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CSB Study Bible
Copyright 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers
Nashville, Tennessee. All Rights Reserved.
Christian Standard Bible
Copyright 2017
by Holman Bible Publishers.
The text of the Christian Standard Bible may be quoted in any form (written, visual, electronic, or audio) up to and inclusive of one thousand (1,000) verses without the written permission of the publisher, provided that the verses quoted do not account for more than 50 percent of the work in which they are quoted, and provided that a complete book of the Bible is not quoted. Requests for permission are to be directed to and approved in writing by Holman Bible Publishers, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, Tennessee 37234.
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Scripture quotations marked CSB have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible, Copyright 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible and CSB are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard Bible, Copyright 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible and CSB are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.
The interior of CSB Study Bible was designed and typeset using Bible Serif created by 2k/denmark, Hjbjerg, Denmark. Proofreading was provided by Peachtree Editorial Services, Peachtree City, Georgia.
Styles | ISBN |
Hardcover | 978-1-4336-4809-0 |
Hardcover, Indexed | 978-1-4336-4810-6 |
Gray/Black Cloth Over Board | 978-1-4336-4799-4 |
Gray/Black Cloth Over Board, Indexed | 978-1-4336-4800-7 |
Purple LeatherTouch | 978-1-4336-4801-4 |
Purple LeatherTouch, Indexed | 978-1-4336-4802-1 |
Mahogany LeatherTouch | 978-1-4336-4803-8 |
Mahogany LeatherTouch, Indexed | 978-1-4336-4804-5 |
Premium Leather | 978-1-4336-4805-2 |
Premium Leather, Indexed | 978-1-4336-4806-9 |
Black Genuine Leather | 978-1-4336-4807-6 |
Black Genuine Leather, Indexed | 978-1-4336-4808-3 |
Black Deluxe LeatherTouch | 978-1-4336-4952-3 |
Black Deluxe LeatherTouch, Indexed | 978-1-4336-4953-0 |
Printed in China
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Christianity claims to tell the true story of the whole world. Scripture reveals a grand narrative, one that explains the foundational questions of life: where we came from, who we are, what has gone wrong in our world, what the solution is, and where we are going. In these sixty-six writings, the contours of this authoritative and truthful story come into perspective.
In the beginning, the all-powerful, personal God created the universe. This God created human beings in his image to live joyfully in his presence, in humble submission to his gracious authority.
But all of us have rebelled against God and, in consequence, must suffer the punishment of our rebellion: physical death and the wrath of God.
Thankfully, God initiated a rescue plan, which began with his choosing the nation of Israel to display his glory in a fallen world. The Bible describes how God acted mightily on Israels behalf, rescuing his people from slavery and then giving them his holy law. But Gods peoplelike all of usfailed to rightly reflect the glory of God. Then, in the fullness of time, in the Person of Jesus Christ, God himself came to renew the world and restore his people. Jesus perfectly obeyed the law given to Israel. Though innocent, he suffered the consequences of human rebellion by his death on a cross. But three days later, God raised him from the dead. Now the church of Jesus Christ has been commissioned by God to take the news of Christs work to the world. Empowered by Gods Spirit, the church calls all people everywhere to repent of sin and to trust in Christ alone for forgiveness. Repentance and faith restores our relationship with God and results in a life of ongoing transformation.
The Bible promises that Jesus Christ will return to this earth as the conquering King. Only those who live in repentant faith in Christ will escape Gods judgment and live joyfully in Gods presence for all eternity. Gods message is the same to all of us: repent and believe, before it is too late. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, and you will be saved.
Learning how to interpret the Scriptures correctly isnt a hobby for church leaders and seminary students. Its a vitally important part of the Christian life for every believer. Relationships rise and fall with communication, and God has chosen to communicate his plan of redemption, his purposes for us, and his promise of resurrection through the Biblehis inspired Word. We cant hear from God if were not listening to his words.
The CSB Study Bible represents the work of more than a hundred scholars who have devoted their lives to living and teaching the truths of Scripture. They come from different denominations and diverse backgrounds. The contributors reflect a broad sampling of evangelical scholars whose ministries are based at seminaries, colleges, and churches. They have sought a balanced approach on controversial issues, and each note and essay has been pored over by a team of theological editors.
The goal of each tool in this study Biblewhether study notes, essays, book introductions, maps, or chartsis to serve the text of Scripture by bringing to light facts that aid comprehension. As servants to the text, the study tools are designed to keep the focus on Scripture and never on the tools themselves. We should never approach the Bible as hobbyists trying to master a book, but as worshipers seeking to hear from our Master, our God who is gracious to speak to us. For this reason, the text of Scripture is never positioned beneath a study tool. The uppermost feature on any given page is the text of Scripture itself.
The goal of this study Bible is to provide you with tools for engaging Gods Word on a deeper level, so that you experience life transformation and true knowledge of God. We pray the study helps in this Bible will draw you deeper into the inspired Word of God that continues to speak to us today. May all who use this Bible hear the voice of Christ and faithfully follow him as King!
Trevin K. Wax
General Editor
The CSB was undertaken as a translation that strongly supports Bible study. In the CSB Study Bible, the Scripture is primary. All features and tools are designed to help you understand the Scripture and be transformed by it.
Two kinds of CSB notes enable you to see for yourself how the translation was derived. When translators do their work, they begin with several possible translations that reflect the original language.
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