A Journey through
Cosmic Consciousness
Wes Jamroz
Troubadour Publications
A Journey through Cosmic Consciousness
Editing: Dominique Hugon, Patrick Barnard
Cover illustration: Sandra Viscuso (sandraviscuso.com)
Copyright 2019 by Troubadour Publications. All rights reserved.
No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of Troubadour Publications.
Montreal, QC, Canada
ISBN: 978-1-928060-12-3
A Note on quoted Texts
The Biblical quotes are from The Holy Bible (Chancellor Press, London, 1981).
The quotes from The Gospel of Thomas are from a revised and updated edition by Marvin Meyer (Harper One, New York, 1992).
The Koranic quotes are from The Holy Quran, translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali (Wordsworth Editions Limited, Ware, Hertfordshire, 2000).
The extracts from Rumis Mathnawi are adapted by the author from Reynold A. Nicholsons translation The Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi (E.J. W. Gibb Memorial, Cambridge, 1960).
The quotations from Shakespeares plays and sonnets are from The Riverside Shakespeare-Second Edition (Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1997). Punctuation in the quotes from the plays was adjusted according to the original version of The First Folio of Shakespeare (W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 1996).
Table of Contents
Observer, Observed, and the Act of Observation
There are two modes of knowledge, through argument and experience. Argument brings conclusions and compels us to concede them, but it does not cause certainty nor remove doubts in order that the mind may remain at rest in truth, unless this is provided by experience.
( Roger Bacon )
In recent years the subject of consciousness has become part of science. It has been suggested that consciousness is more fundamental than any known physical phenomenon.
Progress in the understanding of consciousness has been made through the development of quantum theory. In this theory, the nature of consciousness is treated as a field phenomenon, an analogue to the quantum field. Consequently, this field is characterized by the generalized principles described by quantum physics. These principles indicate that everything in the physical world is somewhat connected. The interconnectedness of everything is clearly demonstrated in the non-local interactions of the quantum universe, where objects seem to instantaneously know about each others state, even when separated by large distances.
Quantum theory implies that objects are superpositions of entities whose underlying structure is wave-like. Therefore, they may be represented by a wavefunction. The wavefunction of a system collapses under observation, i.e., a wave is transformed into an object. Consequently, quantum theory assigns a fundamental role to the act of observation. This theory has opened the door to a new vision of the Universe where observer, observed, and the act of observation are interlocked. The fact that the wavefunction of a system collapses under observation indicates that there is an interaction between consciousness and matter. It is this feature that led to a belief that consciousness and matter are two complementary aspects of one reality.
This would mean that consciousness constitutes a primordial quantum field that consists of, among other things, a set of ideas and concepts. These ideas and concepts are capable of turning into substance. Substance is manifested as the Universe and the human race. Humans, through their efforts, are capable of performing the function of a conscious observer. Their act of observation results in the collapse and localization of the field of consciousness. The localization leads to the appearance of matter. Mankind is the highest product of that matter. Humans have self-awareness to contemplate their own origins. This contemplation leads to a growth of consciousness. In this way, the loop of this self-consistency seems to be closed.
Furthermore, it is assumed that consciousness is primary in the Universe. It is considered to be the source of reality; a reality that is self-efficient, capable of engendering complex systems on the micro and macro scale, self-regulating and holistic. Nothing can exist outside its influence. And, ultimately, it must also be present within the Universe. It is with respect to this aspect that, according to science, consciousness role is different from that of an overseer, i.e., the role assigned by conventional religions to God or gods.
On the other hand, our sense of reality is different from its mathematical models as proposed by quantum theory. Instead, our daily experiences are perceived as local and classical. It has been suggested, therefore, that this difference in the nature of perceived reality is due to the principle of veiled non-locality.
Despite this explanation, the issues related to consciousness still remain the most difficult problem for science. There are still many fundamental questions that need to be addressed and answers to them seem to be beyond the grasp of known scientific models. It is hoped, however, that the combined efforts of quantum physics, biology, cosmology and neuroscience will allow to determine in scientific terms what role consciousness plays in the Universe.
There is another approach that may greatly accelerate the development of our understanding of consciousness and its role in the Universe and in human life. First, however, lets examine the framework within which modern science operates.
Contrary to a widely accepted view, science is based on belief. The main driving force of science is the belief that there is no need for outside intervention. Consequently, scientific efforts are now focussed on a theory in which the Universe would be completely self-contained, having no boundaries or edge, and would have neither beginning nor end. There is no need for any sort of creator. In other words, science aims at un-creating the source of creation.
Science believes that the Universe and human life may be explained by a single theory based on advanced mathematics. Furthermore, it is believed that the ultimate mathematical model has to be aesthetically satisfying. This is why scientific models and theories are initially put forward for aesthetic reasons. It is quite interesting that an aspect of beauty plays such an important role in science. Somehow, the simplicity of mathematical formulas which contain an incredible intellectual richness is strongly attractive just like a piece of profound art. Formulated in the 19 th century, Maxwells equations may serve as a good example of such an art:
E = 0
B = 0
These few doodle-like symbols contain the entire knowledge of classical electro-magnetism. Neither a painting nor a sculpture is capable to express the depth of intellectual richness that is contained in these few graphical symbols. Of course, one would have to learn the meaning of these symbols and be familiar with the rules of their operation to fully appreciate the secret knowledge that is hidden in them. For a person who is not familiar with this specific art, these doodles have neither meaning nor importance.
Before suggesting an aesthetically pleasing model, scientists make a series of assumptions and approximations. These assumptions and approximations are then adjusted to fit into a set of available experimental data. Usually, these models last for a while, till the development of more and more precise instrumentation leads to new data. Then, the models are corrected, adjusted, some new constants are introduced and a new model is worked out. And so on and so forth.