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David Calvey 2017
First published 2017
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2016949496
British Library Cataloguing in Publication data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-84920-383-8
ISBN 978-1-84920-384-5 (pbk)
Editor: Jai Seaman
Assistant Editor: Alysha Owen
Production editor: Imogen Roome
Copyeditor: Sarah Bury
Proofreader: Jill Birch
Indexer: Martin Hargreaves
Marketing manager: Sally Ransom
Cover design: Shaun Mercier
Typeset by: C&M Digitals (P) Ltd, Chennai, India
Printed in the UK
This is my first sole authored book and it has been a challenging journey from its original inception in 2009 to its publication in 2017. In professional terms, thanks to Martine Jonsrud, Gemma Shields, Delayna Spencer and Alysha Owen as Assistant Editors at Sage, Professor Chris Rojek for the initial invitation to write the book, Imogen Roome in Production, Sally Ransom in Marketing and Sarah Bury for her expert guidance and remarkable detail in copyediting. Particular thanks go to Jai Seaman as Commissioning Editor who patiently and sensibly guided it through to publication over a lengthy period of time. They have all been very kind, patient and supportive with me, as have my colleagues in the Department of Sociology at Manchester Metropolitan University, who have all listened to my obsession over the years. Thanks to Dr Max Travers from the University of Tasmania for his useful comments on the draft. Particular thanks to Professor Wes Sharrock for both his continual intellectual mentoring long after I flew the doctoral nest at Manchester University and his insightful comments on the draft.
In emotional terms, thanks to all my large extended family, who, in different ways over my upbringing, shaped my being and thinking. So thanks to my siblings Dennis, Margaret, Jan, Liz, Ted, Peter, Trish and Sharon. Also thanks to my in-laws and their respective clans Deveney, Griffin, Pattison, McFarlane, Morris and Thompson. Thanks to all my late uncles and aunts, particularly Uncle Dennis Calvey. Very special thanks to my partner and soul mate Julia Griffin, who is a constant source of hope, inspiration and creativity to me. Her sacrifices to my academic indulgences over the years have made this book possible, for which I am indebted to her. Lastly, eternal hugs and kisses to our magical daughter Mabel Griffin-Calvey, born in October 2012, for bringing so much love and joy into our world. I hope she is proud of her Daddy.
Abstruse, bamboozle, betray, blagging, bogus, cagey, camouflaged, chameleon, cheating, chicanery, circumvent, clandestine, cloaked, closet, con, concealed, counterfeit, crafty, cunning, deceitful, deception, disassembly, disguised, dishonest, disingenuous, diversion, double dealing, double faced, dupery, duplicity, entrap, espionage, evasive, fakery, false, feigned, fictitious, fiddling, fleece, fly, fool, fraudulent, furtive, guileful, hidden, hoax, hoodwink, illusionary, imposter, incognito, infiltration, insidious, kid, lying, malingering, masked, misleading, misrepresentation, mock, mole, obscured, pretence, pseudo, ruse, scam, scheming, secret, shady, shifty, shrouded, skulduggery, skulking, slinking, sly, sneaky, snooping, spoof, spying, stealthy, sting, surreptitious, swindle, treachery, trickery, underhand, unsuspected, veiled, wily.
All the above terms, and more, are associated with undercover or covert research. There is a classic fear and fascination with covert research. It is a highly emotive and controversial area of study, which is part of the challenge and complexity of researching it. A number of questions and troubles have motivated this book over the years. Many of these I hope to answer, or at least investigate further. No doubt I shall gain some new ones on the way.
This is a book about covert research and its place in the human and social sciences. The book has a particular reasoning and rationale driving it, which is essentially one that attempts to reasonably fill the gap as regards research on covert research. For me, detailed discussions of covert research are typically glossed over and often subsumed in ethics chapters of research methodology manuals, of which there is a voluminous amount. Hence, covert research has a type of index and footnote status in various social science fields, where you have to search for a more detailed and substantive view of the covert tradition. This submerged and stifled understanding of covert research gives readers a rather crude and simplistic understanding of the complex issues involved and a limited knowledge of the rich corpus of covert work across the social sciences.