The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is an essential tool for librarians, academics and researchers wishing to be kept up to date with the published literature in the social sciences. IBSS is compiled in four divisions; Anthropology, Sociology, Economics, and Political Science.
Under the sponsorship of the International Committee for Social Science Information and Documentation, established by UNESCO in 1950, IBSS has been published from Paris and London since 1952. The four divisions of IBSS form the most extensive bibliography of the social sciences in existence, with a worldwide coverage achieved by no other bibliographic series. The coverage of journal articles and monographs includes scholarship in over 30 languages, with English title translations where needed.
[published annually in four parts / paraissant chaque anne en quatre parties: since 1961/jusquen 1961: UNESCO, Paris]
International bibliography of sociology / Bibliographie internationale de sociologie [red cover / couverture rouge] Vol.l:1951 (publ. 1952)
International bibliography of political science / Bibliographie internationale de science politique [grey cover/couverture grise] Vol.1: 1952 (publ. 1954)
International bibliography of economics/Bibliographie internationale de science economique [yellow cover/couverture jaune] Vol.1: 1952 (publ. 1955)
International bibliography of social and cultural anthropology/Bibliographie internationale danthropologie sociale et culturelle [green cover/couverture vert] Vol.1: 1955 (publ. 1958)
Prepared with the support of the International Committee for Social Science Information and Documentation and with the financial assistance of UNESCO tablie avec le concours du Comit internationale pour linformation et la documentation en sciences sociales avec lassistance financire de lUNESCO
First published in 1982
Reprinted in 1995 by Routledge
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British Library of Political and Economic Science
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
ISBN 0-422-80990-X
ISBN Political Science: Subject Set (42 vols): 0-415-69494-9
Publishers Note
The publisher has gone to great lengths to ensure the quality of this reprint but points out that some imperfections in the original may be apparent.
This International Bibliography of Political Science is one of four annual volumes of the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, publication of which was started by the International Committee for Social Science Information and Documentation in 1952 and had continued since then.
Over the years, a number of other, more or less specialized bibliographies have been published. Automated data bases have been put at the disposal of researchers. All these other means of information usefully complement our International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, yet they do not substitute for it. We are convinced that this Bibliography plays an indispensible role, as large number of its subscribers continues to testify year after year.
The International Bibliography of Political Science, like its three sister bibliographies, constitutes in fact the most complete means to obtain global information about the previous year's publications in this domain from the entire world, and this by a simple, fast search, made easy by its indexes. This information is not current in the sense that it comes to the user shortly after publication of the cited documents; there is a twelve to thirty month's delay between the publication of a document and its subsequent signalling in the next annual volume of the Bibliography. Obviously, an annual bibliography is not the same as a monthly bulletin or a selective dissemination of information. It is the only place to collect in a definite and uniform manner the result of twelve months' scientific activity, the only place to find easily recent publications of all the authors from all countries about all the subjects in this field, and above all, the only place allowing the search of a period of nearly thirty years as a whole.
Political science now possesses together with three other main branches of social sciences a central bibliographic memory, cumulative and easily accessible, as in other fields of humanities, such as history, geography, classical philology, linguistics, etc., where the bibliographical references constitute a fundamental source. The parallel publication of four bibliographies, each in a different scientific field, is justified by two reasons: on the one hand, the purpose of giving to each scientific community a work tool responding best to its requirements, and on the other the desire to offer volumes of manageable size.
Such a venture is necessarily arbitrary: the lines between fields of social sciences have never been clearly defined, and contemporary evolution of these sciences further complicates the matter by emphasizing interdisciplinarity. Inside the domain of what we are used to call social sciences, it is sometimes difficult to assign a publication to one of the branches while the same subject can be studied by different specialists. So we had to decide in some cases to repeat some of the notices in two or even three volumes of our International Bibliography of the Social Sciences in order to put at the user's disposal a sufficiently complete view of his discipline in each volume.
We should, nevertheless, emphasize that our four volumes are complementary to each other and that the scientist will sometimes need to consult another branch's volume. Also, it may be neGessary to complete the information found in this Bibliography by information from bibliographies of other disciplines such as history, philosophy, psychology or medical sciences. A selective list of such current bibliographies with international coverage is given hereunder in Annex (p.).
The design of presenting sufficiently complete volumes does not imply necessarily that they are also comprehensive. We need to emphasize the fact that the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences is selective and that this selection has the tendency of being more and more rigorous. In fact, all calculations indicate that for twenty-five years the number of primary publications in the social sciences increased at least threefold, while we maintained the quantitative increase of our Bibliography at a much lower level.