A Life Without Fear
First published in 2019 by
Panoma Press Ltd
48 St Vincent Drive, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5SJ, UK
Book layout by Neil Coe.
Printed on acid-free paper from managed forests.
ISBN 978-1-784524-21-0
The right of Garry Jones to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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Copyright 2019 Garry Jones
The first time I met Garry he made a huge impression on me but not as much as his wife. His wife is a wonderful person but that is not what attracted my attention. It was the giant daffodil costume which mesmerised me!
I knew Garry had special qualities but I began to see him in a very different light. Anybody who can persuade his wife to wear a huge daffodil costume in public must also have massive persuasion and influence skills.
Five years later I know this to be true as I have watched his career develop. He does not change his clients, he transforms them, and takes their performance to a much higher level than they thought possible. This is why I was thrilled and honoured to be asked to write a review of his book A Life Without Fear, so here goes.
This book will appeal to anybody who believes they are capable of achieving more than they have done so far in life. At its simplest level it is a compelling read of how one man has taken on the world and knows at first hand triumph, tragedy and inspiration. Garry honed his skills in the corporate world and also as a martial arts instructor with his own gym.
Garry knows how to develop himself and others. So if you want to understand how your mind works this book is for you. If you want to learn how to gain more control of your emotions and banish negative thoughts such as fear, anxiety and loss of confidence he describes elegant techniques that will definitely help you.
If you want to understand why so many successful people have studied Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Garry will take you on a journey and show you the techniques that really work in the real world.
Garry makes it very clear from the start of his book that he does not take any prisoners. You will read this book his way and follow his exercises, and you will learn. You do not have choices, which makes life a lot simpler. It is very likely that you will read this book to the end because you will know there are things here that can be priceless in understanding yourself, understanding other people, and attracting more health, wealth and happiness into your life.
The structure of the book is simple enough. You will follow his A.B.C. His key message is:
Accept nothing
Believe nothing
Check everything
We live in a world of confusion, ambiguity and fake news. We all need this book more now than ever before. It is increasingly difficult to differentiate between truth and fiction but Garry will be your guide.
Trust him. This guy knows his business and gives a lot to all who work with him. Good luck and enjoy the ride!
Dr Stephen Simpson MB ChB MFOM MBA
Doctor/Elite Performance Coach/Hypnotherapist/
Inspirational Speaker/Author/Actor
My deepest appreciation is owed to many people. I shall name a few, and I apologise to the many whom I might omit, only due to space considerations.
First and foremost, to my wife, Kate Thomas, who has believed in me and supported me in my commitments to coaching and martial arts. Without her sacrifices, I would not be talking to you now.
To my daughter, Hazel Kayleigh Jones. You were born in amazing and wonderful circumstances. You continue to provide me with wonder every day of my life, and now you have gifted me Ethan, my grandson (and maybe more!).
Eluned, my stepdaughter I treat you as my own because that is how it feels.
To Saffron and Antony weve shared so many memories, both in the sea and out of it.
To those who I fostered and who remain nameless. We did our best within a broken system.
In my life journey there have been key players I wish to acknowledge:
Dr Richard Bandler, co-creator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming; his passion and genius have made it possible for me to approach life in a completely different way. I acknowledge this genius of his within this book. You asked me to shine and I am shining now.
Bernardo Mayo, Chief Inspirational Officer and Owner of NLP Life Training. He has offered me huge opportunities in life, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Dr Stephen Simpson. The Universe has a hand in shaping the people you meet. A chance meeting sitting by him at a seminar of Paul McKennas started a process of change in my life.
Dr Aleksander Sinigoj. True friend. Amazing coach. Always laughter when we meet.
Geoff Rolls for being a brilliant coach. He was there when I needed his excellent skills. We all need good coaches!
Stewart Pearce, famous voice coach. The best retreat experience I have had took place in Egypt. You certainly helped me find my true signature note.
Julian Daley for being a co-creator of many ideas and inspirations.
Mike Edwards, the hardest boss I have ever had in the corporate world. Drove me to distraction at times. Best friend ever.
Marilyn Devonish, you star! You unlocked some of my own restrictions. You are on your own journey to superstardom.
Sandy Jadeja. Financial wizard who revealed to me the arts of trading, that all is in the sacred numbers, and spirit is at the core of bigger plans.
Marie Diamond, for being my true spiritual coach.
Then, a host of further influences:
- John and Kathleen La Valle
- Mark Hayley
- Kevin Dutton PhD
- Michael Neil
- Professor Richard Wiseman
- Jonathan Goldman
- Esther and Jerry Hicks
- James Gleick
- Douglas Vermeeren
- Sammy Blindell
My brother, sister, Mum and Dad
All my clients and students of Muay Thai boxing
The largest amount of gratitude has to go out to those I learned the most from, and thanks to those from whom I found the motivation to do something with my life:
- The ones who put me down, put obstacles in my way, ridiculed, belittled, stabbed me in the back, fought me in the streets and in the competition arena; you are my greatest asset. Our foes are the greatest assets to us once we realise they are nothing but a reflection of our own self.
Only a few of us truly follow our calling. You allow life to get in the way of living your purpose. I have my own vision of enlightening more than 500 million people in the world. My involvement in the film