A Path to Enlightenment
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Cover Design: Marius Spnu
Cover copyright: Editura For You
Book Design: Demetra T. Tsakiroglou
eISBN: 978-1-943277-54-4
June 2015
My self cast away,
Space is made
For God.
And I face Him
When He enters.
He is ever present to me
As to every one
I know freedom
Nothing to fear
Nothing to attain-
Joy is unbounded,
As I am.
From the poetry volume Alone with the One by Colette Aboulker-Muscat
I am grateful for your generous help and assistance; without you, this book wouldnt exist.
Thank you, Demetra Teresa Tsakiroglou, Luke Sellars, Stephen Moroz, Zlatko Kanda, Laura Iakovides, Sanela Begovic, Heather Wicks, Monica Visan, Marius Spinu and all the beloved friends that generously helped me publish this book. I ask for forgiveness if I do not remember all the names, but you are all in my heart.
Thank you from all my heart,
M asters experience and teach. We learn and experience. There is a big difference. We are followers, not innovators. A Master is a conscious creator. We are trying to be conscious receivers. Trying in a world of polarity is not easy. The simple act of trying is what keeps us in an exhausting, never ending wheel of reincarnations here in this dimension.
Heart Imagery: A Path to Enlightenment provides a key to getting rid of this endless trying. Heart Imagery helps you to, once again, have a childlike consciousness, and become a re-born human being. It is a new life and an opportunity to lead your own energy to the cosmic consciousness. Why would we do this? Because we are fed up with being machines, robots; people without personalities.
We are saturated and exhausted by our own repetitive gestures, thoughts and actions. What we see today around us is a clear demonstration that the mind has failed.
When the mind fails there is just one option left: the heart.
Heart Imagery: A Path to Enlightenment is a continuation of the book This Now Is Eternity revealing exercises and meditations related to the most ancient spiritual system: Heart Imagery. It is a treasure full of advice, meditations and exercises coming directly from two of the last Great Masters in Heart Imagery.
These Masters lived in the Tibetan area, but that was irrelevant. Like other Great Masters of Imagery (Anastasia from Russia, Collette Aboulker-Muscat from Jerusalem or Ana Pricop from Romania), the location and the time when they lived on this planet was of no consequence. They were able to change anything: the past, the present or the future. They could reverse any action or thought. This is beyond our understanding.
Remember that everything around you is a dream and you can awaken at any moment if you really wish to.
Daniel Mitel.
Learning and Experiencing
If you understand yourself, you are free
The Romanian Mystic and Imagery Master, Ana Pricop
Chapter 1
Escape the Prison of the Mind
M asters, why is Heart Imagery so powerful? How it is possible to have such a strong effect from just a simple image that you give me? Is it the effect of the image or the power of my mind? I feel strong waves of energy both inside and outside me when I see or sense these images, I said one day to my Masters, Karma Dorje and Tenzin Dhargey.
Karma Dorje and Tenzin Dhargey exchanged a quick look and fell silent for a moment.
There would be moments in our discussions when I could feel that something important was about to be said. This was one of them.
Dear Tenzin, Heart Imagery helps you move into the heart and remain there. It gives you harmony and peace. You might feel one day that the whole world is collapsing and you are losing your mind. In that moment, do not be afraid that you are going insane; that is not going to happen! That moment provides the best opportunity to go into your heart, advised Tenzin Dhargey.
What better opportunity can you have to escape the prison of the mind other than the moment when your mind stops working? All your belief patterns and preconceived ideas disappear. Your spirit is free, your consciousness is liberated and there lies the unique opportunity to slip into the heart, Karma Dorje said.
Tenzin Dhargey continued, This is a new vision of life, dear Tenzin. You are beginning to drop your ego because you are seeing everything around you from your heart. Heart Imagery is an experience and in this experience we are all equal. We are humble co-creators. We are resurrected and we are living just in this moment. We are eternally young. Each image prepares you for the final surrender; you will see so many images on a background made by nothingness, by the eternal Universe, that suddenly you will experience your own dissolution into nothingness. You will connect with all life everywhere and you will see, sense and feel the whole Universe within you.
Is it possible for someone who has not done any Heart Imagery exercises or any meditation techniques to experience the infinite nothingness? I asked.
Yes, it is possible, Karma Dorje replied and continued to explain. We explained to you some time ago that there are eight cycles of dreaming each night. Between each cycle we literally experience a short, very short, time of pure vastness; infinite nothingness. In fact, the time that you experience the nothingness is similar to the time when you die. It is as if dying each night eight times!
Is it possible to go from one dream to another without passing through the nothingness? I asked.
Yes, it is possible, said Tenzin Darghey, but it rarely happens. Remember what we were discussing about dreaming? There are just three possibilities. First, your dreams are a product of your subconscious mind. This situation happens almost all the time to everyone. In your dreams, it is like you are just an eye, and you see, sense and feel from the eyes perspective. You are rarely able to see your body when you dream in this way. You are just an eye. In the second case you use your dreaming body; an unconscious, but real movement of your dreaming body. You use your dreaming body in an unconscious way. Usually you realize it and get scared. When that happens, you try to wake up quickly. You try to get back into your physical body. The third situation is when a conscious and real movement of your dreaming body occurs. Not many people are able to do this. This is a very high level of consciousness.