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Harmel - The Winemakers Wife

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Harmel The Winemakers Wife
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From the author of the engrossing (People) and poignant (Booklist) international bestseller The Room on Rue Amelie comes a remarkable and moving story of love, danger, and betrayal: two women in France in the darkest days of World War II and another in present-day America on a quest to uncover the secret that connects them. At the dawn of the Second World War, Ines is the young wife of Michel, owner of the House of Chauveau, a small champagne winery nestled among rolling vineyards near Reims, France. Marrying into a storied champagne empire was supposed to be a dream come true, but Ines feels increasingly isolated, purposely left out of the business by her husband; his chef de cave, Theo; and Theos wife, Sarah. But these disappointments pale in comparison to the increasing danger from German forces pouring across the border. At first, its merely the Nazi weinfuhrer coming to demand the choicest champagne for Hitlers cronies, but soon, there are rumors of Jewish townspeople being rounded up and sent east to an unspeakable fate. The war is on their doorstep, and no one in Iness life is safe--least of all Sarah, whose father is Jewish, or Michel, who has recklessly begun hiding munitions for the Resistance in the champagne caves. Ines realizes she has to do something to help. Sarah feels as lost as Ines does, but she doesnt have much else in common with Michels young wife. Ines seems to have it made, not least of all because as a Catholic, shes safe. Sarah, on the other hand, is terrified about the fate of her parents--and about her own future as the Germans begin to rid the Champagne region of Jews. When Sarah makes a dangerous decision to follow her heart in a desperate bid to find some meaning in the ruin, it endangers the lives of all those she cares about--and the champagne house theyve all worked so hard to save. In the present, Liv Kent has just lost her job--and her marriage. Her wealthy but aloof Grandma Edith, sensing that Liv needs a change of scenery before she hits rock bottom, insists that Liv accompany her on a trip to France. But the older woman has an ulterior motive--and some difficult but important information to share with her granddaughter. As Liv begins to uncover long-buried family secrets, she finds herself slowly coming back to life. When past and present intertwine at last, she may finally find a way forward, along a difficult road that leads straight to the winding caves beneath the House of Chauveau. Perfect for fans of Kristin Hannahs The Nightingale and Kate Quinns The Alice Network, The Winemakers Wife is an evocative and gorgeously wrought novel that examines how the choices we make in our darkest hours can profoundly change our lives--and how hope can come from the places we least expect--

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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the authors imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright 2019 by Kristin Harmel Lietz

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Gallery Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

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Interior design by Michelle Marchese

Jacket design by Chelsea McGuckin

Jacket photograph by Collaboration JS/Arcangel

Author photograph by Phil Art Studio, Reims, France

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Harmel, Kristin, author.

Title: The winemakers wife / Kristin Harmel.

Description: First Gallery Books hardcover edition. | New York : Gallery Books, 2019.

Identifiers: LCCN 2019002277 (print) | LCCN 2019009374 (ebook) | ISBN 9781982112318 (ebook) | ISBN 9781982112295 (hardcover : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781982112301 (trade paperback : alk. paper)

Subjects: LCSH: World War, 1939-1945FranceFiction. | Family SecretsFiction. | BISAC: FICTION / Contemporary Women. | FICTION / War & Military. | GSAFD: Historical fiction

Classification: LCC PS3608.A745 (ebook) | LCC PS3608.A745 W56 2019 (print) |DDC 813/.6dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019002277

ISBN 978-1-9821-1229-52988-0

ISBN 978-1-9821-1231-8 (ebook)

To Jason and Noah.

You teach me again and again what love really is.

It is not tolerable, it is not possible, that from so much death, so much sacrifice and ruin, so much heroism, a greater and better humanity shall not emerge.

General Charles de Gaulle, leader of the French Resistance, speaking about the impact of the Second World War

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MAY 1940


T he road snaked over the lush vineyards of Champagne as Ins Chauveau sped southwest out of Reims, clouds of dust ballooning in the wake of her glossy black Citron, wind whipping ferociously through her chestnut hair. It was May, and already the vines were awakening, their buds like tiny fists reaching for the sun. In weeks they would flower, and by September, their grapespale green Chardonnay, inky Pinot Meunier, blueberry-hued Pinot Noirwould be plump and bursting for the harvest.

But would Ins still be here? Would any of them? A shiver ran through her as she braked to hug a curve, the engine growling in protest as she turned down the road that led home. Michel would tell her she was driving too quickly, too recklessly. But then, he was cautious about everything.

In June, it would be a year since theyd married, and she couldnt remember a day during that time that he hadnt gently chided her about something. Im simply looking out for you, Ins , he always said. Thats what a husband is supposed to do. Lately, nearly all his warnings had been about the Germans, whod been lurking just on the other side of the impenetrable Maginot Line, the fortified border that protected France from the chaos besetting the rest of Europe. Those of us who were here for the Great War know to take them seriously , he said at least once a day, as if he hadnt been just four years old when the final battle was waged.

Of course Ins, younger than Michel by six years, hadnt yet been born when the Germans finally withdrew from the Marne in 1918, after nearly obliterating the central city of Reims. But her father had told enough tales about the warusually while drunk on brandy and pounding his fist against the tablethat she knew to be wary.

You can never trust the Huns! She could hear her fathers deep, gravelly voice in her ear now, though hed been dead for years. They might play the role of Frances friend, but only fools would believe such a thing.

Well, Ins was no fool. And this time, for once, she would bring the news that changed everything. She felt a small surge of triumph, but as she raced into Ville-Dommange, the silent, somber, seven-hundred-year-old Saint-Li chapel that loomed over the small town seemed to taunt her for her pettiness. This wasnt about who was wrong and who was right. This was about war. Death. The blood of young men already soaking the ground in the forests to the northeast. All the things her husband had predicted.

She drove through the gates, braked hard in front of the grand two-story stone chteau, and leapt out, racing for the door that led down to the vast network of underground cellars. Michel! she called as she descended two stone steps at a time, the cool, damp air like a bucket of water to the face. Michel!

Her voice echoed through the tangled maze of passageways, carved out of the earth three quarters of a century earlier by her husbands eccentric great-grandfather. Thousands of champagne bottles rested on their sides there, a small fortune of bubbles waiting for their next act.

Ins? Michels concerned voice wafted from somewhere deep within the cellars, and then she could hear footsteps coming closer until he rounded the corner ahead of her, followed by Theo Laurent, the Maison Chauveaus chef de cave , the head winemaker. My dear, what is it? Michel asked as he rushed to her, putting his hands on her shoulders and studying her face. Are you quite all right, Ins?

No. She hadnt realized until then how breathless she was from the news and the drive and the rapid descent into the chill of the cellars. No, Michel, Im not all right at all.

Whats happened? Michel asked while Theo regarded her silently, his expression as impassive as always.

It has begun, Ins managed to say. The invasion, Michel. The Germans are coming!

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