Religion of many gods, many idols, many births
Decoding Islam
Copyright 2018 by Agniveer
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First Edition: June 2018
Religion of many gods, many idols, many births
Other Books By Author
Children of India or Slaves of Arabs
Forbidden Tales of Harem and Butchery
How to prevent the next terror attack
Stories from buried history
This book is dedicated to the phenomenal social reformer Swami Dayanand Saraswati who started the trend of critically analyzing religions on the touchstone of reason, instead of embracing every blind claim as a claim of Divine.
Modern Islam is a religion of most blatant contradictions.
Islam means Peace, they say. But almost every terrorist today claims to be a soldier of Islam.
Islam means equality, they say. But the regions of highest gender discrimination today are dominated by Muslims.
Islam is the religion of reason, they say. But Muslim world hardly produces a scientist. One Nobel Prize winner Dr Abdus Salam of Pakistan had Muslim removed from his gravestone after a court order declaring he was fake Muslim!
Islam means humility, they say. But you would find no book more arrogant than translations of Islamic scriptures, and no word more hateful than speeches of Islamic preachers today. For they brutally threaten all non-Muslims to a never-ending Hell of unimaginable tortures, all for one crime they refused to become Muslim!
This dichotomy is baffling. There can be only one of the two explanations for this.
One, Islam is not what it claims to be. It is not peaceful, not equal, not logical, not humble. It is violent, unequal, illogical, dangerous.
Two, real Islam is completely different from what modern Islamic propaganda wants us to believe. We, including Muslims, are being injected with fake Islam that is the antithesis of what it is supposed to be.
This second explanation seems more likely given the bloody history of events that led to the propagation of this modern Islam. Consider this, the founder of Islam died an unnatural death. Any probe in his death was disallowed by those who took reins of Islam after his death. All his close followers were killing each other after his death. Most Quranic revelations came when Prophet was with his beloved wife, Aisha, they say. Yet, Aisha had brutal fights with Ali the most trusted follower and son-in-law of Prophet. They say Ali had to kill her eventually. And then Ali, as well as grandsons of Prophet, were brutally murdered.
They say, when they decided to finally put Quran in form of a book twenty years after the death of Prophet, they faced a weird challenge. There were innumerable versions of Quran floating around. Caliph Uthman formed a committee to choose one Quran as original, and kill all who were propagating other Qurans. Uthman was killed soon after and even this first Quran was lost forever. Today, there is no method to ascertain if current Quran is real Quran.
To expect such murderers uneducated and constantly at war to have preserved a spiritual text is akin to expecting jackals to preserve the life of a baby sheep.
But we would real Islam look like. Is all lost? This book presents a process of elimination to discard those aspects of Islam that are considered the core of Islam, yet have little validation power to be accepted as part of real Islam.
Islam, they say, is all about One and only One Allah. It is the only revelation of Allah and everything else is false. It has no notion of rebirth like Hindus. It is the most practical religion. Really?
The book analyzes each of these assertions (and many more) to eliminate all the chaff so that the core core is evident.
This is a book of research. No claim is made about original Islam or its founders. Their legacy is lost forever in the mayhem that started with the death of Prophet. All this book does is to put existing beliefs and scriptural references that back it on a scale of reason and find what weighs more.
I hope this book helps towards uniting all humans towards their genuine common foundation being Human, being Manushya as Vedas assert.
Vashi Sharma
New Delhi
This book, decoding Islam, is based on the translations and commentaries of Islamic texts like Quran, Hadiths etc. as published by all major Islamic publishing sources. These are the publicly available translations that are used for promotion of Islam by prominent representatives.
We, however, believe that most of these texts have been wrongly translated, misinterpreted, misquoted or even have been tampered with and interpolated to suit the selfish designs of proponents of Islam after Muhammad. Thus, we believe that original Islam and original Quran of Muhammad is totally different from what has been propagated by his namesake followers in name of Islam. There are few minority groups in Muslims whose scholars subscribe to our views and interpret/translate Islamic texts differently or even refuse to consider the available Quran and Hadiths as authentic. But these scholars themselves are considered Kafirs and are condemned by ruling elite of Islam. Thus, when we refer to Islam, we actually imply these ruling elites of Islam and not Muslims or all Islamic scholars in general.
Wherever we critically evaluate Muhammad, we imply the fictitious Muhammad propagated by these false texts or their wrong translations and not the original Muhammad. We have high regard for original Muhammad who stood for non-violence and tolerance. Similarly, when we analyze Islamic texts, we refer to these questionable translations/versions and NOT original texts.
Further, we have a sense of the highest level of brotherhood for Muslims in general. Wherever we use the word Muslim in a critical manner, it refers to false representatives of Islam and not Muslims in general. Readers are requested to keep this in mind to understand the correct perspective of the book.
Nowhere should they assume the words like Islam, Quran, Prophet etc. to be referring to original noble entities, unless it has been referred in a positive light. We restrict ourselves only to notions prevalent in minds of fanatics and those without reason.
Chapter One
There is Only One God in Islam
auheed means Oneness of God in Arabic, and as seen, is constituted by two terms- Oneness and God. It is claimed to be one of the five pillars of Islam. What is so special in the Tauheed of Islam which makes it unique of its kind? Does the speciality lie with Oneness or with God?
Lets work out which one of these two carry more gravity and why! Oneness in itself carries no weight simply because there are many entities which are One.
For everyone, mother is one and father is also one. For the believers of Christianity and Islam, Satan is also one! But mere oneness of Satan or anyone else does not make him worthy of being worshipped. It is clear that the beauty of Tauheed lies somewhere in God itself. For every theist (at least believers of Vedas, Bible, and Islam), One supreme entity, which is
beyond the physical boundaries,
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