The Sirian Revelations
Vol. 1: The Cosmos of Soul: A Wake-Up Call for Humanity
Vol. 2: Atlantis Rising: The Struggle of Darkness and Light
Vol. 3: No More Secrets, No More Lies: A Handbook to Starseed Awakening
The Starseed Dialogues: Soul Searching the Universe
The Starseed Awakening (Audio CD)
Where Pharaohs Dwell: One Mystics Journey Through the Gates of Immortality
To those who have the vision
to think outside the box,
Beyond the Matrix,
and the courage to speak their truth
The Matrix is opaque and dissonant, like neon in fog.
Cluttered with the filler materials of our lives, it weighs us down in the density, clipping our wings, holding us captive in its web.
The Matrix is limited and confining, painting us into its grids of sameness: masked bandits in a hall of mirrors.
Loud and cacophonous, the Matrix tears at our inner and outer worlds with the noise of chaotic frenzy banging the drum, sounding the horn.
It is the superfluous impulse of demand and desire, the prison of those who cannot see the light.
Dark and determined, the Matrix exists to enclose our minds in a cage, in a cube, in a box, in a cornercrouched in cells of our own making, where fear is the gatekeeper and trust is but a memory.
Beyond the Matrix is the Light.
It is clear; it is pure; it is the unchained melody.
It is the breeze upon which souls take flight.
It is the day, the eternal warmth of the sun.
It is the wonder of a cool, moonlit night.
It is a place of truth: the search, the Wisdom; a cosmic dance; the magic kingdom.
Beyond the Matrix lies the hope and the dream;
it is the dream that keeps us alive. It is the dream. The dream. The dream.
Introduction: Renaissance Resonance
Patricia Cori
The Physics of the Impossible
Dr. Michio Kaku
Where Science and Spirit Merge
MaAnna Stephenson
Savikalpa Samadhi
Dr. Edgar Mitchell
The Extraterrestrial Reality
Stanton T. Friedman
Roswell: The Truth Behind the Myth
Thomas J. Carey
Disclosure Now!
Stephen Bassett
The Crop Circle Enigma
Andy Thomas
The Spiritual Brain
Dr. Mario Beauregard
The Giza Power Plant
Christopher Dunn
The Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt
Edward Malkowski
Jos Argelles and the Galactic Maya
Stephanie South
The End of Time
Drunvalo Melchizedek
The Secrets of the Crystal Skulls
Stephen Mehler
The Cure
Jim Humble
The End of Money
Thomas H. Greco Jr.
Animal Activism
Mark Hawthorne
The Hour of the Dolphins and Whales
Hardy Jones
Renaissance Resonance
Patricia CoriI have often wondered what it must have been like, in the time of the great Renaissance. Humanity, dispirited and exhausted from centuries of violence, disease, famine, and suffering, broke through the chrysalis and began to take wing. Slowly at first, signs of a new consciousnessa vision of the potential of humankindemerged from among the privileged classes, where people could dream and dare (within the boundaries dictated by religious and royal authorities) to express their search for the nobility in all human experience.
Soon, societies at many points of the world began to experience changea rapid shift, without precedents. The influence of art, literature, and the expanding possibilities of the new sciences extended its reach across the oceans, into the townships and citiesand a new vision brought light streaming back to a world of darkness: the Dark Ages. It breathed life back into the studies of philosophy, ancient civilizations, sacred mysteriesall fields of exploration upon which the minds of the awakening feed and are nourished.
We, the generations who walk Planet Earth in this, the beginning of the twenty-first century, are the privileged: not because we belong to the wealthy or noble classes, but because we are here. Right now. We, too, are experiencing a Renaissancemany octaves higheras we prepare to become fully aware residents of what we are learning is an infinite multiverse, filled with countless species and unlimited populations of sentient, intelligent beings.
We, too, are emerging from a time of relative darkness and destruction in our societies. For all our technology and achievements, the human condition, by and large, is still weighed down in suffering and discontent. We still have the privileged, the absolute minority on this vast Earth, and the struggling majority. Violence rages out of control at every corner, as that animal within human beings continues to seek power through greed, feeding its blood lust. The one unique difference between us and the predatory animals of our world is thatwestill kill for the sheer pleasure of the kill. And yet, we are supposedly the ones with the great intellect the highest on the chain of evolution on our planet.
In the Dark Ages of our contemporary world, diseases that we never even imagined rage, from continent to continent, forever threatening our very existence. And people are starvingthats rightstarving in the years we believe reflect civilization at its technological apex.
At first glance, it certainly doesnt appear that we are entering an Age of Enlightenment!
Many look out upon fields of war and see nothing but futility and hopelessness. Others gaze into the glare of the controlled media, resigning themselves to the failure of our species, believing there is simply no hope for humanity or the planet itself. The doomsday soothsayers are having a proverbial field day. They believe we are reliving Sodom and Gomorrah, and that the prophecies, which speak to the ultimate destruction of the very seed of life, are upon us: the final solutionArmageddon.
And yet
Despite the mindless corruption of our modern-day figures of authority (whether elected or imposed on us), despite the hackneyed dictates of religions and cultures, despite the Earth Changes themselves, there is a miracle taking place, right in front of our eyes just as it is being birthed within uswithin every cell of our beings.
There is a rebirth of that far-reaching vision of our ancestors. The battle between logic and intuition is beginning to evolve into a new paradigma new sciencemerging with spirit. As we neutralize the duality of our very existence (as living beings in the material realm of physical space), refining the vibratory signatures of our own organisms and their imprint upon the fields of the living, we are finally recognizing how all things exist as aspects of each other. All is One in the Cosmos. All is divinely, exquisitely, harmonious when we take ourselves to the frequencies of the Higher Self. We, conscious units of that totality, are free to determine how we will play our music in the symphony of lifeat every turn