Table of Contents
Praise for Sally Pipes and THE TRUTH ABOUT OBAMACARE
Sally Pipes shows how a misdiagnosis of the problem led to the wrong prescription for American health care. She not only shows what is wrong with the new law, but also puts forward some solid ideas on putting doctors and patients back in charge.
TOM COBURN , M.D. , Member of Congress
Ms. Pipes (a Canadian by birth) established herself as not simply an extraordinary expert on health care, but a force of nature, churning out dozens of articles, participating in hundreds of radio and TV interviews, and speaking at countless townhalls across the country. In this new book, she explains why the debate isnt over. Left and right must consider her weighty arguments.
DAVID GRATZER , M.D. Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute
Debunking myths, Sally Pipes shows how President Obama and a Democrat Congress have crafted a government takeover of our health care system that will burden families and job creators with new hidden taxes and mandates, increase the deficit, raise health care costs, and impose a government-run bureaucracy between doctors and their patients. The resultslower quality of care, higher costs, and more Washington bureaucrats in charge of our health care decisions. This is a must read for all who want to face the challenges before us.
TOM PRICE , M.D. , Member of Congress
Pipes penetrates the political sloganeering and punctures the wishful thinking that the anointed experts, long pining for government-managed health care, can deliver universal medical insurance without inflicting unacceptable costs on businesses and individuals and without sacrificing Americans unique access to valuable health care innovations.
TOM STOSSEL , M.D. , and Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Brigham Womens Hospital
To my husband, Charles Kesler, and to Maggie,
whose tolerance for my obsession with
educating Americans on the truth about Obamacare
surpasses all reasonable expectations.
After a century of striving, after a year of debate, after a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. It is the law of the land.
On Tuesday, March 23, 2010, surrounded by flashing cameras and cheering fans, Barack Obama signed into law a bill that will lead to the largest expansion of government in the history of the United States.
The president was elated by the bills passage. White House Senior Advisor David Axelrod admitted that he had never seen the president so happy about anythingother than his family. Even after winning the presidential election, according to Axelrod, he was not as excited.
The bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, was over 2,400 pages long. Obama used twenty-two commemorative pens to sign it. A week later, he signed a series of amendments that required yet another seventeen pens.
If nothing else, Obamacare is a virtuoso display of regulatory acrobatics. A veritable mountain of parchment, it surely sets a new world record for bureaucratic overkill.
Newspapers say the presidents overhaul of our health care system will cost a cool $1 trillion over ten years, give or take a few dollars. But sticker shock is just the beginning.
Make no mistake, Obamacare will crash into our economy and culture with a tidal wave of regulations that, taken together, will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and access health care.
How will all those changes affect us? Thats what this book is about.
For Obama himself, its clearly the fulfillment of a series of promises made in the midst of a shoot-from-the-hip political campaign. Most of those promises revolved around a general commitment to provide health insurance for all Americans, while lowering costs for individuals and government alike.
Without question, Obama viewed his election victory as a mandate to deliver on those sweeping political promises.
One oft-repeated promise was that, if elected, Obama would reduce the number of uninsured peoplewhich he then put at 45 milliondown to zero.
I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American, he declared.
He later announced that his plan would cut the cost of a typical familys premium by up to $2,500 a year.
Moreover, if you like your current health insurance, nothing changes, except your costs will go down.
But Obama didnt just vow to cover everyone while lowering insurance premiums. He also promised to reduce the governments expenditure on health care. In short, he would use his political muscle to bend the cost curve, forcing prices down.
Obama promised a minor miraclea plan that would simultaneously lower the cost of premiums, presumably through government subsidies, while also reducing government outlays.
But Obama didnt stop there. He also assured voters that hed improve quality. Health care for all would not only cost less, it would be better than what we have today.
We must redesign our health system to reduce inefficiency and waste and improve health care quality, which will drive down costs for families and individuals.
In one fell swoop, Obama would heal our ailing health care systemcover every single uninsured individual, lower costs for everyone, and improve our quality of care.
Now thats a tall ordersome might even call it impossible.
This book will go over Obamacare with a fine-tooth comb, laying out the specifics of what exists now in the legislation, and where that legislation will likely lead. Most important, well look at whether the reality of Obamacare measures up to the promise.
Well look at Obamacares attempts to reduce the ranks of the uninsured by simply forcing Americans to purchase insurance. Those who refuse will be fined.
Businesses will also be coerced into providing insurance to their employeesand will be fined if they dont.
Medicare and Medicare Advantagewhich provide coverage to senior citizenswill be cut.
Meanwhile, Medicaid will be dramatically expanded to cover 18 million of the additional 34 million people who will now be insured. One of the most financially unstable and ineffective programs of our government, Medicaid is already detested by doctors and patients alike. Now it will grow exponentially.
On top of that, childless adults will now be eligible for taxpayer-subsidized coverage that was originally set up to help impoverished children.
Well look at the many frightening ways in which Obamacare will attempt to lower costsoften by depriving people of top-quality medical care.
For example, the new law will impose comparative effectiveness research upon the countrylaying the groundwork for a system in which bureaucrats can deny coverge of cutting-edge medicines in order to save the government money.
Obamacare will also massively increase regulation of the insurance market. The government will dictate to insurance companies what they must include in their coveragefrom addiction care to prosthetics to fertility treatmentsand how much they must spend on claims.