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Colm Toibin - Brooklyn

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Also by Colm Tibn


The South

The Heather Blazing

The Story of the Night

The Blackwater Lightship

The Master

Mothers and Sons


Bad Blood: A Walk Along the Irish Border

Homage to Barcelona

The Sign of the Cross: Travels in Catholic Europe

Love in a Dark Time: Gay Lives from Wilde to Almodvar

Lady Gregorys Toothbrush


Beauty in a Broken Place

Picture 2
A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright 2009 by Colm Tibn

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Scribner Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

SCRIBNER and design are registered trademarks of The Gale Group, Inc., used under license by Simon & Schuster, Inc., the publisher of this work.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2009001548

ISBN-13: 978-1-4391-4982-9
ISBN-10: 1-4391-4982-8

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For Peter Straus

Part One

E ilis Lacey, sitting at the window of the upstairs living room in the house on Friary Street, noticed her sister walking briskly from work. She watched Rose crossing the street from sunlight into shade, carrying the new leather handbag that she had bought in Clerys in Dublin in the sale. Rose was wearing a cream-coloured cardigan over her shoulders. Her golf clubs were in the hall; in a few minutes, Eilis knew, someone would call for her and her sister would not return until the summer evening had faded.

Eiliss bookkeeping classes were almost ended now; she had a manual on her lap about systems of accounting, and on the table behind her was a ledger where she had entered, as her homework, on the debit and credit sides, the daily business of a company whose details she had taken down in notes in the Vocational School the week before.

As soon as she heard the front door open, Eilis went downstairs. Rose, in the hall, was holding her pocket mirror in front of her face. She was studying herself closely as she applied lipstick and eye make-up before glancing at her overall appearance in the large hall mirror, settling her hair. Eilis looked on silently as her sister moistened her lips and then checked herself one more time in the pocket mirror before putting it away.

Their mother came from the kitchen to the hall.

You look lovely, Rose, she said. Youll be the belle of the golf club.

Im starving, Rose said, but Ive no time to eat.

Ill make a special tea for you later, her mother said. Eilis and myself are going to have our tea now.

Rose reached into her handbag and took out her purse. She placed a one-shilling piece on the hallstand. Thats in case you want to go to the pictures, she said to Eilis.

And what about me? her mother asked.

Shell tell you the story when she gets home, Rose replied.

Thats a nice thing to say! her mother said.

All three laughed as they heard a car stop outside the door and beep its horn. Rose picked up her golf clubs and was gone.

Later, as her mother washed the dishes and Eilis dried them, another knock came to the door. When Eilis answered it, she found a girl whom she recognized from Kellys grocery shop beside the cathedral.

Miss Kelly sent me with a message for you, the girl said. She wants to see you.

Does she? Eilis asked. And did she say what it was about?

No. Youre just to call up there tonight.

But why does she want to see me?

God, I dont know, miss. I didnt ask her. Do you want me to go back and ask her?

No, its all right. But are you sure the message is for me?

I am, miss. She says you are to call in on her.

Since she had decided in any case to go to the pictures some other evening, and being tired of her ledger, Eilis changed her dress and put on a cardigan and left the house. She walked along Friary Street and Rafter Street into the Market Square and then up the hill to the cathedral. Miss Kellys shop was closed, so Eilis knocked on the side door, which led to the upstairs part where she knew Miss Kelly lived. The door was answered by the young girl who had come to the house earlier, who told her to wait in the hall.

Eilis could hear voices and movement on the floor above and then the young girl came down and said that Miss Kelly would be with her before long.

She knew Miss Kelly by sight, but her mother did not deal in her shop as it was too expensive. Also, she believed that her mother did not like Miss Kelly, although she could think of no reason for this. It was said that Miss Kelly sold the best ham in the town and the best creamery butter and the freshest of everything including cream, but Eilis did not think she had ever been in the shop, merely glanced into the interior as she passed and noticed Miss Kelly at the counter.

Miss Kelly slowly came down the stairs into the hallway and turned on a light.

Now, she said, and repeated it as though it were a greeting. She did not smile.

Eilis was about to explain that she had been sent for, and to ask politely if this was the right time to come, but Miss Kellys way of looking her up and down made her decide to say nothing. Because of Miss Kellys manner, Eilis wondered if she had been offended by someone in the town and had mistaken her for that person.

Here you are, then, Miss Kelly said.

Eilis noticed a number of black umbrellas resting against the hallstand.

I hear you have no job at all but a great head for figures.

Is that right?

Oh, the whole town, anyone who is anyone, comes into the shop and I hear everything.

Eilis wondered if this was a reference to her own mothers consistent dealing in another grocery shop, but she was not sure. Miss Kellys thick glasses made the expression on her face difficult to read.

And we are worked off our feet every Sunday here. Sure, theres nothing else open. And we get all sorts, good, bad and indifferent. And, as a rule, I open after seven mass, and between the end of nine oclock mass until eleven mass is well over, there isnt room to move in this shop. I have Mary here to help, but shes slow enough at the best of times, so I was on the lookout for someone sharp, someone who would know people and give the right change. But only on Sundays, mind. The rest of the week we can manage ourselves. And you were recommended. I made inquiries about you and it would be seven and six a week, it might help your mother a bit.

Miss Kelly spoke, Eilis thought, as though she were describing a slight done to her, closing her mouth tightly between each phrase.

So thats all I have to say now. You can start on Sunday, but come in tomorrow and learn off all the prices and well show you how to use the scales and the slicer. Youll have to tie your hair back and get a good shop coat in Dan Bolgers or Burke OLearys.

Eilis was already saving this conversation for her mother and Rose; she wished she could think of something smart to say to Miss Kelly without being openly rude. Instead, she remained silent.

Well? Miss Kelly asked.

Eilis realized that she could not turn down the offer. It would be better than nothing and, at the moment, she had nothing.

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