By Paul Sutliff
2015 --Paul Sutliff
ISBN-13: 978-1502890931ISBN-10: 1502890933
This book is the result of encouragement from those involved with the Radio Jihad Network like Kel Fritzi, Gadi Adelman and Vito Espositoand others like Joy Tiz on Blog Talk Radio, and Shannon Joy of WYSL. This book is dedicated to the patriots of Canada and America who workbehind the scenes in small groups like Tea Parties, 912 groups and, Act!For America. These are the heroes of today without which this book couldnever have been written.
Introduction ............................................................... vii
Chapter 1
When I started to write this book it was because some of myreaders had asked about a second book. So I decided to plan this one to cover what I call the real issues most North Americans, do not know.Foremost amongst those issues is the fact we have had a war declared on us and we have not responded!
The first half of the book covers the history of those who havedeclared war on us and the Islamic doctrine of jihad. The second half is about the war being waged against the United States and Canada todaywhile most of us are oblivious. The truth is that this war is secretive, manipulative and very hard to detect. But it could be easy to detect! Itcould be easily exposed! Simple actions on the part of our governmentcould place a huge dent in the attack by this enemy.
Before the claims of prejudice begin let me share more about who I am. I am your average high school teacher. I taught Social Studies to 9th-12th graders in New York State. I am also a man who was taught to breakthings down to understand them fully. I can thank my education at RobertsWesleyan College for that. At Roberts I earned a BA in Religion and Philosophy. It was in the classes in Philosophy I learned about theimportance of breaking beliefs into small segments to really understand what is truly being said. Combine this with my classes on Christian doctrine,that didexactlythat, myeducation on the importanceofunderstanding what you, yourself believe and how you can look at whatothers believe took on an entirely new dimension. This may help youunderstand why I have broken this book up into the chapters you will find inside.
I am a Christian. As a Christian I am to love even my enemies andthose who declare themselves my enemies. Christians are often laughed atfor responding to hate with love. But,if we didnt what would the world look like today?. I am a Protestant Christian, and proud of those who have
viigone before me to fight the good fight that enabled you and me to read theBible on our own without having someone tell us what it says.
I am an educator who believes all my students can learn. I am thankful for what I learned at Nazareth College of Rochester while earning myMSED. Almost allofthe professors wereactually,in practiceprofessionals. They knew what worked and didnt. They gave us theoryand application and spent little time on things books taught that sound nicebut are not true. If anything my time as a graduate student taught me to hone my craft as a writer and created a greater love of research, not because it was required, but sometimes finding out what is said to be trueand what is true, is quite the opposite. One of the first textbooks I was required to read at NAZ which Nazareth College is affectionately called,was rife with the New Age religion and no one knew or questioned it until I came along and wrote a treatise exposing its religious connections to both the Occult and Wicca.
I saw trouble in our government and knew I had to get involvedsomehow. Ifirst started to get involved bybecomingan Election Inspector. That led to becoming a Chairman of a polling site, which led to my being chosen as the Republican Election Coordinator for my district.Each new posting showed me the awesome power of the American people in elections. Each posting showed me the sacredness of the vote, how much it was protected, and how it should always be so.
When I saw a drastic turn in the media towards giving politicalperspectives more than reporting the actual news I became concerned that the sacredness of the vote of Americans was being attacked. But I said nothing. I did nothing. It would not be until I joined a small group of likeminded individuals, the 912 group for Rochester, NY (aka We SurroundRochester) that I truly began to see a larger view on what is happening to this great country. It was also herethat Iwas first alerted to theInternational Institute of Islamic Thought giving $500,000 to NAZ. I knew the name of the group I had heard it before, but I needed to do research toprove what I thought. This led to the creation of my first book, Stealth
Jihad Phase2: Infiltrate American Colleges and my knowledge that people want information quickly. The first book was written short to be used as aresource to reach people who make decisions, because they like things inshort sound bites. They will not even listento a person who cant sum up what is important in under 5 minutes.
This book however, while direct and to the point was NOT written for the persons who make decisions and insist everything be said in 5minutes. It was written for people who truly want to know who hasdeclared war on us the Muslim Brotherhood. It is also written to expose the numerous lies the citizens of America and Canada have been told about Islam from the Muslims themselves. WHAT? Muslims lying about their own religion, you ask? My extensive research into Islam revealed that is part of their belief structure to lie about what they believe to protecttheir faith. This is called taqiyyah. There are five additional terms under Islam that speak to lying to non-Muslims for the purpose of promoting and/or protecting Islam. As an educator, and as an American citizen armed with the knowledge that Islam has six words that allow it to deceive those who do not accept their faith, I can not tell others what Islam says itbelieves. I can only share what it says it believes to fellow Muslims.
Yes, this does mean I do not trust Muslims to tell me the truth about their religion. The pages you are yet to read will provide you with several examples of why I choose not to trust them on this issue. Does nottrusting make me hate? I am a Christian. As a Christian I am to love eventhose who call themselves my enemies. But I am charged with beingwise enough to understand others and, as a teacher am bound by law to share what is truthful. It is unethical to lie to students about history and religion.
It is my hope that as you read this book, you enjoy the knowledgeit gives you and that you feel a duty to share the truths herein.
Paul Sutliff
November 15, 2014ix
Chapter 1Under Attack by anUnknown Enemy
On May 22, 1991 the Muslim Brotherhood in North America, published an Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group. This document would not be discovered by the U.S. government until 13 years later in 2004 and would not be shared with thepublic until 2007.
In 2004 a Maryland Transit Officer observed a woman in a burkataking pictures of the support structure for the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.The officer watched as she got in a car with a man who was driving. Theofficer considered the behavior suspicious and did a standard traffic stop. Ismail Elbrasse, the womans husband, handed his ID to the officer, whoverified the information. A flag came up on Elbrasse as he was wanted bythe FBI for questioning. This event provided enough evidence to get asearch warrant of his house. Federal officers discovered a hidden subbasement with 90 bankers boxes ofdocuments from the MuslimBrotherhood in North America, amongtheseonestoodout