Conscious Millionaire:
Grow Your Business by Making a Difference
Written By: J V Crum III
Copyright 2014-2015 by James V. (J V ) Crum III
All world rights reserved.
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Conscious Millionaire and Conscious World are Registered Trademarks. First Stage Capitalism , Second Stage Capitalism , Conscious Millionaire Coaching Formula for Creating Wealth , Conscious Focused Action Model , C onscious Millionaire Visualization , Science of Conscious Success , New Wealth Consciousness , Triple Win , C onscious Millionaire Daily Plan , Millionaire Inner Zone , Rapid Belief Change Technique , C onscious Millionaire Business Model , Conscious Millionaire Motivation , and conscious focused action are trademarked terms.
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Publisher: Conscious World Press, LLC
Editor: LinDee Rochelle
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ISBN paperback: 978-0-9767192-2-9
ISBN hard cover: 978-0-9767192-5-0
ISBN e-Book: 978-0-9767192-4-3
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Conscious Millionaire is dedicated to my parents:
My mother, Gwendolyn Randolph Ramage Crum, an educator who inspired me and thousands of others to awaken our potential and achieve at our highest;
My father, James Jim Vivien Crum II, a friend who taught me life values,a leader who constantly gave to others, and a man who was, above all else, a true Southern Gentleman.
A portion of the sales of this book supports the efforts of the non-profit Conscious World Foundation Inc., including its youth leadership trainings and annual global Conscious World Day.
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Making a difference and transforming others has been at the core of my own work as the leader and CEO of the Money and You Program. The purpose of our organization, Excellerated Business Schools for Entrepreneurs, is to Uplift Humanitys Consciousness through Business .
J Vs seminal book is a perfect companion to my work. It is in alignment with what we teach in our Money and You Program. Through his work at the Conscious Millionaire Institute, J V teaches his Triple Win principle: you, others, and society winning together. I feel as if I have found a brother in this man who is one of the transformational leaders of our time.
Like many successful entrepreneurs, J V was not born into wealth. He grew up in a small country town in a family that frequently struggled financially. In his twenties, he made his first million by stepping into a chaos-driven, family trucking company that was bleeding cash and on the edge of bankruptcy. By turning it around, then growing and ultimately selling it, he reaped the reward of his tenacity and insight.
Now you get that same insight and wisdom layered with additional years of building his own businesses and coaching other business owners. Through his book, he is your coach, mentor, and guide on a path that unites creating profits with achieving a higher purpose. J V seamlessly weaves these two motives throughout his book, which is designed to teach both new and seasoned entrepreneurs how to make their chosen difference in our world.
Todays entrepreneurs are no longer willing to compromise by only pursuing profits at the cost of not also having personal fulfillment and doing something they feel matters. There is a whole new generation of socially-minded entrepreneurs coming on line. These are the same entrepreneurs who seek the program we offer at the Excellerated Business Schools and the wisdom offered through Conscious Millionaire.
My mentors were pioneers in the field of transformational business teachings with the added dimension of Social Responsibility. Our mentor, the benevolent Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller, was named one of the Top 100 most influential persons of the 20th century by Time Magazine . He was a great futurist who proved through his work there really is enough to feed everyone on this planet, and that it is our obligation to create a world that works for everyone.
J V is one of the current day visionaries. His book embodies his wisdom, practical knowledge, and cutting edge insights. In it he provides a step-by-step path for entrepreneurs who seek to create change while building wealth.
Each of us has a responsibility to create our financial destinies. Through sound business principles, strategies, and the coaching found in each chapter of this visionary book, J V shows you how. This is a business book that gives the reader the entire range of what he or she needs to become successful in business. It not only provides results-based, bottom line strategies for making money, it also gives insights for how to access the deeper, authentic flow of life and connect with your own visionary consciousness.
Read, study, and apply the Formula for Creating Wealth found in this book. Utilize it to make your financial decisions as you explore the infinite possibilities for how your business can change the lives of others and our world.
Welcome to a wonderful new paradigm. May you and the society in which we all live, prosper and thrive. Enjoy the journey of building your business and making your contribution as a Conscious Millionaire Entrepreneur.
Aloha !
Dame D C Cordova
CEO, Excellerated Business Schools for Entrepreneurs, Money and You Program
Conscious Millionaire is about consciously choosing your destiny and the bigger difference you want to accomplish then becoming empowered to achieve it. In this book, you will discover an evolutionary, conscious approach to growing a business and becoming wealthy. Whether you currently own a business or are a startup, this book is your guide for how to grow a conscious business that combines making money with making a difference.
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