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[Grandes universits de recherche. English]
Louis Maheu; translated by Paul Klassen.
Translation of: Les grandes universits de recherche.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-0-7735-4477-2 (bound). ISBN 978-0-7735-8483-9 (ePDF).
1. Universities and colleges Ratings and rankings. 2. Universities and colleges Research. 3. Universities and colleges Finance. 4. Education and globalization. I. Maheu, Louis, author II. Klassen, Paul, translator III. Title. IV. Title: Grandes universits de recherche. English
LB2331.62. L3213 2015 378.007 C2014-905955-8
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2.1 Frequency of universities in ARWU and THES, 20032010
2.2 Differentials in university rankings for each year in ARWU and THES
3.1 Distribution of world-class universities by country, 2012
3.2 Macroeconomicindicators
3.3 Country performance relative to the United States
4.1 Funding of university-based research by source and category of university, Group of 37, United States, 2008 2009, in thousands of US$
4.2 Funding of university-based research by source and category of university, Group of 200, United States, 2008 2009, in thousands of US$
4.3 External research funds per professor and graduate student, United States, 20082009
4.4 External research funds per PhD graduate, United States, 20082009
4.5 Funding of operating expenditures by source and category of public university, United States, 20082009, in thousands of US$
4.6 Funding of operating expenditures by source and category of university, Group of 37, United States, 20082009, in thousands of US$
4.7 Tuition fees paid in the various states of the US, 2009
4.8 Full-time university students by level of studies and category of university, Group of 37 and Group of 200, United States, 2009
A-4.2 Operating cost per student, in US$, United States, 2008 2009, private universities
5.1 Funding of university-based research by source and category of university, United Kingdom, 20092010, in thousands of US$
5.2 Sources of operating funds, United Kingdom, 20092010, in thousands of US$
5.3 Distribution of students, full-time equivalent, by level of studies and category of university, United Kingdom, 20092010
5.4 Research spending per professor and postgraduate student, United Kingdom, 20092010, full-time equivalent, in US$
6.1 Sources of university R & D funding, Canada 2009, millions of CAN$
6.2 External research funds by source and category of university, Canada 20072008, in thousands of CAN$
6.3 External research funds by source, region, and annual mean, Canada 20002008, in thousands of CAN$
6.4 Operating expenditures by category of university, Canada, 20072008, in thousands of CAN$
6.5 Funding of operating expenditures by source and university, 20072008, in thousands of CAN$
6.6 Funding of operating expenditures by source and region, CanadaQuebec, 20072008, in thousands of CAN$
6.7 Distribution of full-time equivalent students, by level of studies and category of university, Canada, 20072008
6.8 Distribution of full-time equivalent students, by region and level of studies, CanadaQuebec, 20072008
6.9 Operating costs per student, by group and by province, Canada, 20072008
6.10 Research income from external sources, by professor and by full-time equivalent student, in CAN$, Canada, 20072008
A-6.1 External research funds by source, Group of Six, Canada, 20072008, in thousands of CAN$
A-6.3 Funding of operating expenditures by source, Group of Six, Canada, 20072008, in thousands of CAN$
A-6.4 Research income from external sources, by professor and by full-time equivalent student, in CAN$, Canada, Group of Six, 20072008
7.1 Funding of operating expenditures by source and category of university, France, 2009, in thousands of US$
7.2 Distribution of full- and part-time students by level of studies and category of university, France, 20092010
Preparation of this book benefited from assistance provided by the Centre for Interuniversity Research and Analysis on Organizations (CIRANO). Claude Montmarquette, president and chief executive officer of CIRANO, believed in this project and provided us with both intellectual and material support. His comments and suggestions also contributed to improving our manuscript.
We received support from various colleagues in the form of interviews and the provision of information on the university systems in which they are active. Some of them also agreed to read and comment on earlier versions of this manuscript. We wish to particularly acknowledge the support of Bernard Belloc, former president of the Universit de Toulouse 1 and former adviser to the French president; Marcel Boyer of C I R A N O; Marcel Fournier of the Universit de Montral; Howard Green, who served at Staffordshire University and on the Council for Graduate Education of the United Kingdom; Ian Haines, formerly of the London Metropolitan University and executive secretary of UK Deans of Science; and Neil MacFarlane of Oxford University.
We also benefited from the suggestions and comments of colleagues who evaluated our manuscript at the request of the publishers. Their input made a real contribution to its quality. The outstanding translation work of Paul Klassen will make our book accessible to an English-speaking readership with an interest in the future of university systems and research universities. And Gillian Scobie added a very professional edit to this version of our manuscript.
Ji Jia and Julien Tousignant, research assistants at CIRANO, provided us with ongoing help in the collection of data and information on various national university systems, while Nathalie Bannier formatted several versions of the manuscript.
Ryan Van Huijstee, managing editor at MQUP, showed a great deal of interest in our manuscript and made significant contributions in the form of suggestions, comments, and thoughtful input. Finally, this version of our manuscript benefited from thorough indexing by Vicki Low.
Finally, we are very grateful to Ginette and Cline. Understanding the time and investment that completing this book required, they both gracefully provided us with sustained and appreciated support throughout its writing.