See Acknowledgments for the location of manuscript collections and also for explanations of certain abbreviations. When two or more oral history interviews were held the same day, they are designated by a roman numeral following the date.
Prologue: 1968 (page 1)
1. Frank Church of Idaho, Congressional Record, July 30, 1968, S9713.
2. The UPI estimate; the Editors of United Press International and Cowles, Assasination: Robert F. Kennedy19151968, ed. Francine Klagsbrun and D. C. Whitney (New York, 1968), 201. See also New York Times, June 9, 1968.
1. The Family (pages 320)
1. James Joyce, Ulysses (New York, 1961), 34.
2. Rose Fitzgerald Kennedys memoir, Times to Remember (Garden City, N.Y., 1974), is illuminating and indispensable; the verse from a Boston paper is on 10. For the Kennedy family, and Joseph P. Kennedy in particular, there are two serious and instructive, if hostile, biographies: R. J. Whalen, The Founding Father: The Story of JosephP.Kennedy (New York, 1964); and D. E. Koskoff, Joseph P.Kennedy: A Life and Times (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1974).
3. Gail Cameron, Rose (New York: Dell reprint, 1972), 52.
4. As told by James A. Fayne, an old Kennedy associate, to R. J. Whalen, in Whalen, Founding Father, 44.
5. E. K. Lindley, Will Kennedy Run for President? Liberty, May 21, 1938; Whalen, Founding Father, 49.
6. Whalen, Founding Father, 104.
7. Joe McCarthy, The Remarkable Kennedys (New York, 1960), 53.
8. Michael Mooney to RFK, August to, 1966, RFK Papers.
9. RFK to Mooney, August 18, 1966, RFK Papers.
10. Whalen, Founding Father, 74, 61.
11. Edward M. Kennedy, ed., The Fruitful Bough: A Tribute to Joseph P. Kennedy (privately printed, 1965), 112.
12. Ibid., 12.
13. McCarthy, Remarkable Kennedys, 66.
14. E. M. Kennedy, Fruitful Bough, 32.
15. Joseph P. Kennedy, I'm for Roosevelt (New York, 1936), 3.
16. Rose Kennedy, Times to Remember, 195.
17. McCarthy, Remarkable Kennedys, 58.
18. JPK to Felix Frankfurter, December 5, 1933, JPK Papers.
19. Raymond Moley, The First New Deal (New York, 1966), 381.
20. JPK to JPK, Jr., May 4, 1934, JPK Papers.
21. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Coming of the New Deal (Boston, 1958), 467468.
22. Raymond Moley, After Seven Years (New York, 1939), 288.
23. Harold L. Ickes, The Secret Diary ...: The First Thousand Days, 19331936 (New York, 1953), 173.
24. From a memorandum written by Rose Kennedy, evidently in 1940, JPK Papers.
25. Churchill to JPK, October 12, 1935, JPK Papers.
26. JPK to Churchill, October 19, 1935, JPK Papers.
27. Press conference no. 309, July 29, 1936, in Franklin D. Roosevelt, Complete Presidential Press Conferences (New York, 1972), vol. 8, 3435.
28. Arthur Krock, Memoirs: Sixty Years on the Firing Line (New York, 1968), 332.
29. JPK, I'm for Roosevelt, 3, 7, 14, 93, 102107.
30. JPK, address before the Democratic Businessmen's League of Massachusetts, October 24, 1936, Roosevelt Papers.
31. J. P. Kennedy, The New Deal and Business, radio speech, October 21, 1936, JPK Papers. Kennedy wrote Roosevelt, October 24, 1936, that the speech had been partly written by a French journalist.
32. New York Times, January 28, 1957, quoted in William V. Shannon, The American Irish (New York, 1963), vii. The second sentence is ordinarily given as My children were born here, but it makes much less sense that way.
