praise for the freak factor
Dave Rendall hasa radical prescription for chronic dissatisfaction: Stop working onyour weaknesses and start amplifying them instead. The Freak Factorflips the cult of self-improvement on its head with stories of realpeople who have soared to success by embracing theiruniqueness.
- Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and A Whole New Mind
David Rendallreclaims the term "freak" for what it is a powerful,game-changing competitive advantage in life and business. This bookwill change the way you think about being different, and show youhow its the secret to turning around your career and theeconomy.
- Pam Slim, authorof Escapefrom Cubicle Nation
The Freak Factor is an important idea, and DavidRendall's is a voice to be reckoned with. We should all look to ourworkplaces and lives to see how we can accommodate rather thaneliminate the freaks and the freaky ideas!
- Nick Morgan, author ofTrustMe: Four Steps to Authenticity and Charisma
Everything you'veread about weakness is wrong.... until now. This book will help youstop trying to be well-rounded and start excelling at what youalways knew you were best at. Raise your freak flag and wave itwith pride!
- Chris Guillebeau, author ofThe Art ofNon-Conformity
The Freak Factor
Discovering Uniqueness byFlaunting Weakness
Dav!d Rendall
We do not believe in ourselvesuntil someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable,worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch.
Copyright 2013 by David J.Rendall
Smashwords Edition
All Rights Reserved
ISBN-13 (epub):978-0-9888840-9-0
ISBN-13 (mobi): 978-0-9888840-8-3
SEADS Publishing
Raleigh, NC
To Mrs. Freak and the littlefreaks
I want to start bythanking Elliott Anderson. He was the first person who recognizedthe positive aspects of my seemingly negative characteristics. Heis also the first person who called me a freak.
Tom Morris was veryinfluential in the development of this book. He shared countlessquotes and articles that supported my idea that weaknesses can bestrengths. Because of his deep understanding of the strengthsrevolution and positive psychology, my friend, Stosh Walsh, wasalso extremely helpful. My weekly conversations with Joel Rodellhave been energizing and my discussions with Allan Bacon have keptme motivated and focused. Mike Lowstetter gave me a copy of Now,Discover Your Strengths, which introduced me to an entirelydifferent perspective on personal and career development. JosephShermans consistent correspondence was also invaluable.
Kate Mytty, Jon Muellerand Todd Sattersten at 800-CEO-Read were some of the first peopleoutside of my circle to embrace the freak factor. They supportedthe creation of the first manifesto and introduced me to many otherlike-minded people. Sally Hogshead, Pam Slim and Dan Pink have allcontributed to this project in a variety of ways. The books ofChris Guillebeau, Parker Palmer, Seth Godin, Ken Robinson andMarcus Buckingham profoundly affected my understanding of life andcareer success.
I appreciate the manypeople that have commented on my blog and interacted with me onTwitter and Facebook. Their support for the freak factor messagehas been tremendously encouraging. Some of them are profiled in thebook but I want to also list them here. Matt Langdon, John Wambold,Craig Houston, Bart Gragg, Clemens Rettich, Jeff Brainard, LeahShapiro, Zane Safrit, Curt Liesveld, Jurgen van Pletsen, MargieGoodchild, Andrew Galasetti, Lance Haun, Chris Ferdinandi, KateSchreimer, Nellie Felipe, Joe Heuer, Kelly Wall, JenniferSchuchmann, Sara Dunnigan, Erika Lyremark, Mary Sailors, AmberOsborne, Scott Priestley, Matthew Peters, Roxy Allen, Jean-PhilippeTouzeau and Elad Sherf.
Many people that I dontknow well have shaped the content of this book by participating inmy seminars and classes and responding to my surveys and polls. Ihave also built some great relationships through my work as aspeaker and trainer. Deb Pattison, Susan Barbee, Nick and NikkiMorgan, Don Wells and Esmond Harmsworth have all been instrumentalin the success of my business. Eric Smoldt at Group 3 gets all thecredit for the design and format of this book and all of my otherresources.
My friends and familyhave also been very supportive, especially, Earl Worley, BryceVerhaeghe, Mike Ammons, and my mother-in-law, Susan Ford. Finally,this book would not have been possible or meaningful without thelove, confidence and assistance of Stephanie, Anna, Emma andSophia.
- by Tom V.Morris
- finding your freakfactor
your job is killing you ... freak profile: nellie felipe... deforming beliefs...recovering from our education... negative psychology...self-destruction books... the problem with most people... 7reasons to be different... 7 ways to find your freak factor ... freak profile: mary sailors
- what's yourproblem?
unique... positive ... obsession... natural... strength... weakness... 20questions to help you discover your strengths and weaknesses...freak profile: matthew peters
- apparentweaknesses are strengths in disguise
negativity bias...fundamental attribution error... a love (and hate) story...reframing... freak profile: erika lyremark... the kmartfallacy... the myth of self-control... preserving thetilt
- we succeedbecause of our weaknesses, not in spite of them
disorganization...dyslexia... addiction... insanity... amputation...conviction... limitation... freak profile: allan bacon
- exaggerate yourweaknesses, don't eliminate them
be unreasonable...freak profile: amber osborne... freak profile: joe extreme... be the worst... be obsessed... freakprofile: tom morris... freak profile: nance rosen...outrageous rewards... be strong... be a reject... hatemail... dead leaders... freak profile: roxy allen
- don't try to fitin; find the right fit
the elephant man... asundial in the shade... the rudolph principle... 4 elementsof fit... freak profile: joel rodell... 7 ways to find theright work... freak profile: joseph sherman... career ideasfor freaks
- move out ofsituations that highlight your weaknesses
allergies... permanentprocrastination... be lazy... do less... the stop-doinglist... pruning... saying no... be a quitter
find people whoare strong where you are weak
dont do it yourself ... outsourcing... dirty jobs... symbiosis... imperfectpeople... choose your audience... freak profile: jenniferschuchmann
This is a great bookabout the incredible, outrageous, freakishly wonderful possibilityof being exactly who you are not what someone else may want youto be and using your amazing distinctiveness to find your ownpersonal form of truly satisfying success.
We all have dreams. Butpeople around us often tell us to be more realistic. When theygive us this advice, what they usually mean is that we should buyinto the same assumptions and prejudices about the world that they,and people they know, have absorbed, without sufficient reason.They want us to accept life as they believe it to be, and do moreto fit in. They think that those of us who dream and hope andbelieve in the rich abundance of new possibility are deluded anddisconnected from reality. But it just may be that an atrophy oftheir own sensibilities has limited their thinking to a shrunkenview of reality. Their world may be the emotional size of a postagestamp. But yours need not be at all.
Being properly realisticin our lives and careers doesnt have to mean conforming to theworlds most easily available and ready-made patterns, but rathertrusting our own innate instincts to guide us into whats right forus as the individuals we are. The greatest advice echoing down thecenturies from the ancient world may be the commandment, Knowthyself! This means knowing not only your passions and joys, alongwith your obvious strengths, but your weaknesses as well, andconsidering the possibility that some of those weaknesses mayreally be the keys to hidden strengths that can unlock the doors ofastonishing new adventures.