FreedomAint Free
Do You Know the Cost?
Are You Willing to Pay?
Jay Mcfarland
Edited by
Joe Frodsham
Cragg Rogers
Dallas, Texas
Copyright 2010 by Jay Mcfarland
Smashwords Edition
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ISBN: 978-0-557-05856-3
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To my incredible wife Tiina for believing theunbelievable and for seeing more in me than I ever saw in myself.To my mother for just being a Mom and for never giving up on life.To Gavin Spittle for rolling the dice on the X-man. To Joe Frodshamand Cragg Rogers for helping me edit this book and for pushing meto finish. To Ernie Brown for no good reason. Finally, thanks for compiling such a great list of quotes from ourfounding fathers.
I feel that it is important to note that I amnot a professional author nor do I consider myself to be strong inthe art of putting pen to paper. The goal of this work is not towow you with incredibly worded phrases or imagery, instead it issimply to convey to you the thoughts of my heart and mind regardingthe freedoms that we hold dear as American citizens. It is my hopethat any weaknesses found in this written work will not overshadowthe importance of my message in any way. The words found within aremy own; as it should be.
- Jay Mcfarland
About the Author
Jay Mcfarland did not have a typical Americanupbringing. At the age of nine his parents were divorced leavinghim in a single parent home in one of the poorest neighborhoods inNorthern California. Without the necessary parental involvement,and due to many poor choices, Jay dropped out of high school andeventually found himself homeless and on the road to drug andalcohol abuse. Thanks to some family intervention, especially onthe part of his older brother, Jay began to pull his life together.At the age of 20, he left to serve a full time mission for the LDSChurch in Miami Florida where he became fluent in the Spanishlanguage. Shortly after his return from this two year mission hemarried and began to consider what he should be when he grows up.Unfortunately, without an education, his options seemed limited,but undaunted by this obstacle he powered forward.
Jay soon found that he had a natural abilitytowards leadership and management, and as such he quickly workedhis way up the corporate ladder. By the age of 31 he had achievedthe position of Regional Manager with the Little CaesarsCorporation where he directly supervised the daily operations of 42of the most profitable pizza restaurants within the company. Afterworking most of his life in the restaurant business, Jay sought acareer change that would allow him to effect a change within hiscommunity. With this in mind, he financed a small radio show in theLas Vegas Nevada market. Within a matter of months Jay was hired byGavin Spittle, the program director of KXNT, a CBS Affiliate, tohost a weekend talk radio show. Approximately, 3 years later Jaywas invited to bring his show to the Dallas market on AM 1080 KRLDwhere he thrived ever since.
Jay Mcfarland has a unique ability to explaincomplex principles in a simple down to earth way and due to hisnon-traditional upbringing, he sees most things in anout-of-the-box way. He is also an avid student of history and hasfostered a great love and understanding of the Constitution of theUnited States. Additionally, Jay is a dynamic public speaker and hehas compiled several seminars dealing with the subject matterwithin this book as well as on parenting, management, andrelationships. Jay is the proud father of four beautiful childrenand has been married for 19 years as of 2010.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Cost = The Potential Abuse ofFreedom
Chapter 2: Cost = Accepting SmallerGovernment
Chapter 3: Cost = DemandingRepresentation
Chapter 4: Cost = Your Feelings May GetHurt
Chapter 5: Cost = War or InternationalConflict
Chapter 6: Cost = Protecting the Value ofCitizenship
Government is instituted for the commongood; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of thepeople; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any oneman, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have anincontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institutegovernment; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, whentheir protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness requireit.
John Adams, Thoughts on
Government, 1776
At the time this book was written theapproval rating for the President of the United States was a low23% and the congressional approval rating was at a dismal 16%. Themood of the nation continues to be general disgust for ourrepresentatives and a strong desire for change. Unfortunately, theanswer to the frustration seems to be to choose a politician fromone of the legislative bodies, and somehow trust that they willbring about the needed improvements or reforms. In other words, theAmerican people have no real idea how to create the desired change,and so they have put their hope and trust into a single individualor perhaps in one political party over the other. Meanwhile, thesepolitical parties have managed to convince the majority ofAmericans that the fault for all our woes lay squarely in the lapof the opposing party. Do we really believe that one party has allthe answers and the other is the cause of every problem on theearth? On the other hand, could it be that each side has some ideasor platforms that are good for America and some that are bad aswell? Alternatively, could it be that each political party sharesmuch of the blame for the problems with our current politicalsystem?
I believe that as Americans we have trulylost our way. Its not that we dont want to make things better.Instead, I believe that we simply dont know how to make thingsright. We werent prepared for this in school and besides, we haveour own lives to worry about, so how can we take the time necessaryto create change when we have no clue how to make it happen? I cantell you right off the bat that the answer does not lie with asingle person who says they are going to change the world all bythemselves. This simply isnt realistic. It would be nice if itwere true, because then the rest of us wouldnt have to worry aboutit. However, we do have to worry about it, and in the end, we willultimately be the ones to blame if this experiment calledrepresentative government fails.
I believe that in order to understand how tocorrect the problems in our federal government today, we mustunderstand how the United States became the greatest nation ever toexist on the face of the earth in the first place. Did this happenby chance? Did it happen because we have more resources than othercountries? Did we just get lucky and now our luck has run out? Thetruth is that there are very clear concepts and principles thathave caused our nation to rise to the top. It seems that we haveeither forgotten about them or perhaps we didnt see them or evenunderstand them in the first place.
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