Chapter 1America's Real Values
Personal Achievement and Humanitarianism
Reaching for the American Dream
A Healthy Nation
Race and Equality
Religious Faith and Individual Freedom
America's Values
Take Action
Chapter 2The Evolution of Values, San Francisco Style
San Francisco Values
The Growth of San Francisco
Emperor Norton
Higher Education
Take Action
Chapter 3Why San Francisco Leads the Nation in Innovation
Computer Tech
Venture Capital
More Secrets of Silicon Valley's Success
Take Action
Chapter 4How San Francisco Celebrates Love and Families in All Their Diversity
Evolving Sexual Values
Growing Up Gay
Marriage Equality
Marriage as a Civil Rights Issue
Integrity versus Hypocrisy
Take Action
Chapter 5San Francisco Supports Our Troops
In Congress
Wounded Warriors: Caring for Our Vets
Community Support
A Brief Tour of the Bay Area's Military History
War and Peace, and Love, in San Francisco
San Francisco in the 1960s
A Vietnam Veteran Comes Home
Gays in the Military
Take Action
Chapter 6San Francisco Cares about Health Care and Personal Choice
Pricing for Medical Care
Unwanted Pregnancies
Sex Education
Roe v. Wade under Attack
Women's Rights and Women's Health Services
At the End of Life: Dying with Dignity
One Toke over the Line?
Take Action
Chapter 7San Francisco Supports Diversity and Immigration Reform
Migration to the Americas
Immigration Facts Dispute the Fears
Chinese Migrants in the United States
Injustice against Japanese-Americans
American Immigration in the 21st Century
The Dreamers Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
Welcoming the Stranger
Safeguarding Our Children
Take Action
Chapter 8San Francisco Isn't Perfect: Addressing Our Problems
Common National and International Problems
Drug Addiction
Unaffordable Housing
Elsewhere in the Country
Take Action
Chapter 9San Francisco's Political Voices
Nancy Pelosi
Other Notable Bay Area Politicians
Getting America Back on Track
The Authors
More than 26 million visitors travel to San Francisco each year, 23 million from other parts of this country, and three million from abroad.
They come to explore and enjoy the vibrancy and inviting openness of this legendary California site, to see for themselves why eight million people have chosen to make the Bay Area their home, and to see why so much of what becomes the norm across the country begins in this innovative context.
At the same time, conservative commentators from Bill O'Reilly to the blogger next door have tried to make San Francisco Values the three dirtiest words in politics. They use that phrase as a shorthand for plastering an anti-American label on anyone supporting the secular progressive culture commonly associated with the San Francisco Bay Area.
Hey, look, these are tax-raising, terrorist-loving, same-sex marriage supporting, ultra-liberal Democrats who aren't like you and me, claims Republican media strategist Dan Schnur.
The reality, as this book demonstrates, is that our cherished San Francisco values have much in common with the nation's values; that we are indeed one nation, with our strengths, our limitations, and our aspirations; and that we provide leadership on many issues.
As the Christian Science Monitor wrote about San Francisco representative and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi:
Make no mistake: Nancy Pelosi is the most powerful woman in American politics and the most powerful House Speaker since Sam Rayburn a half century ago.
Could the conservatives' fear of this woman's strength and effectiveness be the reason that, in the 2018 elections, Nancy Pelosi was the target in 34% of all GOP broadcast ads aired in House races across the country, ads that painted her as the poster woman for everything wrong in America?
A few years earlier, Fox commentator Bill O'Reilly had proclaimed:
Listen, citizens of San Franciscoif al-Qaida comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead.
An impressive lineup that includes former House Speakers Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert has sought to convince the country that San Francisco is an un-American and evil place.
These comments have as much validity as the suggestions that all those who voted for Donald Trump are racists.
That is, we are bombarded with a whole lot of crap.
However, these ad hominem attacks that is, attacks directed against individuals rather than the positions they are maintaining do serve to illustrate how far off track our country has gone. They can help us understand the sources and bases of the toxic and hate-inducing views that have replaced dialog about the real issues facing us.
Let's review America's complex and sometimes conflicting values, and trace how San Francisco values, like other American values, are family-friendly, equality-based, and patriotic. Examine with us the range of sometimes surprising truths that span the nation's political spectrum. Remember that we have been a society that has often managed to find middle ground for addressing problems facing us, and that we can function that way again as we move forward. Consider how the Action Steps delineated at the end of each chapter can help each of us realistically evaluate our fundamental issues before going to the polls.