Praise forRules for Conservatives
Saul Alinsky gave liberals a game plan that they followed for the last 40 years. Rules for Conservatives is the game plan for conservatives to fight against what the liberals have done.
Jerry Corsi, PhD. (Harvard) and author of Obamanation, America for Sale, and Unfit for Command
A dynamic and powerful book. Dont let the size fool you. As in his last book, Save America Now, Michael Charles Master tells it like it is and takes no prisoners. This is required reading for all who consider themselves to be Conservative.
V. A. Araneta, CEO of small Hispanic-owned business
In Rules for Conservatives, Mike Master reminds US that the US Constitution, founded upon the Declaration of Independence, is the most profound, most brilliant blueprint of limited government ever established. It has guided America to become the freest, strongest, most prosperous, and most generous nation in history. To Save America now and restore her to greatness, our government must return to our founding principles, and then get out of the way.
Jack Tymann, retired president of Westinghouse, Chairman of an alternate energy company, Lecturer, Commentator, Tea Party leader, and Political Pundit
The midnight rides of Paul Revere gave life saving alert to the colonist that the British were coming. Rules for Conservatives is an eleventh-hour cry to all Americans endangered by Mr. Obama and the Liberal agenda poised to destroy this nation. Michael Charles Master writes with the passion of the Old Testament Priest Samuel who pleaded with Israel to turn from her liberal godless ways. The Colonists heard Paul Revere and the nation was saved. If we hear the pleadings and instructions in this sacred document, America will be likewise saved.
James David Manning,
Pastor of the Church of Atlah in New York City
Mike is a serious observer of politics and a very patriotic American. His latest book provides clear solutions to the problems he sees facing America. Mike has been a guest lecturer in several of my classes and I admire his enthusiasm and work ethic as a political writer/researcher and successful businessman.
Guy DeRosa, Professor of Political Science, Mercer County Community College
Rules for Conservatives
A Response to Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
Michael Charles Master

Rules for Conservatives 2012 by Michael Charles Master
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or otherexcept for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
For information regarding sales or licensing, please contact the publisher:
Dunham Books
63 Music Square East
Nashville, Tennessee 37203
Trade Paperback Edition: ISBN 978-0-9837456-8-6
E-book Edition: 978-0-9839-9060-4
First printing February, 2012
Second printing April, 2012
Printed in the United States of America
There was a time when you could tell the good guys from the bad guys because the good guys wore white hats and rode white horses. Now that the bad guys have learned to disguise themselves in the white hats and white horses of social justice, helping the less fortunate, political correctness, and one world order, it is important for the rest of us to recognize the bad guys by other means than just looking at their hats and horses... and then we need to fight them with all of our might.
This book is dedicated to each American who wants to know what to do to fight against the destruction of America by liberal radicals.
John 5:36: Doing the work of the one who sent me.
Table of Contents
Mike Master introduced himself to me at our church, St. Lukes Catholic Church in McLean, Virginia, at a 6:45 AM Mass one weekday morning in 2000. I was the chairman of the RNC at the time when George W. Bush was running for president. Mike listened to me ask the priest why the Catholic Church was being so silent about abortion, euthanasia and gay marriage. He wrote about that conversation in his first book, Save America Now.
America faces some very difficult challenges. The retirement of so many baby boom workers over the next 20 years, without enough younger workers to replace them will place an enormous strain on Social Security revenues vs. expenses, on Medicare costs, and on the economy. The high number of people retiring without enough younger people replacing them is decreasing the demand for goods, is reducing the demand for housing, and is depleting our brain trust of intelligence/experience. The huge amounts of immigration for the previous 20 years is changing the culture of America as more immigrants are used to offset the lack of births to American citizens. The huge increases to the number of government workers in the federal government and local governments, and the high levels of pay for those workers are causing record deficits to our federal and local governments. The loss of manufacturing to more cost effective foreign manufacturers continues to cause more unemployment to American workers. The low level of science and engineering graduates vs. liberal arts graduates is making America weaker. The high level of dependence on foreign oil is draining capital from America. And the threats from enemies to America are real and are increasing.
Saul Alinsky wrote Rules for Radicals 40 years ago as instructions on how to seize power. Alinsky was the original community organizer who documented how to organize others to provide power to the organizers. Because of those who practiced those rules, America is suffering. Alinsky instructed radical liberal leaders to organize masses to force the government to compromise with them. Every one of the problems that Americans face today can be traced back to compromises with liberal radical leaders over the last 40 years.
Mike Master wrote Rules for Conservatives as the counter strategy to Rules for Radicals. It is common sense and practical. It provides actions that each one of us can do every day. It provides instructions to conservatives on how to stop the erosion of Americas values, economy, culture, and life style by the liberal radicals.
Robert James (Jim) Nicholson
Jim Nicholson is a 1961 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, served in the Vietnam War where he earned the Bronze Star, retired in 1991 with the rank of Colonel and earned a law degree from the University of Denver in 1972. He is a lawyer and an entrepreneur and custom home builder. He served as Chairman of the Republican National Committee 1997 - 2001, Ambassador to the Vatican, Secretary of US Veterans Affairs, and is currently Senior Counsel at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck.
Rules for Conservatives is my second step in the war to save America. Save America Now was written in 2009 as the first of my two steps in the war to save America from destruction by liberal socialist tyrants. Like the profits from Save America Now, the profits of Rules for Conservatives are sent to a church in Harlem, New York because religion is one of those critical items needed to save America.