33. JPK to Joseph I. Breen, March 16, 1937, JPK Papers.
34. Mary Bailey Gimbel, in interview by author, February 19, 1975.
35. Rose Kennedy, Times to Remember, 79.
36. Jean Stein and George Plimpton, eds., American Journey (New York, 1970), 35.
37. Rose Kennedy, Times to Remember, 148.
38. In the privately printed memorial volume As We Remember Joe, ed. John F. Kennedy (Cambridge, Mass., 1945), 4.
39. JPK, As We Remember Joe, 4344.
40. JPK to Robert W. Bingham, November 11, 1935, JPK Papers.
41. Rose Kennedy, Times to Remember, 202.
42. Ibid., 121.
43. James MacG. Burns, John Kennedy: A Political Profile (New York, 1960), 28.
44. Myra McPherson, Losing Was Never Funny to Joseph P. Kennedy, Washington Post, November 19, 1969.
45. Rose Kennedy, Times to Remember, 143.
46. E. M. Kennedy, Fruitful Bough, 203.
47. Rose Kennedy, Times to Remember, 142, 144.
48. E. M. Kennedy, Fruitful Bough, 210211.
49. Stein and Plimpton, American Journey, 35.
50. Burns, John Kennedy, 20.
51. Stein and Plimpton, American Journey, 35.
52. Charles Spalding, in recorded interview by L. J. Hackman, March 22, 1969, 70, RFK Oral History Program.
53. Felicia Warburg Roosevelt, Doers and Dowagers (Garden City, N.Y., 1975), 94.
54. Robert F. Kennedy, The Pursuit of Justice (New York: Harper & Row, Perennial Library reprint, 1964), 3.
55. Ralph Horton, Jr., in recorded interview by Joseph Dolan, June 1, 1964, 34, JFK Oral History Program.
56. JPK to JFK, October 10, 1934, December 5, 1934, April 29, 1935, JPK Papers.
57. Interview with Walter Cronkite, September 19, 1960, in Senate Commerce Committee, Freedom of Communications, pt. 3, The Joint Appearances of Senator John F. Kennedy and Vice President Richard M. Nixon, 87 Cong., 1 Sess. (1961), 5455.
58. Stein and Plimpton, American Journey, 35.
59. Rose Kennedy, Times to Remember, 139.
60. K. LeMoyne Billings, in interview by author, July 8, 1975.
61. Charles Spalding, in interview by author, February 24, 1975.
62. Rose Kennedy, in recorded interview by Felicia Warburg, April 6, 1973, tape in possession of interviewer.
63. Rose Kennedy, Times to Remember, 162.
64. Spalding, in interview by author.
65. Rose Kennedy, Times to Remember, 163.
66. Jean Kennedy Smith, in interview by author, May 11, 1975.
67. Rose Kennedy to Edward Kennedy, April 18, 1945, JPK Papers.
68. Rose Kennedy to daughters-in-law, December 1, 1960, August 26, 1969, JPK Papers.
69. Rose Kennedy, Times to Remember, 148.
70. Charles Spalding, in recorded interview by John Stewart, March 14, 1968, 34, JFK Oral History Program.
71. Author's journal, March 7, 1962.
72. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., in recorded interview by Jean Stein, December 9, 1969, Stein Papers.
73. Ted Kennedys Memories of JFK: A Conversation with Theodore Sorensen, McCall's, November 1973.
74. K. LeMoyne Billings, in recorded interview by Jean Stein, n.d., 13, Stein Papers.
75. E. M. Kennedy, Fruitful Bough, 214.
76. Stein and Plimpton, American Journey, 35.
77. William Manchester, Portrait of a President (Boston, 1962), 187.
78. JPK to JPK, Jr., May 4, 1934, JPK Papers.
79. In a memorandum, Russia, n.d. but probably c. 1940, JPK Papers.
80. Rose Kennedy, Times to Remember, 172173.
81. Ibid., 210.
82. Ibid., 173.
83. As told by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, in E. M. Kennedy, Fruitful Bough, 219.
84. Whalen, Founding Father, 171.
85. Waldrop to author, April 18, 1975.
86. As told by William vanden Heuvel in interview with author, May 1, 1975.
87. Joseph F. Dineen, The Kennedy Family
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