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Barbara Delinsky - Victoria Lesser 2 Twelve Across

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Barbara Delinsky Victoria Lesser 2 Twelve Across
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Reclusive loner Garrick Rodenheiser has his precious isolation interrupted by the arrival of Leah Gates, a beautiful and vulnerable woman who also desperately needs time to heal. Reissue.

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Barbara Delinsky - Twelve Across







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All the characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the Author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the Author, and all the incidents are pure invention.

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First published in Great Britain in 1987

Reprinted in Great Britain in 1994 by Worldwide Books, Eton House, IS-24

Paradise Road, Richmonq Surrey ? "W91SR

(C) Barbara Delinsky 1987

ISBN 0 373 59316 3


Made and printed in Great Britain TWELVE ACROSS

LEAH GATES MADE A FINAL FOLD in the blue foil paper, then studied her creation in dismay. "This does not look like a roadrunner, " she whispered to the woman at the table beside her.

Victoria Lesser, who d been diligently folding a pelican, shifted her attention to her friend's work. "Sure, it does, " she whispered back.

"It's a roadrunner. "

"And I'm a groundhog: Leah raised large, round glasses from the bridge of her nose in the hope that a myopic view would improve the image. It didn't. She dropped the frames back into place.

"It's a roadrunner, " Victoria repeated. you're squinting: '

"It looks like a roadrunner. "

"It looks like a conglomeration of pointed paper prongs: ' Lifting the Page 1

Barbara Delinsky - Twelve Across

fragile item, Victoria turned it from side to side. She had to agree with Leah's assessment, though she was far too tactful to say so. "Did you get the stretched bird base right? "

"I thought so: ' ' And the book fold and the mountain fold? "

"As far as I know: '

"Then there must be some problem with the rabbit-ear fold:'

"I think the prob leni s with me: '

"Uh-uh: '

"Then with you, " Leah scolded in the same hushed whisper' It was your idea to take an origami course. How do I let myself get talked into these things? "

"Very easily. You love them as much as I do. Besides, you're a puzzle solver, and what's origami but a puzzle in paper? you've done fine up to now. So today s an off day. "

"That's an understatement, " leah muttered.

"Ladies? " came a call from the front of the room. Both Leah and Victoria looked up to find the instructor s reproving stare homing in on them over the heads of the other students "I believe we re ready to start on the frog base.

Are there any final questions on the stretched bird base? " Leah quickly shook her head, then bit her lip against a moan of despair. The frog base?

Victoria simply sat with a gentle smile on her face. By the time the class had ended, though, the smile had faded. Taking I. eah by the arm, she ushered her toward the door. "Come on, " she said softly. "Let's get some coffee: '

When they were seated in a small coffee shop on Third Avenue, Victoria wasted no time in speaking her mind. "Something s bothering you. Out with it: ' leah set her glasses on the table. They d fogged up the instant she d come in from the cold, and long-time experience told her that they d be useless for several minutes. The oversize fuchsia sweater Victoria wore was more than bright enough to be seen by the weakest of eyes, however, and above the sweater were the gentlest of expressions. It was toward these that Leah sent a sheepish look. " My frog base stunk, too, huh? "

"Your mind wasn't on it. Your attentiori s been elsewhere all night. Where, if I may be so bold as to ask? "

Leah had to laugh at that. In the year she d known Victoria I. esser, the woman had on occasion been far bolder. But not once had Leah minded. What might have been considered intrusive in others was caring in Victoria. She was compassionate, down-to-earth and insightful, and had such a remarkably positive view of the world that time spent with her was always uplifting.

"Guess, " Leah inviteqd with a wry half grin.

"Well, I know your mind'q not on your marriage, because that's been over and done for two years now. And I know it's not on a man, beqcause Page 2

Barbara Delinsky - Twelve Across

despite my own considerable -" she drawled the word pointedly "-efforts to fix you up, you refuse to date. And I doubt it's on your work, because crosswords are in as much of a demand as ever, and because just last week you told me that yqour contract's been renewed. Which leaves your apartment: Victoria knew how much Leah adored the loft she d lived in since her divorce' Is your landlord raising the rent? "

"Worse: '

"Oh-oh. He s talking condo conversion: '

"He s decided condo conversion: '

"Oh, sweetheart. Mucho? "

"Mucho mucho : ' " lnheri s it happening? "

"Too soon: Idly Leah strummed the rim of her glasses, then, as though recalling their purpose, slipped them back onto her nose. " I can look for another place, but I doubt I'll find one half as nice. Waterfront buildings are hot, and most of them have already gone condo. Even if there were a vacancy in one of the few remaining rentals, I doubt I could afford it: ' "Thank you, New York: '

"Mmmm: Seeking to warm her chilled fingers, Leah wrapped her hands around her coffee cup. " Prices have gone sky high in the two years since lrrented the loft. The only reason I got it at a reasonable rate in the first place was that I was willing to fix it up myself. It was a mess when I first saw it, but the view was.. ineffable: '

"Ineffable? "

"Indescribable. It isn't fair, Victoria. For weeks I scraped walls and ceilings, sanded, painted, and now someone else will reap the fniits of my labor. " She gave a frustrated growl. "I had a feeling this was coming, but that doesn't make it any easier to take: ' Victoria s heart went out to this woman wlio'd become such a special friend. They d met the yqar before in the public library and had hit it off from the start. Victoria had enjoyed' Leah subtle wit and soft-spoken manner. Though at the age of thirty-three Leah was twenty years younger, they shared an interest in things new and different. They d gone to the theater together, tried out newly opened restaurants together, taken classes not only in origami but in papier mqche, conversational Russian and ballet.

Victoria had come to know Leah well. She d learned that Leah had been badly burned by an unhappy marriage and that behind the urban adventuress was a basically shy woman. She also saw that Leah had constructed a very tidy and self-contained shell for herself, and that within that shell was a world of loneliness and vulnerability. Losing the apartment she loved would feed that vulnerability.

"You know, " Victoria ventured, "I'd be more thaqhappy to loan you the down payment on that condo The hand Leah pressed over hers cut off her words. " I can't take your money"

"But I have it. More than enough " It's not my way, Victoria. I wouldn't be comfortable. And it's not as much a matter of principle as it is the amount of money involved. If I had to make loan payments to you on top of mortgage payments to the bank, I'd be house poor Another few years.. That's all I'd have needed to save for the down payment myqelf: It might have taken less if she d been more ftugal, but Leah lived comfortably Page 3

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