Associations (Evangelishe Studentengemeinden) |
FBN | Women in the armed forces? We say No! (Frauen in die Bundeswehr?Wir sagen Nein!) |
FDP | Free Democratic Party or Liberals (Freie Demokratische Partei) |
FfdF | Women for Peace (Frauen fr den Frieden) |
FGA | Federation of Nonviolent Action Groups (Fderation gewaltfreier Aktionsgruppe) |
FRG | Federal Republic of Germany (West) |
GDR | German Democratic Republic (East) |
GHI | Gustav Heinemann-Initiative |
GLCM | Ground-launched cruise missile |
IFIAS | Initiative for Peace, International Exchange and Security (Initiative fr Frieden, internationalen Ausgleich und Sicherheit) |
IKV | Interchurch Peace Council (the Netherlands) |
IKVU | Church from Below Initiative (Initiative Kirche von Unten) |
INF | Intermediate-range nuclear forces |
IPPNW | International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War |
Judos | Young Democrats (Jungdemokraten) |
Jusos | Young Socialists (Jungsozialisten) |
KOFAZ | Committee for Peace, Disarmament and Cooperation (Komitee fr Frieden, Abrstung und Zusammenarbeit) |
KPD | Communist Party of Germany (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) |
LD | Liberal Democrats (Liberale Demokraten) |
MdB | Member of Parliament (Mitglied der Bundestag; FRG) |
MIRV | Multiple, independently targetable reentry vehicles |
MP | Member of Parliament (UK) |
MSB | Marxist Student League Spartacus (Marxistischer Studentenbund Spartakus) |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NBC | Nuclear, biological and chemical (weapons) |
NFU | No-first-use (of nuclear weapons) |
NFZ | Nuclear-free-zone |
NIMBY | Not In My Backyard |
NGO | Nongovernmental organization |
NPD | National Democratic Party (Nationaldemokratische Partei) |
NOPE | Not On Planet Earth |
NSM | New social movement |
NWC | New Working Class |
PC | Pax Christi |
PMO | Peace movement organization |
POS | Political opportunity structure |
PSR | Physicians for Social Responsibility |
RMT | Resource mobilization theory |
SANE | Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy |
SDAJ | Socialist German Worker Youth (Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterjugend) |
SDI | Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) |
SJD | Socialist German YouthThe Falcons (Sozialistische Jugend DeutschlandsDie Falken) |
SMI | Social movement industry |
SMO | Social movement organization |
SMS | Social movement sector |
SPD | Social Democratic Party (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) |
STS | Science and Technology Studies (or Science, Technology and Society) |
VDS | United German Student Associations (Vereinigte Deutsche Studentenschaften) |
WN/BdA | Union of Nazi Regime Survivors Association of Antifascists (Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes/Bund der Antifaschisten) |
WCC | World Council of Churches |
WILPF | Womens International League for Peace and Freedom |